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Test Coverage
  "announcement": {
    "message": "⚡️ Version 5.7 is now released!",
    "link": {
      "href": "/docs/getting-started/new",
      "title": "Find out whats new"
  "notFound": {
    "title": "404: Not found",
    "description": "Page not found",
    "heading": "404 | Page Not Found 💫",
    "message": "You have traveled into uncharted space.",
    "back-to-home": "Warp Home"
  "homepage": {
    "title": {
      "main": "Handle Idle Users with",
      "highlighted": "Confidence"
    "seo": {
      "title": "IdleTimer",
      "description": "Robust activity and idle detection for your React applications."
    "message": "Detect and respond to your user's activity or lack thereof.",
    "getStarted": "Get Started",
    "features": {
      "title": "Features",
      "description": "Robust feature set for all your activity detection needs.",
      "idleDetection": {
        "title": "Idle Detection",
        "description": "Callbacks for when your user goes idle and becomes active again after being idle. Timers are offloaded to a WebWorker to avoid background throttling."
      "activityDetection": {
        "title": "Activity Detection",
        "description": "Callback when your user performs the specified events. This call back can be debounced or throttled to preserve performance."
      "confirmPrompt": {
        "title": "Confirm Prompt",
        "description": "Callback to open a confirm prompt with a countdown timer before the idle event is fired. Give your users a chance to let you know they are still there."
      "crossTabSupport": {
        "title": "Cross Tab Support",
        "description": "Support for multiple tabs and windows through a BroadcastChannel with localStorage fallback for older browsers."
    "stats": {
      "title": "Statistics",
      "description": "Current engagement and quality statistics for the latest build of IdleTimer.",
      "monthlyDownloads": "Monthly Downloads",
      "totalDownloads": "Total Downloads",
      "githubStars": "Github Stars",
      "testCoverage": "Test Coverage",
      "codeQuality": "Code Quality",
      "discordMembers": "Discord Members"
    "demo": {
      "title": "Demo",
      "description": "See IdleTimer in action. Go ahead and play around!"
    "sponsor": {
      "title": "Support IdleTimer",
      "description": "A lot of time and effort goes into maintaining and improving this project. Your donations help ensure that IdleTimer is the best it can be. You can support by subscribing or a one time donation. All donations have an associated reward.",
      "sponsorTheProject": "Sponsor the project securely with Github",
      "organizationSponsors": "Organization Sponsors",
      "individualSponsors": "Individual Sponsors"
    "usedBy": {
      "title": "Trusted By Many",
      "description": "IdleTimer is trusted by organizations world wide. If your company uses IdleTimer and you would like to have your logo and link included here, open an issue!"
  "tableOfContents": {
    "onThisPage": "On This Page"
  "editPageButton": {
    "editThisPage": "Edit This Page"
  "mobileNav": {
    "docs": "Docs",
    "guides": "Guides",
    "faq": "FAQ",
    "sponsors": "Sponsors"
  "footer": {
    "madeWith": "Made with"
  "discordBar": {
    "heading": "Connect with the community",
    "description": "Feel free to ask questions, report issues, and meet new people.",
    "join": "Join the Discord!"
  "copyButton": {
    "copy": "copy",
    "copied": "copied"
  "componentLinks": {
    "viewSource": "View Source"
  "propsTable": {
    "required": "required",
    "description": "description",
    "type": "type",
    "default": "default",
    "deprecated": "deprecated"
  "props": {
    "timeout": "Activity Timeout in milliseconds.",
    "promptBeforeIdle": "The amount of milliseconds before timeout to call the onPrompt event handler.",
    "events": "DOM events to watch for activity on.",
    "immediateEvents": "DOM events that will immediately call onIdle",
    "onPrompt": "When promptTimeout is set, this function is called after the user becomes idle. This is useful for displaying a confirm prompt. If the prompt timeout is reached, onIdle is then called.",
    "onIdle": "Function to call when user becomes idle.",
    "onActive": "Function to call when user becomes active.",
    "onAction": "Function to call on user activity.",
    "debounce": "Debounce the onAction function by setting delay in milliseconds.",
    "throttle": "Throttle the onAction function by setting delay in milliseconds.",
    "eventsThrottle": "Throttle the activity events. Useful if you are listening to mouse events. Helps to cut down on cpu usage.",
    "element": "Element reference to bind activity listeners to.",
    "startOnMount": "Start the timer on mount.",
    "startManually": "Require the timer to be started manually.",
    "disabled": "Disable the timer.",
    "stopOnIdle": "Once the user goes idle the IdleTimer will not reset on user input instead, start() or reset() must be called manually to restart the timer.",
    "crossTab": "Enable the cross tab feature.",
    "syncTimers": "Sync timers across all tabs.",
    "leaderElection": "Enables the Leader Election feature. Leader Election will assign one tab to be the leader."
  "methods": {
    "start": "Restore initial state and start timer.",
    "reset": "Restore initial state.",
    "activate": "Restore initial state, start the timer and emit onActive if user is idle.",
    "pause": "Store remaining time and stop timer.",
    "resume": "Resumes a paused timer.",
    "isIdle": "Returns whether or not the user is idle.",
    "isPrompted": "Returns whether or not this tab is in the prompted state.",
    "isLeader": "Returns whether or not current tab is the leader.",
    "isLastActiveTab": "Returns whether or not this is the last active tab.",
    "getTabId": "Returns the current tab's id.",
    "getRemainingTime": "Time remaining before idle in milliseconds.",
    "getElapsedTime": "How much time has elapsed in milliseconds since last reset.",
    "getTotalElapsedTime": "How much time has elapsed in milliseconds since hook mounts.",
    "getLastIdleTime": "Last time the user was idle.",
    "getLastActiveTime": "Last time the user was active.",
    "getIdleTime": "Time in milliseconds user has been idle since last reset.",
    "getTotalIdleTime": "Total time in milliseconds user has been idle since the hook mounted.",
    "getActiveTime": "Time in milliseconds user has been active since last reset.",
    "getTotalActiveTime": "Total time in milliseconds user has been active since the hook mounted.",
    "message": "Broadcast a message to all tabs.",
    "emitOnSelf": "Emits the onMessage callback on the instance sending the message."