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title: Methods
description: IdleTimer methods

Methods are the API that is returned by IdleTimer. You can interface
with your IdleTimer instance by using the following functions. Examples of
how to use them can be found in the [hook](/docs/api/use-idle-timer)
and [higher order component](/docs/api/with-idle-timer) docs.

### start
  description='Resets the IdleTimer instance to its initial state and starts the timer. Returns a boolean denoting if the instance was started successfully.'
  type='() => boolean'

### reset
  description='Resets the IdleTimer instance to its initial state. Returns a boolean denoting if the instance was reset successfully.'
  type='() => boolean'

### activate
  description='Resets the IdleTimer instance to its initial state, restarting the timer, and emitting the `onActive` event if the user was idle or prompted. Returns a boolean denoting if the instance was activated successfully.'
  type='() => boolean'

### pause
  description='Pauses the IdleTimer instance. When paused all events are unbound. Returns a boolean denoting if the instance was paused successfully.'
  type='() => boolean'

### resume
  description='Resumes an IdleTimer instance from the time it was paused. When resumed, all events will be bound. Returns a boolean denoting if the instance was resumed successfully.'
  type='() => boolean'

### message
  description='Broadcast an arbitrary message to all instances of IdleTimer. If crossTab is enabled, all tabs will receive the message and their `onMessage` callback will be emitted. If `emitOnSelf` is set to true, the callee instance will also emit its `onMessage` callback. Returns a boolean denoting if the message was sent successfully.'
  type='(data: MessageType, emitOnSelf?: boolean) => boolean'

### isIdle
  description='Returns whether or not the user is idle.'
  type='() => boolean'

### isPrompted
  description='Returns whether or not the prompt is active.'
  type='() => boolean'

### isLeader
  description='Returns whether or not the current tab is the leader.'
  type='() => boolean'

### isLastActiveTab
  description='Returns whether or not the current tab is the last active tab.'
  type='() => boolean'

### getTabId
  description='Returns the current tabs id.'
  type='() => string'

### getRemainingTime
  description='Returns the number of milliseconds until idle.'
  type='() => number'

### getElapsedTime
  description='Returns the number of milliseconds since the hook was mounted.'
  type='() => number'

### getTotalElapsedTime
  description='Returns the number of milliseconds since the hook last reset.'
  type='() => number'

### getLastIdleTime
  description='Returns the last time the user was idle. Returns a Date instance that can be formatted.'
  type='() => Date | null'

### getLastActiveTime
  description='Returns the last time the user was active. Returns a Date instance that can be formatted.'
  type='() => Date | null'

### getIdleTime
  description='Returns the total time in milliseconds user has been idle since the last reset.'
  type='() => number'

### getTotalIdleTime
  description='Returns the total time in milliseconds user has been idle since the component mounted.'
  type='() => number'

### getActiveTime
  description='Returns the total time in milliseconds user has been active since the last reset.'
  type='() => number'

### getTotalActiveTime
  description='Returns the total time in milliseconds user has been active since the component mounted.'
  type='() => number'