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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Multi-Phasic Applications: SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package cc.squirreljme.doclet;

import cc.squirreljme.io.file.SafeTemporaryFileOutputStream;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.util.SortedTreeMap;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.util.SortedTreeSet;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.util.StringUtils;
import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.BinaryName;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.ClassIdentifier;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.ClassName;
import net.multiphasicapps.markdownwriter.MarkdownWriter;

 * This contains the older standard Doclet for API generation.
 * @since 2022/08/23
public class MarkdownDoclet
    implements Runnable
    /** The document title flag. */
    public static final String DOC_TITLE_FLAG =
    /** Window title flag. */
    public static final String WINDOW_TITLE_FLAG =
    /** No timestamp flag. */
    public static final String NO_TIMESTAMP_FLAG =
    /** The flag to set the output directory. */
    public static final String OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_FLAG =
    /** Java sources for SquirrelJME. */
    public static final String SQUIRRELJME_JAVA_SOURCES =
    /** Locations of other projects' Markdown JavaDoc in SquirrelJME. */
    public static final String SQUIRRELJME_PROJECT_DOCS =
    /** The project name. */
    public static final String SQUIRRELJME_PROJECT =
    /** The classes which have been processed. */
    protected final Map<ClassName, ProcessedClass> processedClasses =
        new SortedTreeMap<>();
    /** The root document. */
    protected final RootDoc rootDoc;
    /** The output directory. */
    protected final Path outputDir;
    /** The title of this document. */
    protected final String documentTitle;
    /** The name of this project. */
    protected final String projectName;
    /** Paths to every project that exists. */
    private final List<Path> _allProjects;
    /** Classes which are remotely elsewhere. */
    private volatile Map<String, RemoteClass> _remoteClasses;
     * Initializes the doclet handler.
     * @param __rootDoc The root document to write into.
     * @param __outputDir The directory where the output goes.
     * @param __docTitle The document title.
     * @param __allProjects All project paths.
     * @param __projectName
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/08/23
    public MarkdownDoclet(RootDoc __rootDoc, Path __outputDir,
        String __docTitle, List<Path> __allProjects, String __projectName)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__rootDoc == null || __outputDir == null ||
            __allProjects == null || __projectName == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.rootDoc = __rootDoc;
        this.outputDir = __outputDir;
        this.documentTitle = __docTitle;
        this._allProjects = __allProjects;
        this.projectName = __projectName;
     * Processes the given class.
     * @param __classDoc The class documentation.
     * @return The processed class file.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/08/24
    public ProcessedClass processClass(ClassDoc __classDoc)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__classDoc == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // What is this class called?
        ClassName name = new ClassName(__classDoc.qualifiedName()
            .replace('.', '/'));
        // Has this class already been processed?
        Map<ClassName, ProcessedClass> processed = this.processedClasses;
        ProcessedClass result = processed.get(name);
        if (result != null)
            return result;
        // Otherwise, set up a process for it
        result = new ProcessedClass(this, name, __classDoc);
        processed.put(name, result);
        // Perform stage one processing, since it should not have happened
        // here yet
        // Done processing
        return result;
     * Returns an already processed class.
     * @param __className The name of the class.
     * @return The already processed class.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/08/29
    public ProcessedClass processedClass(ClassName __className)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__className == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        return this.processedClasses.get(__className);
     * Attempts to locate a remote class for the project it belongs to.
     * @param __name The name of the class to get.
     * @return The module for the remote class or {@code null} if not found.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/08/29
    public RemoteClass remoteClassProject(String __name)
        throws NullPointerException
        // Do we need to load all the remote classes?
        Map<String, RemoteClass> remoteClasses = this._remoteClasses;
        if (remoteClasses == null)
            // Setup
            remoteClasses = new SortedTreeMap<>();
            // Go through all known projects
            for (Path projectPath : this._allProjects)
                // CSV that contains the class links along with the project
                // name
                Path csvPath = projectPath.resolve("table-of-contents.csv");
                Path namePath = projectPath.resolve("project.name");
                if (!Files.exists(csvPath) || !Files.exists(namePath))
                // Read in the project name
                String projectName = null;
                try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(Files.newInputStream(namePath,
                        StandardOpenOption.READ), "utf-8")))
                    projectName = reader.readLine();
                catch (IOException ignored)
                // Read everything in
                try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(Files.newInputStream(csvPath,
                        StandardOpenOption.READ), "utf-8")))
                    for (;;)
                        // Read next line, check for EOF
                        String ln = reader.readLine();
                        if (ln == null)
                        // Ignore blank lines
                        ln = ln.trim();
                        if (ln.isEmpty())
                        // Read in splitting comma
                        int comma = ln.indexOf(',');
                        if (comma < 0)
                        // Split fields
                        String className = ln.substring(0, comma);
                        String markdownPath = ln.substring(comma + 1);
                        // Store it
                            new RemoteClass(projectName, markdownPath,
                catch (IOException ignored)
        // Locate it
        return remoteClasses.get(__name);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2022/08/24
    public void run()
        // Process all input classes first
        Path outputDir = this.outputDir;
        for (ClassDoc classDoc : this.rootDoc.classes())
            ProcessedClass processedClass = this.processClass(classDoc);
            // Set initial variables
            processedClass._implicit = true;
            processedClass._documentPath = MarkdownDoclet.__resolveDocPath(
                outputDir, processedClass.name);
        // Table of contents, sorted by package
        Map<BinaryName, Set<ProcessedClass>> toc = new SortedTreeMap<>();
        // Write all resultant class documentation
        for (ClassDoc classDoc : this.rootDoc.classes())
            ProcessedClass processedClass = this.processClass(classDoc);
            // Store into table of contents for later, but only top-level
            // classes
            if (processedClass.parentClass() == null)
                BinaryName inPackage = processedClass.name.inPackage();
                Set<ProcessedClass> subToc = toc.get(inPackage);
                if (subToc == null)
                    toc.put(inPackage, (subToc = new SortedTreeSet<>(
                        new ProcessedClassComparator())));
            // What is this called?
