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# Ports

Ports of SquirrelJME either using a future natively compiled port
or through RatufaCoat with the C compiler.

Additional information in the [porting guide](porting.mkd).

# AutumnCoat

_AutumnCoat is planned but will support retro-systems along with standard_
_desktop systems._

# RatufaCoat

RatufaCoat is written in C and has various ports of it, which are capable of
running SquirrelJME.

 * Linux
 * Mac OS X
 * RetroArch (Enabled platforms)
   * Android
   * Apple iOS (Generic and 9)
   * Apple Mac OS X
   * Emscriptem (Javascript/Web Assembly)
   * Linux (ARM and x86)
   * Nintendo 3DS
   * Nintendo GameCube
   * Nintendo Switch
   * Nintendo Wii
   * Nintendo Wii U
   * PlayStation PSP
   * PlayStation Vita
   * Microsoft Windows
 * Windows