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Test Coverage
 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.

import {DetailedError} from "./DetailedError.js"

 * Miscellaneous utility methods.
class Util {
     * Checks a precondition, throwing an exception containing the given message in the case of failure.
     * @param {!boolean|*} expression
     * @param {=string} message
     * @param {=Array} args
    static need(expression, message, args) {
        if (expression !== true) {
            let argDesc = args === undefined ?
                "(not provided)" :
                `[${", ") }]` ;
            let msgDesc = message === undefined ? "(not provided)" : message;
            let msg = "Precondition failed" +
                "\n\nMessage: " + msgDesc +
                "\n\nArgs: " + argDesc;
            throw new Error(msg);

    static numberOfSetBits(i) {
        if (i < 0) { throw new Error("i < 0"); }
        if (!Number.isInteger(i)) { throw new Error("!Number.isInteger(i)"); }
        if (i > 0xFFFFFFFF) { throw new Error("i > 0xFFFFFFFF"); }

        // Start with each bit representing its own pop count.
        // Merge adjacent 1-bit pop counts into 2-bit pop counts.
        i = (i & 0x55555555) + ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555);
        // Merge adjacent 2-bit pop counts into 4-bit pop counts.
        i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333);
        // Merge adjacent 4-bit pop counts into 8-bit pop counts.
        // Because log(8) < 4, the count won't overflow in to the adjacent 4-bit count. Masking can happen after.
        i = (i + (i >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
        // Merge adjacent 8-bit pop counts into 16-bit pop counts.
        // Because log(48) < 8, we no longer need to mask while merging.
        i += i >> 8;
        // Merge adjacent 16-bit pop counts into 32-bit pop counts.
        i += i >> 16;
        // Done. The total is in the low byte (the others contain noise due to lack of masking during later merges).
        return i & 0xFF;

     * Returns a big-endian binary representation of the given number, zero-padded and truncated to the given length.
     * @param {!number|!int} number
     * @param {!int} fixedLen
     * @returns {!string}
    static bin(number, fixedLen) {
        return ("0".repeat(fixedLen) + number.toString(2)).slice(-fixedLen).split("").join("");

     * Forced cast from nullable to non-nullable, throwing an exception on failure.
     * @param {?T} v
     * @returns {!T}
     * @template T
    static notNull(v) {
        Util.need(v !== null, "notNull");
        //noinspection JSValidateTypes
        return v;

     * Determines if there is an integer p such that 2^p equals the given integer.
     * @param {!int} i
     * @returns {!boolean}
    static isPowerOf2(i) {
        return i > 0 && ((i - 1) & i) === 0;

     * Returns the number of bits needed to uniquely encode all integers up to and including the given value.
     * A discrete off-by-one version of log_2(n).
     * @param {!int} n
     * @returns {!int}
    static bitSize(n) {
        Util.need(n >= 0, "bitSize: n >= 0");
        if (n === 0) {
            return 0;
        return Util.floorLg2(n) + 1;

     * Returns the smallest power of 2 that is equal to or larger than the given integer.
     * @param {!int} n
     * @returns {!int}
    static ceilingPowerOf2(n) {
        if (n <= 1) {
            return 1;
        return 1 << Util.ceilLg2(n);

     * @param {!int} n
     * @returns {!int} A value p such that 2**(p-1) < n <= 2**p.
    static ceilLg2(n) {
        if (n <= 1) {
            return 0;
        let p = Math.ceil(Math.log2(n));
        if (1<<p < n) {
            return p + 1;
        if (n <= 1<<(p-1)) {
            return p - 1;
        return p;

     * @param {!int} n
     * @returns {!int} A value p such that 2**p <= n < 2**(p+1).
    static floorLg2(n) {
        if (n <= 1) {
            return 0;
        let p = Math.floor(Math.log2(n));
        if (1<<(p+1) <= n) {
            return p + 1;
        if (n < 1<<p) {
            return p - 1;
        return p;

     * Counts the number of set bits in an integer.
     * @param {!int} i
     * @returns {!int}
    static popcnt(i) {
        if (i < 0) {
            return Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        let t = 0;
        while (i > 0) {
            i &= i - 1;
        return t;