            Path documentPath = processedClass._documentPath;
            // Write document out
                // Write document in a temporary file first
                try (OutputStream out  = new SafeTemporaryFileOutputStream(
                    MarkdownWriter writer = new MarkdownWriter(
                        new OutputStreamWriter(out, "utf-8")))
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new Error(e);
        // Write table of contents
            // What is this called?
            Path tocPath = outputDir.resolve("table-of-contents.mkd");
            Path csvPath = outputDir.resolve("table-of-contents.csv");
            Path namePath = outputDir.resolve("project.name");
            // Write project name
            try (PrintStream printer = new PrintStream(
                new SafeTemporaryFileOutputStream(namePath),
                    true, "utf-8"))
            // Write to table of contents
            try (MarkdownWriter writer = new MarkdownWriter(
                    new OutputStreamWriter(
                        new SafeTemporaryFileOutputStream(tocPath),
                PrintStream csv = new PrintStream(
                    new SafeTemporaryFileOutputStream(csvPath),
                        true, "utf-8"))
                // Header for this library
                writer.header(true, 1, this.documentTitle);
                // Start list
                // Handle each package
                for (Map.Entry<BinaryName, Set<ProcessedClass>> entry :
                    // Write CSV entry
                    String packageName = entry.getKey().toClass()
                    // Describe the package
                    writer.printf(true, "`%s`", packageName);
                    // Start package list
                    // Go through each in the package
                    for (ProcessedClass processed : entry.getValue())
                        // Write class into the CSV
                        String docPath = Utilities.relativePath(tocPath,
                            processed.name.toRuntimeString(), docPath);
                        // URI to the document
                        // Dash for split
                        writer.print(true, ": ");
                        // What is the purpose of this class?
                        writer.print(true, Utilities.firstLine(
                    // Stop class list
                // End package list
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new Error(e);
     * Returns the length of the given option.
     * @param __s The option to check.
     * @return The length of the given option.
     * @since 2022/08/24
    public static int optionLength(String __s)
        switch (__s)
            case MarkdownDoclet.NO_TIMESTAMP_FLAG:
                return 1;
            case MarkdownDoclet.DOC_TITLE_FLAG:
            case MarkdownDoclet.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_FLAG:
            case MarkdownDoclet.WINDOW_TITLE_FLAG:
            case MarkdownDoclet.SQUIRRELJME_JAVA_SOURCES:
            case MarkdownDoclet.SQUIRRELJME_PROJECT_DOCS:
            case MarkdownDoclet.SQUIRRELJME_PROJECT:
                return 2;
                return 0;
     * Starts processing of the documentation.
     * @param __rd The root document.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/08/24
    public static boolean start(RootDoc __rd)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__rd == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Process options
        Path outputDir = null;
        String docTitle = null;
        List<Path> allProjects = new ArrayList<>();
        String projectName = null;
        for (String[] option : __rd.options())
            switch (option[0])
                    // Where to place the output
                case MarkdownDoclet.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_FLAG:
                    outputDir = Paths.get(option[1]);
                    // Project directories to locate class CSVs
                case MarkdownDoclet.SQUIRRELJME_PROJECT_DOCS:
                    for (String source : StringUtils.basicSplit(
                        File.pathSeparatorChar, option[1]))
                    // The name of the project
                case MarkdownDoclet.SQUIRRELJME_PROJECT:
                    projectName = option[1];
                    // The title of the document
                case MarkdownDoclet.DOC_TITLE_FLAG:
                    docTitle = option[1];
                    // Unhandled, ignored
        // Perform processing
            new MarkdownDoclet(__rd, outputDir, docTitle, allProjects,
            return true;
        // Runtime exceptions are completely hidden
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new Error(e);
     * Resolves the path of the document.
     * @param __base The base path to resolve.
     * @param __name The class name to resolve.
     * @return The resolved path.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/08/24
    private static Path __resolveDocPath(Path __base, ClassName __name)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__base == null || __name == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Get the package path
        BinaryName inPackage = __name.inPackage();
        if (inPackage != null)
            for (ClassIdentifier identifier : inPackage)
                __base = __base.resolve(identifier.identifier());
        // Then add the markdown reference
        return __base.resolve(__name.simpleName().identifier() + ".mkd");