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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`Snapshots: With custom messages object 1`] = `
  messages={Object {}}

exports[`Snapshots: With default messages object 1`] = `
    Object {
      "aria_share.copy": "Copy the link",
      "": "Share with email",
      "aria_share.facebook": "Share on facebook",
      "aria_share.print": "Print",
      "aria_share.twitter": "Share on twitter",
      "aria_share.whatsapp": "Share on whatsapp",
      "basics.or": "or",
      "branding.description": "This is who we are.",
      "call_tool.errors.akid": "Sorry, but for safety reasons, the calling tool is limited to recognized members who enter the website through a campaign email.",
      "call_tool.errors.phone_number.cant_connect": "can't connect to this phone number, please check it's correct or try another one",
      "call_tool.errors.phone_number.is_invalid": "is not a valid phone number",
      "call_tool.errors.phone_number.too_short": "must have at least 6 digits",
      "call_tool.errors.recaptcha_fail": "The reCAPTCHA test failed. Please try again by clicking on the checkbox.",
      "": "Something wasn't right about the number you're trying to call.",
      "": "It seems the number we're trying to connect you to is no longer available. Please reload the page and try again.",
      "call_tool.errors.too_many_calls": "Thank you for making a difference! Unfortunately, to prevent fraud, we only allow five calls per member on the same page.",
      "call_tool.errors.unknown": "Oops! Something went wrong, please try a different phone number or again in a few minutes.",
      "call_tool.fine_print": "SumOfUs will protect <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">your privacy</a>, and keep you updated. If you provide your phone number we may also call or SMS you about campaigns.",
      "": "Country",
      "call_tool.form.phone_country_code": "Code",
      "call_tool.form.phone_number": "My phone number",
      "call_tool.form.submit": "Call me",
      "call_tool.instructions": "Just enter your phone number including the area code -- and we'll call shortly after.",
      "call_tool.manual_target_selection": "Please select your target",
      "call_tool.member_phone_number_title": "Enter your phone number",
      "call_tool.termination_message": "You haven't chosen a menu option, so the call will be terminated. Please try calling again if this wasn't intentional.",
      "call_tool.text_to_speach_menu": "Please press one when you're ready and we will connect you. Press two to hear the campaigner's message again.",
      "call_tool.you_will_be_calling": "We will call you and connect you to",
      "confirmation_mailer.confirmation_email.body_html": "To confirm your account, please <a href='{confirmation_url}'>follow this link.</a><br/><br/>Thanks!<br/>",
      "confirmation_mailer.confirmation_email.body_text": "To confirm your registration, please follow this link: {confirmation_url}",
      "confirmation_mailer.confirmation_email.headline": "Thank you for registering an account",
      "confirmation_mailer.confirmation_email.subject": "Confirm your account",
      "confirmation_mailer.follow_up_page.account_already_confirmed": "Your account has already been confirmed!",
      "confirmation_mailer.follow_up_page.account_not_found": "Sorry, no account was found associated with this link.",
      "confirmation_mailer.follow_up_page.failure": "Sorry, there was an issue confirming your account.",
      "confirmation_mailer.follow_up_page.member_management": "To manage your payment methods and details, you can visit the <a href='{url}'>members dashboard</a> at any time.",
      "confirmation_mailer.follow_up_page.success": "You have successfully confirmed your account. Thanks!",
      "confirmation_mailer.title": "Account Confirmation",
      "consent.accept": "Yes! Tell me if this campaign wins, and how I can help other relevant campaigns. If you leave your phone number, we may call to tell you more about how you can help, including supporting our work with a donation.",
      "consent.accept_alt": "Yes, sign and receive emails",
      "consent.decline": "No. I do not want to hear about this campaign’s progress or other relevant campaigns.",
      "consent.decline_alt": "No, sign but don't receive emails",
      "consent.existing.accept": "Yes",
      "consent.existing.decline": "Not right now",
      "consent.existing.opt_in_reason": "<p>We’re asking SumOfUs members to confirm that they still want to receive emails from us about this and other urgent campaigns.</p><p><b>Would you like to confirm today?</b></p>",
      "consent.how_to_opt_out": "You can opt out of receiving our messages or calls at any time. Just go to our <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">unsubscribe page</a>. By entering your details you confirm that you are 16 or older.",
      "consent.opt_in_reason": "<b>SumOfUs is a global community of people committed to fighting corporate power</b>. Would you like to hear about our latest campaigns, news, events and fundraising, and find out more about how you can get involved? <b>Choose 'yes' to opt in to email below:</b>",
      "consent.opt_out_warn_message": "If you choose ‘Yes,’ we’ll keep you posted about SumOfUs campaigns so you can take action when the next big company steps out of line.",
