"""MongoDb family model."""
# 'annotations' import needs to return enclosing type:
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
from mongoengine import Document, IntField, LazyReferenceField, ListField, StringField
from mongoengine.base.datastructures import LazyReference
from src.model.mate import Mate
from src.utils.error import AppError, ErrorCode, error_bounded
class Family(Document):
"""Family model class that stores ID."""
sync_interval_days = IntField(required=True)
name = StringField(required=True)
mate_ids = ListField(LazyReferenceField(Mate), default=list)
meta = {"collection": "families", "strict": False}
def mates(self) -> List[Mate]:
"""Fetch object for mate_ids."""
return list(Mate.objects.in_bulk([ for ref in self.mate_ids]).values())
def get_id(self) -> str:
"""Return string version of mongo oid."""
return str(
def lookup_family(family: Union[str, LazyReference]) -> Optional[Family]:
"""Lookup family by oID in db."""
id = family if isinstance(family, str) else str(
return cast(Family, Family.objects(pk=id).first())
(AppError(ErrorCode.MONGO_ERROR, "Mongo error when adding new family"), None)
def add_new_family(
name: str, sync_interval_days: int
) -> Tuple[Optional[AppError], Optional[Family]]:
"""Add a new family."""
family = Family(name=name, sync_interval_days=sync_interval_days)
return (None, family)