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4 hrs
Test Coverage
const {once} = require('ramda');
const {composeConfig} = require('../composeConfig');
const texts = require('../../texts');
const logLevels = require('../../constants/logLevels');
const recordingOptions = require('../../constants/recordingOptions');
const SuitestLauncher = require('../SuitestLauncher');
const suitest = require('../../../index');

const command = 'run';
const describe = 'Command for start testing';

const builder = yargs => {
        .option('token-id', {
            alias: 'k',
            describe: 'Suitest Token Key, can be generated on the profile page',
            global: false,
        .option('token-password', {
            alias: 'p',
            describe: 'Suitest Token Password, can be generated on the profile page',
            global: false,
        .option('device-id', {
            alias: 'd',
            describe: 'Device you want to connect to',
            global: false,
        .option('app-config-id', {
            alias: 'c',
            describe: 'Application configuration id to launch the app with',
            global: false,
        .option('preset', {
            describe: 'Preset for configuration and device.',
            array: true,
            global: false,
        .option('inspect', {
            describe: 'Will launch user command with --inspect execArgv, used for debugging',
            global: false,
        .option('inspect-brk', {
            describe: 'Will launch user command with --inspect-brk execArgv, used for debugging',
            global: false,
        .option('override-config-file', {
            describe: 'Specifies an additional config file which properties have precedence over properties in a standard configuration file.',
            global: false,
            type: 'string',
        .option('base-config-file', {
            describe: 'Path to a config file to override standard configuration files. Standard configuration files are ignored.',
            global: false,
            type: 'string',
        .option('config-file', {
            describe: texts.cliConfig(),
            global: false,
            type: 'string',
            deprecate: 'Can have unexpected behaviour. Use --base-config-file or --override-config-file.',
        .option('default-timeout', {
            describe: texts.defaultTimeout(),
            global: false,
            type: 'number',
        .option('disallow-crash-reports', {
            describe: texts.cliDisallowCrashReports(),
            global: false,
            type: 'boolean',
        .option('log-dir', {
            describe: texts['tl.logDirDescription'](),
            global: false,
        .option('log-level', {
            describe: texts.cliLogLevel(),
            global: false,
            choices: Object.values(logLevels),
        .option('timestamp', {
            describe: texts.cliTimestamp(),
            global: false,
            type: 'string',
        .option('screenshot-dir', {
            describe: 'Directory for saving screenshots.',
            global: false,
            type: 'string',
        .option('concurrency', {
            describe: 'How many parallel sessions of the test runner should be spawned. '
                + 'I.e. on how many devices will it run in parallel. 0 = unlimited',
            default: 0,
            global: false,
        .option('include-changelist', {
            describe: 'If unapplied changes should be tested with runSnippet command.',
            boolean: true,
            default: false,
            global: false,
        .option('recording-option', {
            describe: texts.cliRecordingOption(),
            global: false,
            choices: Object.values(recordingOptions),
        .option('webhook-url', {
            describe: 'webhook url for recording option',
            global: false,
            type: 'string',

const handler = async(argv) => {
    const {ownArgs, userCommandArgs} = composeConfig(argv);


    const suitestLauncher = new SuitestLauncher(ownArgs, userCommandArgs);

    await suitestLauncher.runTokenSession();

/* istanbul ignore next */
module.exports = {
    // Make sure async handler is called only once (yargs bug)
    handler: global._suitestTesting ? handler : once(handler),