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# Getting started

## Requirements

PHP: 8.1+ due to [enums](  
Symfony: 6.0+  
Doctrine ORM: 2.7+

## Installation

Install the package from [Packagist]( by executing the following command:

composer require syndesi/neo4j-sync-bundle

## Configuration

Currently, this bundle does not provide a [Symfony Flex]( recipe, therefore the
configuration file must be created manually:

# /config/packages/neo4j_sync.yml
                    url: 'bolt://username:password@localhost'

To see all configurable options you can run `php bin/console config:dump-reference neo4j_sync` and
`php bin/console debug:config neo4j_sync`.

See also [Laudi's own documentation]( for the url schemes.

## Attributes

Add the `Neo4jSync\Node` and `Neo4jSync\Index` to your Doctrine entity class and adapt them if necessary.  
During Doctrine events `SerializerPropertiesProvider` serializes the Doctrine entity and returns an array of `Property`
value objects, which are then added to the Neo4j node.

namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Attribute as Neo4jSync;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Provider\StaticIdentifierProvider;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Provider\StaticIndexNameProvider;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Provider\StaticIndexTypeProvider;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Provider\StaticNodeLabelProvider;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Provider\StaticPropertiesProvider;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\ValueObject\IndexName;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\ValueObject\NodeLabel;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\ValueObject\Property;

    new StaticNodeLabelProvider(new NodeLabel('Node')),
    new SerializerPropertiesProvider(),
    new StaticIdentifierProvider(new Property('id'))
    new StaticIndexNameProvider(new IndexName('node_id')),
    new StaticNodeLabelProvider(new NodeLabel('Node')),
    new StaticPropertiesProvider([
        new Property('id')
    new StaticIndexTypeProvider()
class Node
    #[ORM\Column(type: 'integer')]
    private ?int $id;

    #[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255)]
    private ?string $name;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getName(): ?string
        return $this->name;

    public function setName(string $name): self
        $this->name = $name;

        return $this;

## Commands

First synchronize the new index. This step is optional, but will improve Neo4j's speed drastically.  

php bin/console neo4j-sync:index:sync -f

Now synchronize existing entities to the Neo4j database:

php bin/console neo4j-sync:db:sync -f

The preceding command might fail on large datasets (~50k+ elements) due to memory limitations. If this happens you can
increase the memory to e.g. 512 MB by appending the option `--memory=512`.

## Summary

All Doctrine entities of the type Node should now be available inside Neo4j. Take a look at Neo4j's database browser,
usually available at `http://localhost:7474`