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# Resource repository
For each type of Resource a Repository must be created. When fetching resources for a resource type you can use 
the repository methods.

For example: if you have resources of the types book, author and product you will need to create a repository for each 

A Resource Repository is connected to one [Connector] instance. Each Resource Repository can be connected
to a different Connector.

## Repository Manager
Each resource repository must be created via the repository manager as this creates a central storage for all
repositories. The Repository Manager is used in various places in Hyral like [lazy loading] and the [ChangeSet] feature.

## Example

import axios from 'axios';
import HttpConnector from '@hyral/core/lib/Connector/HttpConnector';
import repositoryManager from '@hyral/core/lib/Resource/repositoryManager';
import jsonApi from '@hyral/json-api';

const axiosInstance = axios.create({
  baseURL: 'https://your-api-url',

const connector = HttpConnector.create(axiosInstance, jsonApi);

// Create a repository for each resource type you want to use.
export const bookRepository = repositoryManager.createRepository(connector, 'book');
export const authorRepository = repositoryManager.createRepository(connector, 'author');

// If the ID field is different pass it as the 3rd argument.
export const productRepository = repositoryManager.createRepository(connector, 'product', 'isbn');

[lazy loading]: