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Test Coverage
## 2.8.0 (feb 26, 2020)
- add possibility to use functions in tickFormat

## 2.7.4 (jul 17, 2019)
- fix blinking and shaking of axis labels during re-renders of chart [#580](
## 2.7.3 (may 31, 2019)
- preserve padding values during auto layout, even if user has hidden x or y guide ([@rDr4g0n]( in [#575](
## 2.7.2 (april 22, 2019)
- fix performance for measure dates on very old dates [#573](

## 2.7.1 (march 14, 2019)
- return support IE11

## 2.7.0 (march 8, 2019)
- improve tooltip plugin. Add onExclude event.
- update dependencies

## 2.6.5 (february 8, 2019)

- stretch area annotation to first or last ticks if min or max values are skipped

## 2.6.4 (december 27, 2018)

- fix stretching of vertical annotation

## 2.6.3 (september 24, 2018)

- fix xss vulnerability in legend plugin

## 2.6.2 (september 20, 2018)

- fix xss vulnerability on tick size detection

## 2.6.1 (september 8, 2018)

- fix amd build for plugins

## 2.6.0 (september 1, 2018)

- add support d3 v5
- now user can set rotate guide params for x dimensions both with auto layout spec [#550](
- add event type for onSelect legend plugin settings  [#550](

## 2.5.1 (august 19, 2018)

- return color brewer addon to package [#547](

## 2.5.0 (august 18, 2018)

- add new settings for legend plugin (onSelect handler and selectedCategories) [#545](

## 2.4.0 (august 15, 2018)

- add posibility set field bounds for quick filter [#543](

## 2.3.2 (june 25, 2018)

- fix diff tooltip [#534](

## 2.3.1 (june 18, 2018)

- improve multiple labels [#533](

## 2.3.0 (june 5, 2018)

- fix ticks positioning in case annotation adds new ticks [#532](
- allow override default tickFormatter [#532](

## 2.2.3 (may 16, 2018)

- fix tick position for vertical facet [#530](

## 2.2.2 (may 11, 2018)

## changed

- improve cutting facet label logic [#528](

## fixed

- order for dates in Color legend when scale is periodic [#528](

## 2.2.1 (may 4, 2018)

### changed

- multiline label improvements [#526](

## 2.2.0 (april 26, 2018)

### changed

- Added clickable entry to tooltip plugin settings ([@nayrrod]( in [#523](
- Multiline labels support (using lineBreak and lineBreakSeparator flags for label guide [#525](

### fixed
- default TypeScript export definition to conform to version 2.6.0 rules
  ([@tyronedougherty]( in [#520](

## 2.1.0 (march 21, 2018)

### changed

- place Y facets labels at top-left under facet cell
- place Y axis label at top, X axis label at right

## 2.0.3 (march 11, 2018)

### fixed

- animation when tooltip disappears

## 2.0.2 (february 28, 2018)

### fixed

- fix build bundle [#514](

## 2.0.1 (february 20, 2018)

### fixed

- trendline plugin applies only for chart element [#513](
- fixed generating data refs for trendline plugins [#513](

## 2.0.0 (january 31, 2018)

### Breaking Changes

- D3 v4 is now dependency.
- `Taucharts` global object name (was `tauCharts`).
- `.tau-chart__` CSS class prefix (was`.graphical-report__`).
- `export-to` plugin alias changed (was `exportTo`).
- Distributive files paths changed. `dist/taucharts.min.js` and `dist/taucharts.min.css` contain the core and all the plugins minified together. `dist/taucharts.js` and `dist/taucharts.css` contain unfinified core, JS and CSS for plugins can be found in `dist/plugins/` folder (e.g. to import a plugin you should do something like `import tooltip from 'taucharts/dist/plugins/tooltip';`).

[early release](