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Test Coverage


Tale Dev Tool

What is Tale Dev Tool?

It's a fork of the [phug/dev-tool](https://github.com/phug-php/dev-tool) tailored to the needs of tale-* components.

You can use it for any kind of composer-based PHP-project.

It provides default configuration for PHPUnit, PHP CodeSniffer and PHPDocumentor.

It can also check code coverage percentages and report the coverage to CodeClimate.


Install via Composer

composer require talesoft/tale-dev-tool --dev


During development, you will mostly call the tool like this:

    ./vendor/bin/tale-dev <command> <arguments>

### Available Commands

#### `install`

Updates composer and installs composer dependencies

#### `check`

Runs `unit-tests:run`, `code-style:check` and `coverage:check` in this order and fails as soon as one of the commands fail.

Return code is the return code of the failed command.

If `--report` is set, this command will generate code-coverage data and report it to code-climate.

I usually have a .travis.yml set up for this that contains something like

        repo_token: <your_code_climate_repo_token>

Check this repo's .travis.yml to get an idea. You can also check the repo of e.g. [tale-stream](https://github.com/Talesoft/tale-stream) to see how it's used in an actual library.

> Notice: This is an [outdated](https://github.com/codeclimate/php-test-reporter) way to report coverage and I need to update it. Feel free to ignore it, even though it will probably still work for a while.

#### `code-style:check`

Automatically scans code for problems regarding `PSR-2` and attempts to fix them if wanted.

This runs `phpcs` with a default config or a local config, if found.

#### `code-style:fix`

Automatically fixes code-problems regarding `PSR-2`.

This runs `phpcbf` with a default config or a local config, if found.

#### `unit-tests:run`

Runs unit tests located in `./tests`.

You can pass `--coverage-text` and `--coverage-clover=<targetXmlPath>` to generate code-coverage information.

The `--filter`, `--group` and `--testdox` options are passed through to PHPUnit, if set.

#### `coverage:check`

Checks existing code-coverage data and fails if a specific percentage coverage (**80%** by default) is not reached.

Accepts `--input-file=<targetXmlPath>` that points to a coverage file generated by `unit-tests:run --coverage-clover=<targetXmlPath>`

#### `coverage:report`

Reports coverage data to CodeClimate.

Accepts `--input-file=<targetXmlPath>` that points to a coverage file generated by `unit-tests:run --coverage-clover=<targetXmlPath>`