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namespace Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\ValueObject;

use Stringable;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Contract\IsEqualToInterface;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Exception\DuplicatePropertiesException;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Exception\MissingIdPropertyException;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Exception\MissingPropertyException;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Exception\MissingPropertyValueException;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Exception\UnsupportedPropertyNameException;
use Syndesi\Neo4jSyncBundle\Helper\CompareEqualHelper;

class Relation implements Stringable, IsEqualToInterface
     * @param RelationLabel $label                 Label of the relationship, e.g. CHILD_NODE_PARENT_NODE.
     * @param NodeLabel     $relatesToLabel        label of the parent node
     * @param Property      $relatesToIdentifier
     * @param NodeLabel     $relatesFromLabel
     * @param Property      $relatesFromIdentifier
     * @param array         $properties
     * @param Property|null $identifier
     * @throws DuplicatePropertiesException
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws MissingIdPropertyException
     * @throws MissingPropertyValueException
    public function __construct(
        private readonly RelationLabel $label,
        private readonly NodeLabel $relatesToLabel,
        private readonly Property $relatesToIdentifier,
        private readonly NodeLabel $relatesFromLabel,
        private readonly Property $relatesFromIdentifier,
         * @var Property[]
        private readonly array $properties = [],
        private readonly ?Property $identifier = null
    ) {
        if (null === $relatesToIdentifier->getValue()) {
            throw new MissingPropertyValueException('The value of the relates to property of a relation can not be null.');
        if (null === $relatesFromIdentifier->getValue()) {
            throw new MissingPropertyValueException('The value of the relates from property of a relation can not be null.');
        $propertyNames = [];
        foreach ($properties as $property) {
            if (!($property instanceof Property)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Property of type %s should be of type %s", get_class($property), Property::class));
            $propertyNames[] = $property->getName();
        if (count(array_unique($propertyNames)) !== count($properties)) {
            throw new DuplicatePropertiesException('Relation require each property to have an unique name.');
        if ($identifier) {
            if (!in_array($identifier->getName(), $propertyNames)) {
                throw new MissingIdPropertyException(sprintf("Relation has identifier with name '%s', but it is not part of its properties.\n".'If it is a Doctrine entity, was it yet persisted and flushed?', $identifier->getName()));

    public function getLabel(): RelationLabel
        return $this->label;

    public function getRelatesToLabel(): NodeLabel
        return $this->relatesToLabel;

    public function getRelatesToIdentifier(): Property
        return $this->relatesToIdentifier;

    public function getRelatesFromLabel(): NodeLabel
        return $this->relatesFromLabel;

    public function getRelatesFromIdentifier(): Property
        return $this->relatesFromIdentifier;

     * @return Property[]
    public function getProperties(): array
        return $this->properties;

     * @return array<string, mixed>
    public function getPropertiesAsAssociativeArray(): array
        $associativeArray = [];
        foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
            $associativeArray[$property->getName()] = $property->getValue();

        return $associativeArray;

     * @throws MissingPropertyException
    public function getProperty(string $name): mixed
        foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
             * @var Property $property
            if ($property->getName() === $name) {
                return $property->getValue();
        throw new MissingPropertyException(sprintf("Unable to find property with name '%s'.", $name));

     * If relation was created with an identifier, this method returns a new instance of a property with both the
     * identifiers name and the identifiers value from the properties.
     * @throws MissingPropertyException
     * @throws UnsupportedPropertyNameException
    public function getIdentifier(): ?Property
        if ($this->identifier) {
            return new Property($this->identifier->getName(), $this->getProperty($this->identifier->getName()));

        return null;

    public function __toString()
        $properties = [];
        foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
            /* @var $property Property */
            $properties[] = sprintf("%s: %s", $property->getName(), $property->getValue());
        $properties = implode(', ', $properties);

        return sprintf(
            "(:%s {%s: %s})-[:%s {%s}]->(:%s {%s: %s})",
            (string) $this->relatesFromLabel,
            (string) $this->label,
            (string) $this->relatesToLabel,

    public function isEqualTo(object $element): bool
        if (!($element instanceof Relation)) {
            return false;

        $arePropertiesEqual = true;
        if (count($this->properties) !== count($element->properties)) {
            $arePropertiesEqual = false;
        } else {
            foreach ($this->properties as $i => $property) {
                if (!$property->isEqualTo($element->properties[$i])) {
                    $arePropertiesEqual = false;

            $this->label->isEqualTo($element->label) &&
            $this->relatesToLabel->isEqualTo($element->relatesToLabel) &&
            $this->relatesToIdentifier->isEqualTo($element->relatesToIdentifier) &&
            $this->relatesFromLabel->isEqualTo($element->relatesFromLabel) &&
            $this->relatesFromIdentifier->isEqualTo($element->relatesFromIdentifier) &&
            $arePropertiesEqual &&
            CompareEqualHelper::compare($this->identifier, $element->identifier);