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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package net.multiphasicapps.classfile;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * This class is used to parse the stack map and initialize the initial
 * snapshot states for jump targets within the method.
 * @since 2017/04/16
final class __StackMapParser__
    /** The stream to decode from. */
    protected final DataInputStream in;
    /** The number of stack entries. */
    protected final int maxstack;
    /** The number of local entries. */
    protected final int maxlocals;
    /** The method byte code. */
    protected final ByteCode code;
    /** Constant pool. */
    protected final Pool pool;
    /** This type. */
    protected final JavaType thistype;
    /** Verification targets. */
    private final Map<Integer, StackMapTableState> _targets;
    /** The next stack state. */
    private final StackMapTableEntry[] _nextstack;
    /** The next local variable state. */
    private final StackMapTableEntry[] _nextlocals;
    /** The placement address. */
    private int _placeaddr;
    /** The top of the stack. */
    private int _stacktop;
     * Initializes the stack map parser.
     * @param __p The constant pool.
     * @param __m The method this code exists within.
     * @param __new Should the new stack map table format be used?
     * @param __in The data for the stack map table.
     * @param __bc The owning byte code.
     * @param __tt This type.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the stack map table is not
     * valid.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/04/16
    __StackMapParser__(Pool __p, Method __m, boolean __new, byte[] __in,
        ByteCode __bc, JavaType __tt)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__p == null || __m == null || __in == null || __bc == null ||
            __tt == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Set
        DataInputStream xin;
        this.in = (xin = new DataInputStream(
            new ByteArrayInputStream(__in)));
        int maxstack = __bc.maxStack(),
            maxlocals = __bc.maxLocals();
        this.maxstack = maxstack;
        this.maxlocals = maxlocals;
        this.code = __bc;
        this.pool = __p;
        this.thistype = __tt;
        // This is used to set which variables appear next before a state is
        // constructed with them
        StackMapTableEntry[] nextstack, nextlocals;
        this._nextstack = (nextstack = new StackMapTableEntry[maxstack]);
        this._nextlocals = (nextlocals = new StackMapTableEntry[maxlocals]);
        // Setup initial state
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC43 The arguments that are required for the
        given method exceeds the maximum number of permitted local
        variables. (The method in question; The required number of local
        variables; The maximum number of local variables)} */
        MethodHandle handle = __m.handle();
        boolean isinstance = !__m.flags().isStatic();
        JavaType[] jis = handle.javaStack(isinstance);
        int jn = jis.length;
        if (jn > maxlocals)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC43 %s %d %d", handle, jn, maxlocals));
        // Setup entries
        // If this is an instance initializer method then only the first
        // argument is not initialized
        boolean isiinit = isinstance && __m.name().isInstanceInitializer();
        for (int i = 0; i < jn; i++)
            nextlocals[i] = new StackMapTableEntry(jis[i],
                (!isiinit || (i != 0)));
        // Initialize entries with nothing
        for (int i = 0, n = nextstack.length; i < n; i++)
            if (nextstack[i] == null)
                nextstack[i] = StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING;
        for (int i = 0, n = nextlocals.length; i < n; i++)
            if (nextlocals[i] == null)
                nextlocals[i] = StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING;
        // Where states go
        Map<Integer, StackMapTableState> targets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        this._targets = targets;
        // Record state
        this.__next(0, true, -1, -1);
        // Parse the stack map table
        try (DataInputStream in = xin)
            // Parsing the class stack map table
            if (!__new)
                // Read the number of entries in the table
                int ne = xin.readUnsignedShort();
                // All entries in the table are full frames
                for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++)
                    this.__next(this.__oldStyle(), true, -1, i);
            // The modern stack map table
                // Read the number of entries in the table
                int ne = xin.readUnsignedShort();
                // Read them all
                for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++)
                    // Read the frame type
                    int type = xin.readUnsignedByte();
                    int addr;
                    // Full frame?
                    if (type == 255)
                        addr = this.__fullFrame();
                    // Same frame?
                    else if (type >= 0 && type <= 63)
                        addr = this.__sameFrame(type);
                    // Same locals but a single stack item
                    else if (type >= 64 && type <= 127)
                        addr = this.__sameLocalsSingleStack(type - 64);
                    // Same locals, single stack item, explicit delta
                    else if (type == 247)
                        addr = this.__sameLocalsSingleStackExplicit();
                    // Chopped frame
                    else if (type >= 248 && type <= 250)
                        addr = this.__choppedFrame(251 - type);
                    // Same frame but with a supplied delta
                    else if (type == 251)
                        addr = this.__sameFrameDelta();
                    // Appended frame
                    else if (type >= 252 && type <= 254)
                        addr = this.__appendFrame(type - 251);
                    /* {@squirreljme.error JC44 Unknown StackMapTable
                    verification type. (The verification type)} */
                        throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                            String.format("JC44 %d", type));
                    // Setup next
                    this.__next(addr, false, type, i);
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC45 Failed to parse the stack map table.} */
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException("JC45", e);
     * Returns the stack map table.