      "consent.opt_out_warn_title": "Are you sure?",
      "consent.select_an_option": "Please select an option",
      "cookie_consent.dismiss_button_text": "Agree & Proceed",
      "cookie_consent.message": "Cookies are important to the proper functioning of this site.",
      "cookie_consent.privacy_policy_link_text": "Privacy Policy",
      "double_opt_in.check_email.body": "Please check your e-mail to confirm your e-mail address and validate your signature",
      "": "Confirm your signature",
      "email_pension.form.other_pension_fund_text": "Can't find your pension fund?",
      "email_pension.form.select_target": "Select your Pension or Mutual Fund",
      "email_tool.form.choose_email_service": "Choose one of the email services to send an email now",
      "email_tool.form.copy_email_body": "3. Copy Email Body",
      "email_tool.form.copy_email_subject": "2. Copy Email Subject",
      "email_tool.form.copy_target_email_address": "1. Copy Target Email Address",
      "email_tool.form.email_body": "Body",
      "email_tool.form.email_client": "Email Client",
      "": "Please select a country",
      "": "Please add your email address",
      "": "Please select a pension fund",
      "email_tool.form.errors.fund_not_found": "We're sorry you couldn't find your pension fund. Send us its name and we'll update our records.",
      "email_tool.form.errors.message": "Whoops! There are some errors with the form. Please check you've filled in the required fields.",
      "": "Please add you name",
      "email_tool.form.errors.subject": "Please add a subject line",
      "email_tool.form.errors.suggest_fund": "Name of pension fund can't be blank",
      "": "It seems the targets information has recently changed. Please reload the page and try again.",
      "email_tool.form.errors.targets": "Please enter your location to find your representative",
      "email_tool.form.manual": "Manual",
      "email_tool.form.mobile_desktop_apps": "Mobile & Desktop Apps",
      "email_tool.form.name_of_your_pension_fund": "Name of your pension fund",
      "email_tool.form.others": "Others",
      "email_tool.form.representative.not_found": "Sorry, we couldn't find a target with this location.",
      "email_tool.form.representative.postal_code": "Enter your postal code",
      "email_tool.form.representative.search_pending": "Please enter your postal code above.",
      "email_tool.form.representative.searching": "Searching for your representative",
      "email_tool.form.representative.selected_targets": "Representatives",
      "email_tool.form.select_country": "Select your Country",
      "email_tool.form.select_target": "Select a target",
      "email_tool.form.send_button_text": "Send",
      "email_tool.form.subject": "Subject line",
      "email_tool.form.submit": "Submit",
      "email_tool.form.submit_and_send_email": "Submit & Send Email",
      "email_tool.form.title_for_no_email_client": "If you have not set up an email client or do not have any of mentioned email service, please use the following instructions.",
      "email_tool.form.web_browser": "Web Browser",
      "email_tool.form.your_email": "Your email address",
      "email_tool.form.your_name": "Your name",
      "email_tool.section.compose": "Compose Your Email",
      "email_tool.selected_target": "Your selected target(s)",
      "email_tool.suggest_fund": "Sorry about that. Email the name of your fund to and we'll do our best to add it to our database.",
      "email_tool.template_defaults.constituency_name": "[Select your representative above]",
      "": "[Select fund from above]",
      "email_tool.template_defaults.fund_contact": "[Select fund from above]",
      "email_tool.template_defaults.fund_email": "[Select fund from above]",
      "": "[Enter your name above]",
      "email_tool.template_defaults.target_full_name": "[Select your representative above]",
      "email_tool.title": "Compose your email",
      "eoy_donation_email.confirmation_error": "Email does not match",
      "eoy_donation_email.opt_in.alert": "An error occurred while opting you into the remaining fundraising emails in 2019. Click here to try again.",
      "eoy_donation_email.opt_in.notice": "You’ve successfully opted into receiving our remaining fundraising emails in 2019.",
      "eoy_donation_email.opt_out.alert": "An error occurred while opting you out of the remaining fundraising emails in 2019. Click here to try again.",
      "eoy_donation_email.opt_out.notice": "You’ve successfully opted out of our remaining fundraising emails in 2019. Thanks so much for your support, [FNAME]. If you’ve made this request in error, you can opt back into receiving our fundraising emails by clicking [HERE].",
      "errors.is_invalid": "is invalid",
      "errors.named_field_error": "{name} has some errors:",
      "errors.probably_invalid": "doesn't look right",
      "errors.this_field": "This field",
      "errors.this_field_with_message": "This field {message}",
      "facebook_share.caption": "I just signed this petition on",
      "facebook_share.comment_field_label": "I'm signing because...",
      "footer.home_url": "",
      "": "Country",
      "": "Email Address",
      "": "Full name",
      "form.default.phone_number": "Phone number",
      "form.default.postal": "Postal Code",
