var getErrorString = require("./getErrorString");
var request = require("request");
var response = require("cfn-responder");
module.exports = function(err, event, context, obj, physicalResourceId, options) {
options = options || {};
* Is this request from CloudFormation
if (event && event.StackId) {
* If CloudFormation sent a physicalReourceId and none has been passed here, use what CloudFormation sent.
* this will ensure that updates and deletes will continute to be correlated in CloudFormation
physicalResourceId = physicalResourceId || event.PhysicalResourceId;
var responseStatus = response.SUCCESS;
if (err) {
event.Reason = getErrorString(err);
responseStatus = response.FAILED;
response.send(event, context, responseStatus, obj, physicalResourceId, options.cfn_responder);
else {