import ee from '../../shared/pub_sub';
const TALL_EDITORS = ['page_body'];
function configureWysiwyg(id, editorOptions = []) {
const $editor = $('#' + id);
if ($editor.length === 0) {
toolbar: editorOptions.length
? editorOptions
: [
['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
['font', ['fontsize']],
['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
['color', ['color']],
['insert', ['ltr', 'rtl']],
['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video']],
['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview', 'help']],
height: TALL_EDITORS.indexOf(id) > -1 ? 280 : 120,
fontSizes: ['8', '10', '11', '12', '14', '16', '20', '24', '36', '72'],
codemirror: {
theme: 'default',
mode: 'text/html',
lineNumbers: true,
tabMode: 'indent',
lineWrapping: true,
const $contentField = $('#' + id + '_content');
$editor.summernote('fontSize', '16'); // default
$editor.summernote('code', $contentField.val());
// In order to make an iframe size down with the containing column
// or to fit on screen on mobile, you have to apply style to the iframe
// and to the containing element. This adds a class to the containing element
// that our CSS is looking for.
const encapsulateIframes = function(html) {
if (html.indexOf('iframe') === -1) {
return html; // don't do anything if there's no iframe
const $html = $(html);
// addClass is idempotent so we just call it every time we save
// this little goof is just cause jquery doesn't have $el.outerHtml();
return $('<div></div>')
const updateContentBeforeSave = function() {
const content = encapsulateIframes($editor.summernote('code'));
ee.on('wysiwyg:submit', updateContentBeforeSave);
ee.on('wysiwyg:setup', configureWysiwyg);