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import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { PlatformLocation } from '@angular/common';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';

export const topMargin = 12;
 * A service that scrolls document elements into view
export class ScrollService {

  private _topOffset: number | null;
  private _topOfPageElement: Element;

  get topOffset() {
    if (!this._topOffset) {
      this._topOffset = topMargin;
    return this._topOffset;

  get topOfPageElement() {
    if (!this._topOfPageElement) {
      this._topOfPageElement = this.document.getElementById('top-of-page') || this.document.body;
    return this._topOfPageElement;

    @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: any,
    private location: PlatformLocation) {
    // On resize, the toolbar might change height, so "invalidate" the top offset.
    fromEvent(window, 'resize').subscribe(() => this._topOffset = null);

   * Scroll to the element with id extracted from the current location hash fragment.
   * Scroll to top if no hash.
   * Don't scroll if hash not found.
  scroll() {
    const hash = this.getCurrentHash();
    const element: HTMLElement = hash
        ? this.document.getElementById(hash)
        : this.topOfPageElement;

   * Scroll to the element.
   * Don't scroll if no element.
  scrollToElement(element: Element) {
    if (element) {

      if (window && window.scrollBy) {
        // Scroll as much as necessary to align the top of `element` at `topOffset`.
        // (Usually, `.top` will be 0, except for cases where the element cannot be scrolled all the
        //  way to the top, because the viewport is larger than the height of the content after the
        //  element.)
        window.scrollBy(0, element.getBoundingClientRect().top - this.topOffset);

        // If we are very close to the top (<20px), then scroll all the way up.
        // (This can happen if `element` is at the top of the page, but has a small top-margin.)
        if (window.pageYOffset < 20) {
          window.scrollBy(0, -window.pageYOffset);

  /** Scroll to the top of the document. */
  scrollToTop() {

   * Return the hash fragment from the `PlatformLocation`, minus the leading `#`.
  private getCurrentHash() {
    return this.location.hash.replace(/^#/, '');