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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Multi-Phasic Applications: SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package com.nttdocomo.ui;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.annotation.Api;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;

 * This is a mutable palette which can be utilized across multiple instances
 * of {@link PalettedImage} to reflect the given colors. When multiple
 * {@link PalettedImage} refer to a single palette then they all share the
 * same palette with its modifications.
 * @since 2024/01/14
public class Palette
    /** The set of colors in the palette. */
    private final int[] _colors;
     * Initializes the palette to entirely black.
     * @param __numColors The number of colors in the palette.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of colors is zero or
     * negative.
     * @since 2024/01/14
    public Palette(int __numColors)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        if (__numColors <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("NEGV");
        // Setup
        this._colors = new int[__numColors];
     * Initializes the palette with the following colors.
     * @param __colors The colors to use, the array is copied so as such any
     * changes made to it following are ignored.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If there are no colors; or a color is
     * an invalid value.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2024/01/14
    public Palette(int[] __colors)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__colors == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Limit to 256 colors
        int numColors = __colors.length;
        if (numColors > 256)
            numColors = 256;
        // Cannot have a zero sized palette
        else if (numColors == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("NEGV");
        // Copy colors
        int[] colors = new int[numColors];
        System.arraycopy(__colors, 0,
            colors, 0, numColors);
        // Store colors
        this._colors = colors;
     * Returns the color at the given index.
     * @param __index The index to get.
     * @return The resultant color.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not within the
     * bounds of the palette.
     * @since 2024/01/14
    public int getEntry(int __index)
        throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
        int[] colors = this._colors;
        if (__index < 0 || __index >= colors.length)
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        return colors[__index] | 0xFF_000000;
     * Returns the number of colors available in the palette.
     * @return The number of available colors.
     * @since 2024/01/14
    public int getEntryCount()
        return this._colors.length;
     * Sets the index to the specified color.
     * @param __index The index to set.
     * @param __color The color to set to.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not within
     * the bounds of the palette.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the color is not valid.
     * @since 2024/01/14
    public void setEntry(int __index, int __color)
        throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException
        int[] colors = this._colors;
        if (__index < 0 || __index >= colors.length)
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        // Replace color
        colors[__index] = __color;