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Test Coverage
 * Created by T4rk on 7/12/2017.

import { EventBus, valueChanged, changeNotifier } from '../event-bus/event-bus'
import { toCancelable } from '../extensions/prom-extensions'
import { objMapReducer } from '../extensions/obj-extensions'
import { Deque } from '../containers/deque'

const fulfilled = (action) => `${action}_fulfilled`
const rejected = (action) => `${action}_rejected`
const pending = (action) => `${action}_pending`

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const onDispatchError = console.log

 * Create an object with all the states of a promise.
 * @param {string} action
 * @return {{base: string, fulfilled: string, rejected: string, pending: string}}
export const createPromiseStates = (action) => ({
    base: action,
    fulfilled: fulfilled(action),
    rejected: rejected(action),
    pending: pending(action)

 * Wrap a promise to send events on success or failure.
 * Events sent:
 * - `${action}_pending` no payload
 * - `${action}_fulfilled` payload {value}
 * - `${action}_rejected` payload {error}
 * @param {!EventBus} eventBus
 * @param {!string} action
 * @param {!Promise} promise
export const promiseNotifier = (eventBus, action, promise) => {
    eventBus.dispatch({event: pending(action)}).promise.catch(onDispatchError)
        value => eventBus.dispatch({event: fulfilled(action), payload: value}).promise.catch(onDispatchError)
        error => eventBus.dispatch({event: rejected(action), payload: error}).promise.catch(onDispatchError)

 * A function that returns a promise
 * @typedef {function} promiseAction
 * @param {?*} options
 * @return {!Promise}

 * @example
 * import { PromiseStore,  EventBus, fetchRequest } from 'tarkjs'
 * const eventBus = new EventBus()
 * const store = new PromiseStore({fetch_text: (url) => fetchRequest(url)}, eventBus)
 * const elem = document.getElementById('text-result')
 * // using subscribe
 * store.subscribe('fetch_text', (e) => {
 *     if (e.event === 'fetch_text_result_value_changed'))
 *         elem.innerHTML = e.payload.newValue
 * })
 * // using the promise state events
 * eventBus.addEventHandler('fetch_text_fulfilled', (e) => elem.innerHTML = e.payload)
 * store.actions.fetch_text('text.txt')
export class PromiseStore {
     * @param {Object} actions
     * @param {?EventBus} eventBus
    constructor(actions, eventBus=null) {
        this._eventBus = eventBus || new EventBus()
        const actionKeys = Object.keys(actions)
         * Centralized stores
         * @type {Object}
        this.actionStore = actionKeys.map(k => [k, {
            store: changeNotifier({
                result: null,
                pending: false,
                rejected: false,
                fulfilled: false,
                error: null
            }, this._eventBus, {prefix: k}),
            subscribe: (sub) => [
                'result', 'pending', 'rejected', 'fulfilled', 'error'
            ].forEach(i => this._eventBus.addEventHandler(valueChanged(i, k), sub)),
            STATES: createPromiseStates(k)
        }]).reduce(objMapReducer, {})

         * The actions as direct function calls.
         * Each action key will have a function with one optional param that returns a CancelablePromise.
         * @type {Object}
        this.actions = actionKeys.reduce((m, k) => {
             * Wrapped promise call.
             * @param [options]
             * @return {CancelablePromise}
            m[k] = (options={}) =>  {
                const prom = actions[k](options)
                promiseNotifier(this._eventBus, k, prom)
                return toCancelable(prom)
            return m
        }, {})

        // Handle the states changes.
        actionKeys.forEach(k => {
            const store = this.actionStore[k].store
            this._eventBus.addEventHandler(fulfilled(k), (event) => {
                store.fulfilled = true
                store.result = event.payload
                store.pending = false
            this._eventBus.addEventHandler(pending(k), () => {
                store.pending = true
                store.rejected = false
                store.fulfilled = false
                store.error = null
            this._eventBus.addEventHandler(rejected(k), (event) => {
                store.pending = false
                store.rejected = true
                store.error = event.payload

     * Subscribe to a store value change event.
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {function} sub
    subscribe(action, sub) {
        const states = [fulfilled(action), pending(action), rejected(action)]
        states.forEach(s  => this._eventBus.addEventHandler(s, sub))

     * Remove the handler from the internal {@link EventBus}.
     * @param {!string} action
     * @param {!function} sub
    unsubscribe(action, sub) {
            'result', 'pending', 'rejected', 'fulfilled', 'error'
        ].forEach(s => this._eventBus.removeEventHandler(valueChanged(s, action), sub))
        const states = [fulfilled(action), pending(action), rejected(action)]
        states.forEach(s  => this._eventBus.removeEventHandler(s, sub))

