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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package net.multiphasicapps.zip.blockreader;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import net.multiphasicapps.zip.ZipException;

 * This class is used to read ZIP files in a random access fashion.
 * @since 2016/12/27
public class ZipBlockReader
    implements Iterable<ZipBlockEntry>, Closeable
    /** The magic number for central directory items. */
    private static final int _CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_MAGIC_NUMBER =
    /** The offset to the file name length. */
    private static final int _CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_NAME_LENGTH_OFFSET =
    /** The offset to the extra data length. */
    private static final int _CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_EXTRA_LENGTH_OFFSET =
    /** The offset to the comment length. */
    private static final int _CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_COMMENT_LENGTH_OFFSET =
    /** The minimum length of the central directory entry. */
    private static final int _CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH =
    /** The magic number for the end directory. */
    private static final int _END_DIRECTORY_MAGIC_NUMBER =
    /** The offset to the field for the number of entries in this disk. */
    private static final int _END_DIRECTORY_DISK_ENTRIES_OFFSET =
    /** The offset to the size of the central directory. */
    private static final int _END_DIRECTORY_CENTRAL_DIR_SIZE_OFFSET =
    /** The offset to the offset of the central directory. */
    private static final int _END_DIRECTORY_CENTRAL_DIR_OFFSET_OFFSET =
    /** The minimum length of the end central directory record. */
    private static final int _END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH =
    /** The maximum length of the end central directory record. */
    private static final int _END_DIRECTORY_MAX_LENGTH =
        ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH + 65535;
    /** The accessor to use for ZIP files. */
    protected final BlockAccessor accessor;
    /** The number of entries in this ZIP. */
    protected final int numentries;
    /** The base address for the central directory. */
    protected final long cdirbase;
    /** The actual start position for the ZIP file. */
    final long _zipbaseaddr;
    /** The accessor to use for ZIP files. */
    final BlockAccessor _accessor;
    /** Central directory entry offsets. */
    final long[] _offsets;
    /** Entries within this ZIP file. */
    private final Reference<ZipBlockEntry>[] _entries;
     * Accesses the given array as a ZIP file.
     * @param __b The array to wrap.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2016/12/27
    public ZipBlockReader(byte[] __b)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException
        this(new ArrayBlockAccessor(__b));
     * Accesses the given range in the array as a ZIP file.
     * @param __b The array to wrap.
     * @param __o The offset into the array.
     * @param __l The number of bytes to make available.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the offset and/or length
     * are negative or exceed the array bounds.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2016/12/27
    public ZipBlockReader(byte[] __b, int __o, int __l)
        throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException,
        this(new ArrayBlockAccessor(__b, __o, __l));
     * Accesses the given ZIP file from the block accessor.
     * @param __b The accessor to the ZIP data.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws ZipException If the ZIP is malformed.
     * @since 2016/12/27
    public ZipBlockReader(BlockAccessor __b)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException, ZipException
        // Check
        if (__b == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Set
        this.accessor = __b;
        this._accessor = __b;
        // Locate the end of the central directory
        byte[] dirbytes = new byte[ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH];
        long endat = ZipBlockReader.__locateCentralDirEnd(__b, dirbytes);
        // Get the number of entries which are in this disk and not in the
        // archive as a whole, since multi-archive ZIP files are not supported
        int numentries = __ArrayData__.readUnsignedShort(
            ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_DISK_ENTRIES_OFFSET, dirbytes);
        this.numentries = numentries;
        // Need the size of the central directory to determine where it
        // actually starts
        long csz = __b.size();
        long cdirsize = __ArrayData__.readUnsignedInt(
            ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_CENTRAL_DIR_SIZE_OFFSET, dirbytes);
        // This is the position of the start of the central directory
        long cdirbase = endat - cdirsize;
        this.cdirbase = cdirbase;
        /* {@squirreljme.error BF0j The central directory is larger than the
        ZIP file, the ZIP is truncated. (The central directory size; The
        size of the ZIP file)} */
        if (cdirsize > csz)
            throw new ZipException(String.format("BF0j %d %d", cdirsize, csz));
        // Determine the base address of the ZIP file since all entries
        // are relative from the start point
        long zipbaseaddr = csz - (__ArrayData__.readUnsignedInt(
            ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_CENTRAL_DIR_OFFSET_OFFSET, dirbytes) + cdirsize +
            (csz - endat));
        this._zipbaseaddr = zipbaseaddr;
        /* {@squirreljme.error BF0k The base address of the ZIP file exceeds
        the bound of the ZIP file. (The central directory size; The size of
        the ZIP file)} */
        if (zipbaseaddr < 0 || zipbaseaddr > csz)
            throw new ZipException(String.format("BF0k %d %d", zipbaseaddr,
        // Setup entry list
        this._entries = ZipBlockReader.__newEntryReferenceList(numentries);
        // Initialize entry offsets
        this._offsets = this.__readOffsets();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2016/12/27
    public void close()
        throws IOException
     * Checks whether the ZIP file contains an entry with the given entry name.
     * @param __s The name to check if it is contained within the ZIP.
     * @return {@code true} If the ZIP contains an entry with this name.
     * @throws IOException If the ZIP could not be read.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2016/12/30
    public boolean contains(String __s)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException
            return this.get(__s) != null;
        // Does not exist
        catch (ZipEntryNotFoundException e)
            return false;
     * Returns the entry which is associated with the given name.
     * @return The entry for the given name.
     * @throws IOException If there was an error reading the ZIP.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws ZipEntryNotFoundException If the entry does not exist.
