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# arxiv-bot
This is a app creating a paper issue that we should read through my tweet.

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# Demo

* Tweet or Retweet a message that contains URL of arxiv.
* This app creates an issue which includes the title, authors, abstract, URL to [this repository](https://github.com/Swall0w/papers) instead of you.

# Getting Started
These instuctions will get you how I deploy thie app for my repository.
If you want to deploy this for your repository and for your twitter account,
you need to set the configration file for them.

## Prerequisites
* Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)
* tweepy
* beautifulsoup4
* lxml

## Installing
    git clone https://github.com/Swall0w/arxiv-bot
    make build
    make install

## Running the tests
    make test

## Deployment
Before you launch the script,
make sure that your configration file is correctly written like bellow,
Modify these parameter for your twitter account and github account.

    mv scripts/user.conf.bak scripts/user.conf
    cat scripts/user.conf

    consumer_key = hoge
    consumer_secret = fuga
    access_key = bar
    access_secret = foo

    repo_owner = repository_owner_name
    repo_name = repository_name
    username = your_github_name
    password = your_github_password


After setting the configration file, you launch the app.

    cd scripts
    python3 main.py

# Author
* Swall0w

# License
* MIT License