     * @return The parsed stack map table.
     * @since 2017/10/16
    public StackMapTable get()
        return new StackMapTable(this._targets);
     * Append extra locals to the frame and clear the stack.
     * @param __addlocs The number of local variables to add.
     * @return The address offset.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __appendFrame(int __addlocs)
        throws IOException
        // Get the atom to use
        DataInputStream in = this.in;
        int rv = in.readUnsignedShort();
        // Stack is cleared
        this._stacktop = 0;
        // Read in local variables
        StackMapTableEntry[] nextlocals = this._nextlocals;
        int n = this.maxlocals;
        for (int i = 0; __addlocs > 0 && i < n; i++)
            // Get slot here
            StackMapTableEntry s = nextlocals[i];
            // If it is not empty, ignore it
            if (!s.equals(StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING))
            // Set it
            StackMapTableEntry aa;
            nextlocals[i] = (aa = this.__loadInfo());
            // If a wide element was added, then the next one becomes TOP
            if (aa.isWide())
                nextlocals[++i] = aa.topType();
        // Error if added stuff remains
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC46 Appending local variables to the frame
        however there is no room to place them. (The remaining local count)} */
        if (__addlocs != 0)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC46 %d", __addlocs));
        return rv;
     * Similar frame with no stack and the top few locals removed.
     * @param __chops The number of variables which get chopped.
     * @return The address offset.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __choppedFrame(int __chops)
        throws IOException
        // Get the atom to use
        DataInputStream in = this.in;
        int rv = in.readUnsignedShort();
        // No stack
        this._stacktop = 0;
        // Chop off some locals
        StackMapTableEntry[] nextlocals = this._nextlocals;
        int i, n = this.maxlocals;
        for (i = n - 1; __chops > 0 && i >= 0; i--)
            // Get slot here
            StackMapTableEntry s = nextlocals[i];
            // If it is empty, ignore it
            if (s.equals(StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING))
            // Clear top off, but only if it is not an undefined top
            if (s.isTop() && !s.equals(StackMapTableEntry.TOP_UNDEFINED))
                nextlocals[i--] = StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING;
            // Clear it
            nextlocals[i] = StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING;
        // Still chops left?
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC47 Could not chop off all local variables
        because there are no variables remaining to be chopped. (The
        remaining variables to remove)} */
        if (__chops != 0)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC47 %d", __chops));
        return rv;
     * This reads and parses the full stack frame.
     * @return The address offset.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __fullFrame()
        throws IOException
        // Get the atom to use
        DataInputStream in = this.in;
        int rv = in.readUnsignedShort();
        // Read in local variables
        int nl = in.readUnsignedShort();
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC48 The number of specified local variables in
        the full frame exceeds the maximum permitted local variable
        count. (The read local variable count; The number of locals the
        method uses)} */
        int maxlocals = this.maxlocals,
            maxstack = this.maxstack;
        if (nl > maxlocals)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC48 %d %d", nl, maxlocals));
        int i, o;
        StackMapTableEntry[] nextlocals = this._nextlocals;
        for (i = 0, o = 0; i < nl; i++)
            StackMapTableEntry e;
            nextlocals[o++] = (e = this.__loadInfo());
            // Add top?
            if (e.isWide())
                nextlocals[o++] = e.topType();
        for (;o < maxlocals; o++)
            nextlocals[o] = StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING;
        // Read in stack variables
        StackMapTableEntry[] nextstack = this._nextstack;
        int ns = in.readUnsignedShort();
        for (i = 0, o = 0; i < ns; i++)
            StackMapTableEntry e;
            nextstack[o++] = (e = this.__loadInfo());
            // Add top?
            if (e.isWide())
                nextstack[o++] = e.topType();
        this._stacktop = o;
        return rv;
     * Loads type information for the stack.
     * @return The type which was parsed.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private StackMapTableEntry __loadInfo()
        throws IOException
        // Read the tag
        DataInputStream in = this.in;
        int tag = in.readUnsignedByte();
        // Depends on the tag
        switch (tag)
                // Top
            case 0:
                return StackMapTableEntry.TOP_UNDEFINED;
                // Integer
            case 1:
                return StackMapTableEntry.INTEGER;
                // Float
            case 2:
                return StackMapTableEntry.FLOAT;
                // Double
            case 3:
                return StackMapTableEntry.DOUBLE;
                // Long
            case 4:
                return StackMapTableEntry.LONG;
                // Nothing
            case 5:
                return StackMapTableEntry.NOTHING;
                // Uninitialized this
            case 6:
                return new StackMapTableEntry(this.thistype, false);
                // Initialized object
            case 7:
                return new StackMapTableEntry(new JavaType(
                    in.readUnsignedShort()).field()), true);
                // Uninitialized variable for a new instruction, the pc points
                // to the new instruction so the class must be read from
                // that instruction to determine the type of that actual
                // object
            case 8:
                return new StackMapTableEntry(new JavaType(this.pool.
