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Test Coverage
name: ⚡️ New Feature
labels: triage, enhancement
about: Implement a New Feature.

## Pre Submission Checklist

<!-- Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply: -->

### Type of Change
- [ ] Bug fix.
- [x] New feature.
- [ ] Documentation update.

### Requirements
- [ ] I have read the [**CONTRIBUTING**]( document.
- [ ] I have followed the [**Commit Message Guidelines**](
- [ ] My code passes the eslint style.

### Documentation
- [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
- [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.

### Automated Tests
- [ ] My change does not require any additional tests to maintain full coverage.
- [ ] I have added tests to cover any critical components of my change.
- [ ] The test suite is passing.

## Issues this Pull Request Resolves

<!-- Tag any issues this pull request resolves here. -->

## Additional Context

<!-- Add any additional notes, motivations or contexts here. -->