     * Determines how multiply-even a number is; how many times you can divide it by 2 before getting an odd result.
     * Odd numbers have 0 power-of-two-ness, multiples of 2 that aren't multiples of 4 have 1 power-of-two-ness,
     * multiples of 4 that aren't multiples of 8 have 3 power-of-two-ness, and so forth.
     * Note that zero has infinite power-of-two-ness.
     * @param {!int} i
     * @param {T=} zeroResult The value to return when i == 0. Defaults to positive infinity (because you can divide
     *     zero by two as many times as you want and still get an integer).
     * @returns {T|!int}
     * @template T
    static powerOfTwoness(i, zeroResult=Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        if (i === 0) {
            return zeroResult;
        if (i < 0) {
            return Util.powerOfTwoness(-i, zeroResult);
        return Math.round(Math.log2(i & ~(i - 1)));

     * Converts from Map.<K, V[]> to Map.<V, K[]> in the "obvious" way, by having each value map to the group of keys that
     * mapped to a group containing said value in the original map.
     * @param {!Map.<K, !(V[])>} groupMap
     * @param {!boolean=} includeGroupsForOriginalKeysEvenIfEmpty
     * @returns {!Map.<V, !(K[])>}
     * @template K, V
    static reverseGroupMap(groupMap, includeGroupsForOriginalKeysEvenIfEmpty = false) {
        let result = new Map();

        if (includeGroupsForOriginalKeysEvenIfEmpty) {
            for (let e of groupMap.keys()) {
                result.set(e, []);

        for (let [k, g] of groupMap) {
            //noinspection JSUnusedAssignment
            for (let e of g) {
                if (!result.has(e)) {
                    result.set(e, []);
                //noinspection JSUnusedAssignment

        return result;

     * Performs a binary search, looking for the first index to return false under the constraint that the given
     * function returns true for all arguments less than some index and false afterwards.
     * @param {!int} max Determines the range to search over. Valid inputs to the query function are non-negative
     * integers up to this maximum than this count.
     * @param {!function(!int) : !boolean} argIsBeforeTransitionFunc Determines if the transition happens before or
     * after the given index.
     * @returns {!int}
    static binarySearchForTransitionFromTrueToFalse(max, argIsBeforeTransitionFunc) {
        let min = 0;
        while (max > min) {
            let med = min + Math.floor((max - min) / 2);
            if (argIsBeforeTransitionFunc(med)) {
                min = med + 1;
            } else {
                max = med;
        return min;

     * Breaks a single line of characters into several lines, when forced to by a width boundary.
     * @param {!string} text A single unbroken line of text, without any newline characters.
     * @param {!number} maxWidth The maximum width that lines can grow to before they must be broken.
     * @param {!function(!string) : !number} measureWidth Measure the width of a substring.
     * @returns {!(!string[])}
    static breakLine(text, maxWidth, measureWidth) {
        if (text === "") {
            return [""];
        let lines = [];
        let p = 0;
        while (p < text.length) {
            // How many characters will fit on this line?
            let maxKeepLength = Util.binarySearchForTransitionFromTrueToFalse(
                text.length - p + 1,
                i => measureWidth(text.substr(p, i)) <= maxWidth) - 1;
            maxKeepLength = Math.max(1, maxKeepLength);
            let maxChunk = text.substr(p, maxKeepLength);

            let hitBoundary = p + maxKeepLength === text.length ||
                text.substr(p + maxKeepLength, 1).match(/\s/) !== null;
            if (!hitBoundary) {
                // If some of the chunk words fit, defer the split word into the next line.
                let niceRegex = /^(.*\S)(\s+)\S*$/;
                let niceChunkMatch = niceRegex.exec(maxChunk);
                if (niceChunkMatch !== null) {
                    let keepChunk = niceChunkMatch[1];
                    let skipChunk = niceChunkMatch[2];
                    p += keepChunk.length + skipChunk.length;

            // Taking the entire chunk, either due to a lucky break in the right place or an unavoidable word split.
            p += maxChunk.length;

            // Skip starting whitespace
            p += text.substr(p).match(/^\s*/)[0].length;
        return lines;

     * Enumerates the fields of an object, stashing their values into an array.
     * Array fields are flattened into the result array.
     * @param {*} object
     * @returns {!Array.<*>}
    static decomposeObjectValues(object) {
        let result = [];

        let decomposeValueOrArray;
        decomposeValueOrArray = val => {
            if (Array.isArray(val)) {
                for (let item of val) {
            } else {

        for (let key of Object.keys(object).sort()) {
            decomposeValueOrArray(object[key], result);
        return result;

