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Analyze the page to extract important infomation.

Almost all of the functions are based on BeautifulSoup.
Although lxml library is not explicitly imported, it's needed.
Information extracted is: captcha_id, login_id, csrf_token, score_table.

import bs4

def get_captcha_id(content):
    Get the captcha ID from HTML page.

    The captcha ID is extracted by filtering non-displaying image tags.
    print('Extracting captcha ID ...')
    b = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, features='lxml')
    styles = b.style.get_text()
    # As the captcha image is exclusive, the result is ONLY one.
    search_string = [
        '#captcha-img1', '#captcha-img2', '#captcha-img3', '#captcha-img4',
    result = [b.select(val) for val in search_string if val not in styles]
    if len(result) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Multiple captcha images found, please retry.')
    captcha_id = result[0][0]['src']
    print('Captcha ID is set to:', captcha_id)
    return captcha_id

def get_login_id(content):
    Get the login ID from HTML page.

    The login ID is extracted from [POST] form hyperlink.
    print('Extracting login ID ...')
    b = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, features='lxml')
    login_box = b.find(id='loginBox')
    login_id = login_box.form['action']
    print('Login ID is set to:', login_id)
    return login_id

def get_csrf_token(content):
    Get the CSRF token from HTML page.

    The CSRF token is extracted when the user logs in successfully.
    print('Extracting CSRF token ...')
    b = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, features='lxml')
    csrf_prefetch = str(b.find(id='system'))
    start = csrf_prefetch.find('csrftoken=')
    if start == -1:
        raise ValueError('Unable to find a CSRF token in this page.')
    csrf_token = csrf_prefetch[start + 10:start + 46]
    print('CSRF token is set to:', csrf_token)
    return csrf_token

def _convert_to_float(score):
    Convert a string ('score') to float.

    If the string is empty, return None.
    If the string is float-like, return its float.
    if len(score) == 0:
        return None
        return float(score)

def get_score_table(content):
    Get the score table from HTML page.

    The score table is a refined version of the raw score table.
    It contains a set of tuples, which makes it easy to calculate further.
    The items are: course_name (str), course_type (str), credit (float),
                   course_academy (str), study_type (str), year (int),
                   semester (int) and score (float).
    print('Fetching score table ...')
    b = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, features='lxml')
    score_table = set()
    raw_score_table = [
        item.get_text().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace(
            ' ', '').replace('\t', '') for item in b.find_all('td')
    if len(raw_score_table) % 12:  # score table is parsed wrong
        raise ValueError('The score table has missing or redundant items.')
    total_course = len(raw_score_table) // 12
    for i in range(0, total_course):
            (raw_score_table[i * 12], raw_score_table[i * 12 + 1],
             _convert_to_float(raw_score_table[i * 12 + 4]),
             raw_score_table[i * 12 + 6], raw_score_table[i * 12 + 7],
             int(raw_score_table[i * 12 + 8]),
             int(raw_score_table[i * 12 + 9]),
             _convert_to_float(raw_score_table[i * 12 + 10])))
    print('Score table has been fetched successfully ...')
    return score_table