     * @since 2016/12/30
    public ZipBlockEntry get(String __s)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException, ZipEntryNotFoundException
        // Check
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Use linear search since entries might be in any order
        for (ZipBlockEntry e : this)
            if (e.toString().equals(__s))
                return e;
        /* {@squirreljme.error BF0l Could not find the entry with the
        specified name. (The name of the entry)} */
        throw new ZipEntryNotFoundException(String.format("BF0l %s", __s));
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2016/12/30
    public Iterator<ZipBlockEntry> iterator()
        return new __Iterator__();
     * Opens the file with the given name from this ZIP file and returns the
     * input stream for its data.
     * @param __s The file to open.
     * @return The input stream to the file.
     * @throws IOException If the file could not be opened due to either a
     * damaged ZIP file, failed read, or if it does not exist.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws ZipEntryNotFoundException If the entry could not be found.
     * @since 2016/12/30
    public InputStream open(String __s)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException, ZipEntryNotFoundException
        /* {@squirreljme.error BF0m The specified entry does not exist
        within the ZIP file. (The entry name)} */
        ZipBlockEntry ent = this.get(__s);
        if (ent == null)
            throw new ZipEntryNotFoundException(String.format("BF0m %s", __s));
        // Open it
        return ent.open();
     * Returns the number of entries in this ZIP file.
     * @return The number of entries in the ZIP.
     * @since 2016/12/30
    public int size()
        return this.numentries;
     * Reads the offsets within the ZIP file for central directory items.
     * @return The array of offsets.
     * @throws IOException On read errors or the ZIP is not valid.
     * @since 2016/12/31
    private long[] __readOffsets()
        throws IOException
        // Setup return value
        int numentries = this.numentries;
        long[] rv = new long[numentries];
        // Read in every entry within the ZIP
        BlockAccessor accessor = this.accessor;
        long at = this.cdirbase;
        byte[] cdirent = new byte[ZipBlockReader._CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH];
        for (int i = 0; i < numentries; i++)
            // Entry is placed at this position
            rv[i] = at;
            /* {@squirreljme.error BF0n Central directory extends past the end
            of the file. (The current entry; The current read position; The
            size of the file)} */
            if (accessor.read(at, cdirent, 0,
                throw new ZipException(String.format("BF0n %d %d %d", i, at,
            /* {@squirreljme.error BF0o The entry does not have a valid
            magic number. (The entry index)} */
            if (__ArrayData__.readSignedInt(0, cdirent) != ZipBlockReader._CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_MAGIC_NUMBER)
                throw new ZipException(String.format("BF0o %d", i));
            // Read lengths for file name, comment, and extra data
            int fnl = __ArrayData__.readUnsignedShort(
                ZipBlockReader._CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_NAME_LENGTH_OFFSET, cdirent),
                cml = __ArrayData__.readUnsignedShort(
                    ZipBlockReader._CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_EXTRA_LENGTH_OFFSET, cdirent),
                edl = __ArrayData__.readUnsignedShort(
                    ZipBlockReader._CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_COMMENT_LENGTH_OFFSET, cdirent);
            // Next entry is just after this point
            at += fnl + cml + edl + ZipBlockReader._CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH;
        // Done
        return rv;
     * Locates the end of the central directory.
     * @param __b The block accessor to search.
     * @param __db The bytes that make up the end of the central directory.
     * @return The position of the central directory end.
     * @throws IOException On read errors or if the central directory could
     * not be found.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2016/12/29
    private static long __locateCentralDirEnd(BlockAccessor __b,
        byte[] __db)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__b == null || __db == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error BF0p The file is too small to be a ZIP file.
        (The size of file)} */
        long size = __b.size();
        if (size < ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH)
            throw new ZipException(String.format("BF0p %d", size));
        // Constantly search for the end of the central directory
        for (long at = size - ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH, end =
             Math.max(0, size - ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MAX_LENGTH); at >= end; at--)
            // Read single byte to determine if it might start a header
            byte b = __b.read(at);
            if (b != 0x50)
            // Read entire buffer (but not the comment in)
            __b.read(at, __db, 0, ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH);
            // Need to check the magic number
            if (__ArrayData__.readSignedInt(0, __db) != ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MAGIC_NUMBER)
            // Length must match the end also
            if (__ArrayData__.readUnsignedShort(
                ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH - 2,
                __db) != (size - (at + ZipBlockReader._END_DIRECTORY_MIN_LENGTH)))
            // Central directory is here
            return at;
        /* {@squirreljme.error BF0q Could not find the end of the central
        directory in the ZIP file.} */
        throw new ZipException("BF0q");
     * Creates a list of references.
     * @param __n The number of elements in the list.
     * @return The list.
     * @since 2016/12/31
    private static Reference<ZipBlockEntry>[] __newEntryReferenceList(
        int __n)
        return (Reference<ZipBlockEntry>[])((Object)new Reference[__n]);
     * Iterates over entries within the ZIP.
     * @since 2016/12/31
    private class __Iterator__
        implements Iterator<ZipBlockEntry>
        /** Entry count. */
        protected final int numentries =
        /** The next entry. */
        private volatile int _next =
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2016/12/31
        public boolean hasNext()
            return (this._next < this.numentries);
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2016/12/31
        public ZipBlockEntry next()
            throws NoSuchElementException
            // No more entries?
            int next = this._next;
            if (next >= this.numentries)
                throw new NoSuchElementException("NSEE");
            // Next entry to read
            this._next = next + 1;
            // Parse and return entry
            Reference<ZipBlockEntry>[] entries = ZipBlockReader.this._entries;
            Reference<ZipBlockEntry> ref = entries[next];
            ZipBlockEntry rv;
            // Need to load the entry?
            if (ref == null || null == (rv = ref.get()))
                entries[next] = new WeakReference<>(
                    (rv = new ZipBlockEntry(ZipBlockReader.this, next)));
            return rv;
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2016/12/31
        public void remove()
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("RORO");