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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package net.multiphasicapps.pcftosqf;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import net.multiphasicapps.pcftosqf.pcf.PCFFont;
import net.multiphasicapps.pcftosqf.pcf.PCFGlyphMap;
import net.multiphasicapps.pcftosqf.pcf.PCFMetric;

 * Converts to SQF format from another font.
 * @since 2018/11/27
public class SQFConverter
    /** The input PCF font. */
    protected final PCFFont pcf;
    /** The pixel height of the font. */
    protected final int pixelheight;
    /** The ascent of the font. */
    protected final int ascent;
    /** The descent of the font. */
    protected final int descent;
    /** Bytes per scan. */
    protected final int bytesperscan;
    /** The character widths. */
    private final byte[] _charwidths =
        new byte[256];
    /** Bitmap data. */
    private final byte[] _bitmap;
    /** Character to glyph index. */
    private final Map<Integer, Integer> _chartoglyph;
     * Initializes the converter
     * @param __pcf The PCF font to convert.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/11/27
    public SQFConverter(PCFFont __pcf)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__pcf == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Set pixels
        this.pcf = __pcf;
        // Extract properties
        int ascent = __pcf.accelerators.ascent,
            descent = __pcf.accelerators.descent,
            pixelheight = ascent + descent;
        this.ascent = ascent;
        this.descent = descent;
        this.pixelheight = pixelheight;
        // Debug
        Debugging.debugNote("Asc + Des = PxH: %d + %d = %d", ascent, descent,
        // Map characters to glyph indexes, that way we can quickly find
        // them as such
        Map<Integer, Integer> chartoglyph = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> e : __pcf.glyphnames.names.
            int ch = GlyphNames.toChar(e.getValue());
            if (ch >= 0)
                chartoglyph.put(ch, e.getKey());
        // Store
        this._chartoglyph = chartoglyph;
        // Obtain all the widths
        int maxwidth = 0;
        byte[] charwidths = this._charwidths;
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            // No glyph here, ignore
            if (!chartoglyph.containsKey(i))
            // Get the index
            int pcfdx = chartoglyph.get(i);
            // The width of this font
            int cw = __pcf.metrics.get(pcfdx).charwidth;
            charwidths[i] = (byte)cw;
            // Use greater width
            if (cw > maxwidth)
                maxwidth = cw;
        // Bytes per scanline
        int bytesperscan = ((maxwidth - 1) / 8) + 1;
        this.bytesperscan = bytesperscan;
        // Setup bitmap
        this._bitmap = new byte[256 * bytesperscan * pixelheight];
     * Converts the font to SQF.
     * @param __os The output stream.
     * @throws IOException On write errors.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/11/27
    public final void convertTo(OutputStream __os)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException
        if (__os == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Get basic details
        int descent = this.descent,
            pixelheight = this.pixelheight,
            bytesperscan = this.bytesperscan;
        // Needed to build character data
        byte[] charwidths = this._charwidths;
        byte[] bitmap = this._bitmap;
        // Debug
        Debugging.debugNote("Bitmap size: %d bytes", bitmap.length);
        // Used to only map valid characters
        boolean[] isvalidchar = new boolean[256];
        // Bits per scan
        int bitsperscan = bytesperscan * 8;
        // Draw glyphs
        Map<Integer, Integer> chartoglyph = this._chartoglyph;
        PCFFont pcf = this.pcf;
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            // Only draw known characters
            Integer uc = chartoglyph.get(i);
            if (uc == null)
            // Only draw valid characters
            PCFGlyphMap gm = pcf.bitmap.glyphmaps.get(uc);
            if (gm == null)
            // Is valid
            isvalidchar[i] = true;
            // Get the input glyph data to draw
            byte[] in = gm.data();
            // Just print for debugging
            /*for (byte x : in)
                todo.DEBUG.note("%8s", Integer.toString(x & 0xFF, 2));*/
            // Determine the output position and where it ends
            int outdx = i * bytesperscan * pixelheight,
                enddx = outdx + bytesperscan;
            // Metrics of the PCF are the following
            //  lb v   v rb
            //      ###  | ascent
            //     #   # |
            //     ##### |
            //     #   # |
            //     #   # |
            //        #  + descent
            //       #   |
            PCFMetric metrics = pcf.metrics.get(uc);
            // The X position starts at the left side bearing
            // The source X is zero
            int penxstart = metrics.leftsidebearing,
                srcxstart = 0;
            // The ending X position is just the right side bearing
            // The source ends at the difference between these
            int penxend = metrics.rightsidebearing,
                srcxend = penxend - penxstart;
            // The ascent is the height of the symbol character from the
