
Test Coverage

> The word *lieu* originally comes from the Latin *locus*, meaning *place*, and its meaning has stayed true to its origins ever since.

Simple Ruby wrapper for the [Google Places API](

**Current version**: [![Gem Version](](

**Build status**:        [![Build Status](](

**Code metrics**:
     [![Code Climate](](
[![Coverage Status](](

**Ruby support**:

- 1.9.2
- 1.9.3
- 2.0.0

## Installation

Install via Rubygems

    gem install lieu

or add to your Gemfile

    gem 'lieu'

### Configuration

API methods are available as module methods

Lieu.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = 'http://newendpoint/'
  c.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  c.sensor = true

or as client instance methods

    api_endpoint: 'http://newendpoint/',
    api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    sensor: true

The `sensor` parameter can be set globally (default to `false`) or can be provided for every request by passing the optional parameter `sensor: true`.

## Authentication

Lieu only supports authentication via an API key.

You can request one following these [steps](

## Usage

place = Lieu.details('CmRYAAAA...')
# => "Google Sydney"

places = Lieu.text_search('Google Sydney')
# => "529 Kent Street, Sydney NSW, Australia"

# etc…

## Features

Lieu supports all the Google Places API methods:

- [Search](
- [Details](
- [Actions](
- [Photos](
- [Autocomplete](
- [Query autocomplete](

Complete Lieu public API's documentation [here](

## Similar libraries

- [google_places](

## Versioning
Lieu follows the principles of [semantic versioning](

1. Patch level releases contain only bug fixes.
2. Minor releases contain backward-compatible new features.
3. Major new releases contain backwards-incompatible changes to the public API.

## Contributing

Pull Requests are welcome !

Please refer to the [Contributing guide]( for more details on how to run the test suite and to contribute.

## Copyright

Copyright © 2013 Aylic Petit

Released under the terms of the MIT licence. See the [LICENSE]( file for more details.