     * @param {*} originalObject
     * @param {!Array.<*>} newFieldValues
     * @returns {!object}
    static recomposedObjectValues(originalObject, newFieldValues) {
        let result = {};
        let i = 0;

        let recomposeValueOrArray;
        recomposeValueOrArray = originalVal => {
            if (Array.isArray(originalVal)) {
                let arr = [];
                for (let item of originalVal) {
                return arr;

            return newFieldValues[i++];

        for (let key of Object.keys(originalObject).sort()) {
            result[key] = recomposeValueOrArray(originalObject[key]);
        Util.need(i === newFieldValues.length, "Mismatched field value count.");
        return result;

     * @param {!function(!Array.<*>) : !Array.<*>} func
     * @returns {!function(!object) : !object}
    static objectifyArrayFunc(func) {
        return arg => Util.recomposedObjectValues(arg, func(Util.decomposeObjectValues(arg)));

     * Returns the cosine and sine of an angle, except that when the angle is the closest approximation to a multiple of
     * π/4 the result is snapped to a nice vector by assuming the input was an exact multiple.
     * @param {!number} radians
     * @returns {!Array.<!number>}
    static snappedCosSin(radians) {
        let unit = Math.PI/4;
        let i = Math.round(radians / unit);
        if (i*unit === radians) {
            const s = Math.sqrt(0.5);
            const snaps = [
                [1, 0],
                [s, s],
                [0, 1],
                [-s, s],
                [-1, 0],
                [-s, -s],
                [0, -1],
                [s, -s]
            return snaps[i & 7];
        return [Math.cos(radians), Math.sin(radians)];

     * Returns the math-style remainder, which is guaranteed to be in the range [0, denominator) even when the numerator
     * is negative.
     * @param {!number} numerator
     * @param {!number} denominator
     * @returns {!number}
    static properMod(numerator, denominator) {
        if (denominator <= 0) {
            throw new DetailedError("denominator <= 0", {numerator, denominator});
        let result = numerator % denominator;
        return result + (result < 0 ? denominator : 0);

     * @param {...!Map}maps
     * @returns {!Map}
    static mergeMaps(...maps) {
        let result = new Map();
        for (let map of maps) {
            for (let [key, val] of map.entries()) {
                //noinspection JSUnusedAssignment
                result.set(key, val);
        return result;

     * @param {!int} value
     * @param {!int} modulus
     * @returns {!int} A value r in [0, modulus) such that r*value = 1 (mod modulus).
    static modular_multiplicative_inverse(value, modulus) {
        let {x, gcd} = Util.extended_gcd(value, modulus);
        if (gcd !== 1) {
            return undefined;
        x %= modulus;
        if (x < 0) {
            x += modulus;
        return x;

     * @param {!int} a
     * @param {!int} b
     * @returns {!{x: !int, y: !int, gcd: !int}} Such that x*a + y*b = gcd = GCD(a, b)
    static extended_gcd(a, b) {
        let s = 0;
        let t = 1;
        let r = b;

        let old_s = 1;
        let old_t = 0;
        let old_r = a;
        while (r !== 0) {
            let q = Math.floor(old_r / r);
            [old_r, r] = [r, old_r - q * r];
            [old_s, s] = [s, old_s - q * s];
            [old_t, t] = [t, old_t - q * t];
        return {x: old_s, y: old_t, gcd: old_r};

     * @param {!string} text
     * @returns {!string}
    static digits_to_superscript_digits(text) {
        let digits = "0123456789";
        let superscript_digits = "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹";
        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            text = text.split(digits[i]).join(superscript_digits[i]);
        return text;

 * Determines if the two given values are exactly the same, as determined by the `===` operator.
 * @param {*} e1
 * @param {*} e2
 * @return {!boolean}
Util.STRICT_EQUALITY = (e1, e2) => e1 === e2;

 * Uses the `isEqualTo` property of the first argument to determine equality with the second argument. Handles the case
 * where both are null, returning true instead of throwing.
 * @param {?T|*} e1
 * @param {?T|*} e2
 * @returns {!boolean}
 * @template T
    e1 === null ? e2 === null :
    e1 === undefined ? e2 === undefined :

export {Util}