      "form.do_not_close": "Please do not close this tab or use the back button.",
      "form.processing": "Processing...",
      "form.submit": "Submit",
      "form.switch_user": "Sign out",
      "fundraiser.amount": "Amount",
      "fundraiser.bank_rejected_error": "Your bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. Please contact your bank or try with a different payment method.",
      "fundraiser.card_declined": "Your card was declined by the payment processor. Please try a different payment method.",
      "fundraiser.complete_donation": "Complete your {amount} donation",
      "fundraiser.confirmation": "Donation received",
      "fundraiser.currency_in": "Values shown in {currency}",
      "fundraiser.debit.direct_debit": "Direct Debit",
      "fundraiser.debit.one_time": "You are donating {amount}",
      "fundraiser.debit.recurring": "You are setting up a monthly donation of {amount}",
      "fundraiser.details": "Details",
      "fundraiser.donate": "Donate {amount}",
      "fundraiser.donate_amount": "Donate {amount}",
      "fundraiser.donate_monthly": "Donate {amount} / month",
      "fundraiser.donate_now": "Donate now",
      "fundraiser.donation_once": "Donate {amount} Just once",
      "fundraiser.donation_recurring": "Donate {amount} Monthly",
      "fundraiser.donation_weekly": "Donate {amount} Weekly",
      "fundraiser.error_intro": "We were unable to process your donation!",
      "fundraiser.expired_card": "Transaction declined: Expired card. ",
      "fundraiser.field_names.cvv": "CVV",
      "fundraiser.field_names.expiration": "Expiration date",
      "fundraiser.field_names.number": "Card number",
      "fundraiser.fields.cvv": "CVV",
      "fundraiser.fields.expiration": "Expiration date",
      "fundraiser.fields.expiration_format": "MM / YY",
      "fundraiser.fields.number": "Card number",
      "fundraiser.fields.postalCode": "Postal code",
      "fundraiser.fine_print": "Donations are not tax deductable. For more information please email us.",
      "fundraiser.insufficient_funds": "Transaction declined: Insufficient Funds. ",
      "fundraiser.loading": "Loading secure <br> payment portal",
      "fundraiser.make_monthly_donation": "{name} a {duration} donation will support our movement to plan ahead, so we can more effectively take on the biggest corporations that threaten people and planet.",
      "fundraiser.make_recurring": "Make my donation monthly",
      "fundraiser.month": "month",
      "fundraiser.one_click_failed": "We're sorry but we could not process your donation. Please try again with a different card.",
      "fundraiser.one_click_warning": "Your donation will be processed immediately.",
      "fundraiser.oneclick.credit_card_payment_method": "{card_type} ending in {last_four_digits}",
      "fundraiser.oneclick.duplicate_donation": "You've just made a donation a few minutes ago. Are you sure, you want to donate again? We're doing this to make sure you don't accidentally donate twice.
Thanks so much for everything you do!",
      "fundraiser.oneclick.new_payment_method": "Add payment method",
      "fundraiser.oneclick.paypal_payment_method": "Paypal ({email})",
      "fundraiser.oneclick.select_payment": "Select a saved payment method",
      "fundraiser.other_amount": "Other",
      "fundraiser.payment": "Payment",
      "": "Apple Pay",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.card": "Credit or debit card",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.giropay": "Giropay",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.gocardless": "Direct Debit",
      "": "Google Pay",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.ideal": "iDEAL",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.paypal": "PayPal",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.ready_for_gocardless": "Click 'Donate' to finish donating through GoCardless, our direct debit provider.",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.ready_for_google": "When you click the button below, Google will guide you to finish your donation.",
      "fundraiser.payment_methods.ready_for_paypal": "When you click the button below, Paypal will guide you to finish your donation.",
      "fundraiser.payment_type_prompt": "Payment Method",
      "fundraiser.paypal_transaction_declined": "Your PayPal transaction has been declined by the processor or your bank. Please try with a different payment method.",
      "fundraiser.proceed_to_details": "Proceed to details",
      "fundraiser.proceed_to_payment": "Proceed to payment",
      "fundraiser.recurring_thank_you_with_amount": "<strong>Thank you for your recurring donation of {amount}!</strong> If you have any questions or made this donation in error, please email",
      "fundraiser.store_in_vault": "Securely store my payment information",
      "fundraiser.switch_currency": "Switch currency",
      "fundraiser.thank_you": "Thank you for your donation!",
      "fundraiser.thank_you_with_amount": "<strong>Thank you for your donation of {amount}!</strong> If you have any questions or made this donation in error, please email",
      "fundraiser.thermometer.goal": "Goal",
      "fundraiser.thermometer.raised": "Raised",
      "fundraiser.transaction_declined": "Transaction declined: please verify your information or try with a different payment method.",