                    <ClassName>get(ClassName.class, this.code.
                    readRawCodeUnsignedShort(in.readUnsignedShort() + 1))),
                // Unknown
                /* {@squirreljme.error JC49 The verification tag in the
                StackMap/StackMapTable attribute is not valid. (The tag)} */
                throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                    String.format("JC49 %d", tag));
     * Initializes the next state.
     * @param __au The address offset.
     * @param __abs Absolute position?
     * @param __type The type of entry that was just handled, this is for
     * debug purposes.
     * @param __ne The entry number of this index.
     * @return The state for the next address.
     * @since 2016/05/20
    StackMapTableState __next(int __au, boolean __abs, int __type, int __ne)
        // Where are we?
        int naddr = this._placeaddr;
        // Generate it
        StackMapTableState rv;
            rv = new StackMapTableState(this._nextlocals,
                this._nextstack, this._stacktop);
        catch (InvalidClassFormatException e)
            /* {@squirreljme.error JC4a Invalid stack map table at the
            specified address. (The address offset; Is the address offset
            absolute?; The placement address; The type of entry which
            was just handled, -1 means it was old-style or initial state.)} */
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(String.format(
                "JC4a %d %b %d %d", __au, __abs, naddr, __type), e);
        // Set new placement address, the first is always absolute
        int pp = (__abs ? __au :
            naddr + (__au + (__ne == 0 ? 0 : 1)));
        this._placeaddr = pp;
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC4b A duplicate stack map information for the
        specified address has already been loaded. (The address; The
        already existing information; The information to be placed there;
        Absolute address?; Current address of parse; The address offset;
        The parsed type)} */
        // Note that the first instruction if it is a jump target may have an
        // explicit state even if it one is always defined implicitly, so
        // just ignore it
        Map<Integer, StackMapTableState> targets = this._targets;
        if (pp != 0 && targets.containsKey(pp))
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                "JC4b %d %s %s %b %d %d %d",
                pp, targets.get(pp), rv, __abs, naddr, __au, __type));
        targets.put(pp, rv);
        // Debug
        /*Debugging.debugNote("Read state @%d: %s%n", pp, rv);*/
        // The stored state
        return rv;
     * Reads in an old style full frame.
     * @return The address information.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __oldStyle()
        throws IOException
        // Get the atom to use
        DataInputStream in = this.in;
        int rv = in.readUnsignedShort();
        // Read in local variables
        int nl = in.readUnsignedShort();
        StackMapTableEntry[] inlocals = new StackMapTableEntry[nl];
        for (int i = 0; i < nl; i++)
            inlocals[i] = this.__loadInfo();
        // Read in stack variables
        int ns = in.readUnsignedShort();
        StackMapTableEntry[] instack = new StackMapTableEntry[ns];
        for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
            instack[i] = this.__loadInfo();
        // Assign read local variables
        int lat = 0;
        StackMapTableEntry[] nextlocals = this._nextlocals;
        for (int i = 0; i < nl; i++)
            // Copy in
            StackMapTableEntry e = inlocals[i];
            nextlocals[lat++] = e;
            // Handling wide type?
            if (e.isWide())
                // Set top
                nextlocals[lat++] = e.topType();
                // If the top is explicit, then skip it
                if (i + 1 < nl && inlocals[i + 1].isTop())
        // Assign read stack variables
        int sat = 0;
        StackMapTableEntry[] nextstack = this._nextstack;
        for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
            // Copy in
            StackMapTableEntry e = instack[i];
            nextstack[sat++] = e;
            // Handling wide type?
            if (e.isWide())
                // Set top
                nextstack[sat++] = e.topType();
                // If the top is explicit, then skip it
                if (i + 1 < ns && instack[i + 1].isTop())
        // Stack depth is where the next stack would have been placed
        this._stacktop = sat;
        return rv;
     * The same frame is used with no changes.
     * @param __delta The offset from the earlier offset.
     * @return The address information.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __sameFrame(int __delta)
        return __delta;
     * Same frame but with a supplied delta rather than using it with the type.
     * @return The address information.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __sameFrameDelta()
        throws IOException
        return this.in.readUnsignedShort();
     * Same locals but the stack has only a single entry.
     * @param __delta The delta offset.
     * @return The address information.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __sameLocalsSingleStack(int __delta)
        throws IOException
        // Load single entry
        StackMapTableEntry ent;
        this._nextstack[0] = (ent = this.__loadInfo());
        // If the entry is wide then the top type will not be specified as it
        // will be implicit, so we need to set the according type
        if (ent.isWide())
            this._nextstack[1] = ent.topType();
            this._stacktop = 2;
        // Only a single entry exists
            this._stacktop = 1;
        return __delta;
     * Same locals but the stack has only a single entry, the delta offset
     * is specified.
     * @return The address information.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/26
    private int __sameLocalsSingleStackExplicit()
        throws IOException
        return this.__sameLocalsSingleStack(this.in.readUnsignedShort());