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Test Coverage
// See also
import * as express from 'express';
import { Application, Request } from 'express';
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import * as morgan from 'morgan';
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import * as Promise from 'bluebird';
import { IUser, CRUD, Action, Decision, NodeAuth, INodeAuthOptions, PolicyStoreFactory, IPolicyStore } from '../lib/index';

const config = require('config'); // get our config file
export const server: Application = express();

// =======================
// configuration =========
// =======================

interface IConnectionOptions extends mongoose.ConnectionOptions {
  useMongoClient: boolean;

(<any>mongoose).Promise = Promise;
const port = process.env.PORT || config.port || 3210;
mongoose.connect(config.database, <IConnectionOptions>{ useMongoClient: true }); // connect to database
// server.set("jwtAuthSecret", config.secret); // secret variable

const db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
db.once('open', () => {
  console.log('DB: we are connected');
// db.on('connected', () => {
//   User.find({ }, (err, res) => {
//         console.warn(err);
//         console.log(res);
//     });
// });

// use body parser so we can get info from POST and/or URL parameters
server.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
server.use(bodyParser.json({ type: 'application/json' }));

// use morgan to log requests to the console, but don't show the log when it is test
if (config.util.getEnv('NODE_ENV') !== 'test') {

// routes for testing //
server.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello! The API is at http://localhost:' + port + '/api');

let policyStore: IPolicyStore;

const callback = (err: Error, ps: IPolicyStore) => {
  if (err) { throw err; }
  policyStore = ps;

  const auth = NodeAuth(server, <INodeAuthOptions>{
    secretKey: config.secret,
    blockUnauthenticatedUser: false, // if true, default, no unauthenticated user will pass beyond this point
    policyStore: policyStore,
    // policyStore: policyStore,
    verify: {
      route: true,
      baseUrl: '',
      mailService: null,
      verifyMailOptions: {
        from: '',
        subject: 'Just verifying that your email is correct',
        html: 'Hello'
      confirmMailOptions: {
        from: '',
        subject: 'Just confirming that your account is setup and good to go',
        html: 'Yay!'
    onUserChanged: (user: IUser, req: Request, change: CRUD) => {
      // console.log(`User ${change}d:`);
      // console.log(JSON.stringify(user, null, 2));

    .get((req, res, next) => {
      res.json({ success: true });

  const pep = auth.pep;
  const cop = pep.getPolicyEnforcer('Main policy set');

  server.all('/protected/:id', cop, (req, res, next) => {
    res.json({ success: true });

  // =======================
  // start the server ======
  // =======================
  // See also:
  if (!module.parent) {
  // server.listen(port);
  console.log('Magic happens at http://localhost:' + port);
  // module.exports = app; // for testing

PolicyStoreFactory('example-policies.json', callback, [{
  name: 'Main policy set',
  isDefault: true,
  combinator: 'first',
  policies: [{
    name: 'admins rule',
    combinator: 'first',
    rules: [{
      subject: { admin: true },
      action: Action.All,
      decision: Decision.Permit
  }, {
    name: 'rbac',
    combinator: 'first',
    rules: [{
      subject: { subscribed: true },
      action: Action.Create,
      resource: {
        type: 'article'
      decision: Decision.Permit
    }, {
      subject: { subscribed: true },
      action: Action.Create,
      resource: {
        type: 'comment'
      decision: Decision.Permit
    }, {
      subject: { email: '' },
      action: Action.Manage,
      decision: Decision.Permit,
      resource: {
        id: 'johnny_article'
    }, {
      subject: { email: '' },
      action: Action.Manage,
      decision: Decision.Permit,
      resource: {
        id: 'monty_article'
    }, {
      subject: { email: '' },
      action: Action.Manage,
      decision: Decision.Permit,
      resource: {
        domain: 'star_wars'
    }, {
      subject: { email: '' },
      action: Action.Read,
      decision: Decision.Permit,
      resource: {
        domain: 'star_wars'
    }, {
      subject: { email: '' },
      action: Action.Author,
      decision: Decision.Permit,
      resource: {
        domain: 'star_wars'
    }, {
      subject: { _id: '456' },
      action: Action.Author,
      decision: Decision.Permit,
      resource: {
        id: '456_article'
    }, {
      desc: 'Anyone can read public resources',
      action: Action.Read,
      decision: Decision.Permit,
      resource: {
        id: 'public_article'
    }, {
      desc: 'Subscribed users can create new resources',
      subject: {
        subscribed: true
      action: Action.Create,
      decision: Decision.Permit