      "fundraiser.try_again": "Please try again with a different payment method.",
      "fundraiser.unknown_error": "Our technical team has been notified. Please double check your info or try a different payment method.",
      "fundraiser.weekly_donation_fineprint": "To reduce processing fees and make sure your donation has as much impact as possible, weekly donations are processed once per month.",
      "member_registration.check_email": "<strong>Thanks for registering.</strong> <span>Now, check your email and click the confirmation link</span>",
      "member_registration.create_account": "We're processing your donation.",
      "member_registration.create_account_description": "Now, create an account to securely manage your donations, and cancel a donation at any time.",
      "member_registration.enter_password_message": "Just enter a password to get started",
      "member_registration.form.confirm_password": "Confirm Password",
      "member_registration.form.password": "Password",
      "member_registration.form.register": "Register",
      "member_registration.form.your_email": "Your email",
      "member_registration.thanks": "Thanks! Just one more step:",
      "member_registration.title": "Member Registration",
      "page.more_info": "More information",
      "page.no_script": "Thanks for coming to learn about this issue! Unfortunately, you can't take action while Javascript is disabled in your browser. Please enable Javascript or return in a browser with Javascript enabled to take action.",
      "petition.confirmation": "Name submitted",
      "petition.excited_confirmation": "Name submitted!",
      "petition.fine_print": "We will protect your privacy, and keep you updated about this and similar campaigns.",
      "petition.sign_it": "Sign the petition",
      "petition.target_prefix": "TO",
      "petition.thank_you": "Thanks for adding your name to \\"{petition_title}\\"",
      "recaptcha_branding_html": "This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google <a href=\\"\\">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href=\\"\\">Terms of Service</a> apply.",
      "recommend_pages.actions": "{action_count} actions",
      "recommend_pages.learn_more": "learn more",
      "recommend_pages.recommend_pages_title": "Here are other similar campaigns we need your support on!",
      "reset_password_mailer.reset_password_email.html.body": "Someone (probably you) has requested a password reset on your SumOfUs account.<br />You can use the following link within the next day to reset your password:<br /><br />{url}<br /><br />If you didn't request a new password, you can safely ignore this email.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />SumOfUs",
      "reset_password_mailer.reset_password_email.subject": "Please reset your password",
      "reset_password_mailer.reset_password_email.text.body": "Someone (probably you) has requested a password reset on your SumOfUs account.

You can use the following link within the next day to reset your password:


If you didn't request a new password, you can safely ignore this email.

      "reset_passwords.create.not_found": "Sorry, we can't find that email.",
      "reset_passwords.edit.button_label": "Change password",
      "reset_passwords.edit.description": "Password must be at least 6 characters long.",
      "reset_passwords.edit.invalid_link": "It looks like you clicked on an invalid password reset link. Please try again.",
      "reset_passwords.edit.password": "Password",
      "reset_passwords.edit.password_confirmation": "Confirm password",
      "reset_passwords.edit.title": "Change password for",
      "": "Send password reset email",
      "": "Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password.",
      "": "Email",
      "": "Reset your password",
      "": "Check your email for a link to reset your password. If it doesn't appear within a few minutes, check your spam folder.",
      "": "Reset your password",
      "reset_passwords.success.description": "Visit the <a href='{url}'>Member Dashboard</a> to log-in.",
      "reset_passwords.success.title": "Your new password was successfully saved",
      "share.copied": "Copied!",
      "share.cta": "Share the campaign!",
      "share.send_email": "Send Email",
      "share.share": "Share",
      "share.share_on_whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
      "share.tweet": "Tweet",
      "share.twitter_handle": "@sumofus",
      "survey.finish": "Finish",
      "": "Next",
      "survey.skip": "Skip",
      "thermometer.million": "million",
      "thermometer.signatures": "signatures",
      "thermometer.signatures_until_goal": "{remaining} signatures until {goal}",
      "time.formats.default": "%-d %B %Y",
      "validation.is_email_or_link": "should not contain email addresses or links",
      "validation.is_invalid_country": "must be a valid country code",
      "validation.is_invalid_email": "is not a valid email address",
      "validation.is_invalid_length": "must be less than {length} characters long",
      "validation.is_invalid_phone": "can only have numbers, dash, plus, and parentheses",
      "validation.is_required": "is required",
      "validation.postal.has_invalid_characters": "Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens",
      "validation.postal.too_long": "May contain no more than 9 letter or number characters",