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# WHU-ScoreChecker

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A simple, open-source and model-driven score checker for WHU.

## Important notice

* __Although enough freedom is given, you should be check your score carefully.__
* __This project uses Python 3.7, and works fine with Python 3.5-3.7.__

## Usage

### Captcha model download

* Please download the captcha model [here](https://github.com/T0nyX1ang/WHU-ScoreChecker/releases/tag/model-v1).
* The model is in `HDF5` format, which is a training result with over 2400000 entries and over 95% accuracy.
* You'd better put the downloaded model in the `./static` directory of this repository.

### Query model

* Some query models is included this project on Github. They are inside the `./static` directory.
* If you just want to check all of your scores, load the `./static/default.json` model.
* If you want to do different jobs, take a look at the `./static/example.json` model, it includes all you need.
* The query model parser is under construction and can't deal with very difficult jobs at this time.

### Installation

* If you want to use pip:
    # Note that query model examples are not included when using pip
    pip install WHU-ScoreChecker

* If you want to build from codes:
    # clone this repository, or download it from the release page
    git clone https://github.com/T0nyX1ang/WHU-ScoreChecker.git
    # change your directory
    cd WHU-ScoreChecker
    # install dependencies (pip on Windows, pip3 on Linux)
    pip3/pip install -r requirements.txt
    # install the app
    python3/py -3 setup.py install

### Run the app

* The app should be in your `$PATH$` first. If it is, just type the following line in your shell:

### Integration and contribution

* Integration and contribution are warmly welcomed.
* If you want to integrate our codes in your project, just import some of the following to continue:
    import scorechecker
    import scorechecker.course
    import scorechecker.image
    import scorechecker.net
    import scorechecker.util
* If you want to validate your query model without invoking the graphical interface:
    from scorechecker.loader import load_query_model

## License

This project uses `MIT License`. Please refer to `LICENSE` for more details.