 * Options for the {@link SocketStore#constructor}.
 * @typedef {Object} SocketStoreOptions
 * @property {?EventBus} [eventBus=null] The eventBus to dispatch events to, if null instantiate a new one.
 * @property {?string} [socketName=null] The name of the socket, if null take the url
 * @property {Array} [protocols=[]] socket protocols
 * @property {boolean} [start=false] Start the socket on initialization.
 * @property {int} [capacity=100] The number of message to keep in the store.
 * @property {boolean} [insertFront=false] Insert the elements at the front of the deque store.
 * @property {function(err:*)} [onError] socket event handler
 * @property {function(e:*)} [onOpen] socket event handler
 * @property {function(e:*)} [onClose] socket event handler
 * @property {function(data:*)} [transformMessage] Transform the message before inserting the data in the store

 * @type {SocketStoreOptions}
const defaultSocketStoreOptions = {
    eventBus: null, protocols: [], start: false, capacity: 100, socketName: null, insertFront: false,
    onOpen: () => {},
    onError: () => {},
    onClose: () => {},
    transformMessage: (data) => data

 * Store the messages received by a socket and send events to handlers.
export class SocketStore {
     * @param {!string} url
     * @param {SocketStoreOptions} [options]
    constructor(url, options=defaultSocketStoreOptions) {
        const {
            eventBus, protocols, start, onOpen, capacity, onError, onClose, transformMessage, socketName, insertFront
        } = {...defaultSocketStoreOptions, ...options}
        this._eventBus = eventBus || new EventBus()
         * The name of the socket, if null take the url and events will have strange name but still valid.
         * @type {string}
        this.socketName = socketName || url
         * Notifies of changes with event `${socket}_messages_value_changed`
         * @type {{messages: Deque}}
        this.store = changeNotifier({messages: new Deque({capacity})}, this._eventBus, {prefix: this.socketName})
         * @type {string}
        this.url = url
         * @type {Array<string>}
        this.protocols = protocols
         * @type {WebSocket}
         * @private
        this._socket = null
         * Socket event handler, must set before start.
         * @type {function(e: *)}
        this.onOpen = onOpen
         * Socket event handler, must set before start.
         * @type {function(e: *)}
        this.onError = onError
         * Socket event handler, must set before start.
         * @type {function(e: *)}
        this.onClose = onClose
         * Transform the message before inserting the data in the store
         * @type {function(data: *)}
        this.transformMessage = transformMessage
        this._front = insertFront
        if (start) this.start()

     * Initialize the socket and its handlers.
    start() {
        //noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
        this._socket = new WebSocket(this.url, this.protocols)
        const socketEvent = (e, func, event) => {
            this._eventBus.dispatch({event, payload: e}).promise.catch(onDispatchError)
        this._socket.onopen = (e) => socketEvent(e, this.onOpen, this.socket_open)
        this._socket.onerror = (e) => socketEvent(e, this.onError, this.socket_error)
        this._socket.onclose = (e) => socketEvent(e, this.onClose, this.socket_close)
        this._socket.onmessage = (event) => {
            const data = this.transformMessage(event.data)
            // emits change events - remove the notifier as it is redundant ?
            this.store.messages = this.store.messages.insert(data, this._front)
                event: this.socket_message_received,
                payload: {data, store: this.store.messages}

     * Send a message to the server.
     * @param {string} message
    send(message) {
        if (!this._socket || this._socket.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) throw new Error('Socket not open')

     * Close the internal socket.
     * @param {{code: number, reason: string}} [options={code: 1000, reason: ''}] optional reason
    close(options={code: 1000, reason: ''}) {
        if (this._socket && this._socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) this._socket.close(options.code, options.reason)

     * Subscribe to change in the store.
     * Only one event is subscribed to `${socketName}_message_received`
     * @param {function(e: TEvent)} sub
    subscribe(sub) {
        this._eventBus.addEventHandler(this.socket_message_received, sub)

     * Remove the handler from the internal {@link EventBus}.
     * @param {!function} sub
    unsubscribe(sub) {
        this._eventBus.removeEventHandler(this.socket_message_received, sub)

     * @return {string}
    get socket_close() { return `${this.socketName}_close` }
     * @return {string}
    get socket_open() { return `${this.socketName}_open` }
     * @return {string}
    get socket_error() { return `${this.socketName}_error` }
     * @return {string}
    get socket_message_received() { return `${this.socketName}_message_received` }