            // baseline to the top (or top to baseline)
            // The baseline is the font's own ascent
            // The Y position is just the font's ascent minus our ascent
            int baseliney = pcf.accelerators.ascent,
                penystart = baseliney - metrics.charascent,
                srcystart = 0;
            // The end Y position is just the ascent and descent of the
            // character
            int srcyend = metrics.charascent + metrics.chardescent,
                penyend = penystart + srcyend;
            // The number of bits which make up a single scan of the glyph
            int scanbitlen = (srcxend + 7) & ~7;
            // Debug
            todo.DEBUG.note("src=(%d, %d)->(%d, %d) | pen=(%d, %d)->(%d, %d)",
                srcxstart, srcystart, srcxend, srcyend,
                penxstart, penystart, penxend, penyend);*/
            // Go through each pixel in the source glyph and just copy it to
            // the destination
            for (int peny = penystart, srcy = srcystart; peny < penyend;
                peny++, srcy++)
                // Draw each column
                for (int penx = penxstart, srcx = srcxstart; penx < penxend;
                    penx++, srcx++)
                    // If the pen is outside of the bounds, do not draw
                    // anything because it would cause an overflow
                    if (penx < 0 || penx >= bitsperscan ||
                        peny < 0 || peny >= pixelheight)
                    // Determine the index offset into the input glyph
                    // bitmap, additionally map the bit that is used as
                    // well which is reversed because it goes from highest
                    // to lowest
                    int psp = (srcy * scanbitlen) + srcx,
                        idx = psp >>> 3,
                        sub = 7 - (psp & 7);
                    /*todo.DEBUG.note("(%d, %d) -> [%d] << %d", srcx, srcy,
                        idx, sub);*/
                    // If the bit is not lit then no pixel is to be drawn
                    if ((in[idx] & (1 << sub)) == 0)
                    // Draw into the destination bitmap
                    bitmap[outdx + (bytesperscan * peny) + (penx >>> 3)] |=
                        (byte)(1 << (penx & 7));
            // Determine the initial pen position. it is based on the bearing
            // and how far down the font is
            // The ascent of the font is length of the font from the baseline
            PCFMetric metrics = pcf.metrics.get(uc);
            int penxstart = metrics.leftsidebearing,
                penystart = (pixelheight - metrics.chardescent) -
                penxend = penxstart + (metrics.charwidth -
                    (metrics.rightsidebearing + metrics.leftsidebearing)),
                penyend = penystart +
                    (metrics.charascent + metrics.chardescent),
                py = penystart,
                viswidth = penxend - penxstart;
            // Bytes per viswidth
            int bpvw = (viswidth / 8) + 1;
            // penystart was (pixelheight - descent) - metrics.charascent
            // Draw each line
            for (; py < penyend; py++)
                // Draw each column
                for (int px = penxstart; px < penxend; px++)
                    todo.DEBUG.note("Pen=(%d, %d)", px, py);
                    // Pen outside bounds of destination character?
                    if (px < 0 || px >= bitsperscan ||
                        py < 0 || py >= pixelheight)
                    // Difference between the pen positions
                    int pdiffx = (px - penxstart),
                        pdiffy = (py - penystart);
                    // Glyph pixels are padded to bytes
                    int adx = pdiffy * bpvw;
                    // Outside the array bounds
                    if (adx < 0 || adx >= in.length)
                    // Figure out the position to check in the sub-pixel
                    // Higher values are higher pixels
                    int subpx = 7 - (pdiffx & 0x7);
                    // If this not lit?
                    if ((in[adx] & (1 << subpx)) == 0)
                    bitmap[outdx + (bytesperscan * py) + (px / 8)] |=
                        (byte)(1 << (px % 8));
            // Draw all input lines
            int sxlimit = (metrics.charwidth + 7) & ~7;
            for (int idx = 0, inn = in.length; idx < inn; idx++, py++)
                // Reset the X position to the starting left side
                px = penxstart;
                // Draw for the entire width of the glyph
                for (int sx = 0; sx < sxlimit; sx++, px++)
                    // The bitmap is encoded where the higher bits are the
                    // left most pixels, so that needs to be swapped
                    int subpx = 7 - (sx & 0x7);
                    // No mark here?
                    int uidx = idx + (sx >>> 3);
                    if (uidx >= in.length || (in[uidx] & (1 << subpx)) == 0)
                    // Pen outside bounds?
                    if (px < 0 || px >= bitsperscan ||
                        py < 0 || py >= pixelheight)
                    bitmap[outdx + py + (px / 8)] |= (byte)(1 << (px % 8));
        // Write font data
        for (boolean b : isvalidchar)
            __os.write((b ? 1 : 0));
        // Flush because this might be a buffered output