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Thank you for considering improving pynball, any contribution is much welcome!

# Requesting a new feature

If you would like to suggest a new feature, you can create a [feature request](

# Reporting a bug

If you encountered an unexpected behavior, please [open a new issue](
and describe the problem you have found.

An ideal bug report includes:

-   The Python version you are using
-   The pynball version you are using (you can find it with `pynball --version`)
-   Your operating system name and version (Linux, MacOS, Windows)
-   Your development environment and local setup (IDE, Terminal, project context, any relevant information that could be useful)
-   Some [minimal reproducible example](

# Implementing changes

If you want to enhance pynball by implementing a changes, please [open a new issue]( first.

Then, implement the following workflow:

1.  Fork the [pynball]( project from GitHub.

2.  Create a virtual environment with your favourite tool (virtualenv with virtualenv wrapper, venv etc)
    using one of the supported versions of Python: ![](

3.  Activate your virtual environment.

4.  Clone the repository locally:

        $ git clone
        $ cd pynball

5.  Install pynball in development mode:

        $ pip install -e .

6.  Install pre-commit hooks that will check your commits:

        $ pre-commit install --install-hooks

7.  Create a new branch from `main`:

        $ git checkout main
        $ git branch fix_bug
        $ git checkout fix_bug

8.  Implement the modifications. During the process of development, honor [PEP 8]( as much as possible.

9.  Add unit tests and ensure all are passing:

        $ tox

10. Update the documentation.

11. If your development modifies pynball behavior, update the `` file with your changes.

12. `add` and `commit` your changes, then `push` your local project:

        $ git add .
        $ git commit -m 'Add succinct explanation of what changed'
        $ git push origin fix_bug

13. If previous step failed due to the pre-commit hooks, fix reported errors and try again.

14. Finally, [open a pull request]( before getting it merged!