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'use strict'

const proc = require('./proc')
const output = require('./output')
const cp = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const Promise = require('bluebird')

const images = {
   * Builds a docker image, naming it according to the parent folder and tagging it
   * with "bc_" followed by a hash of the Dockerfile used to build it.
   * @param {string} dockerfile The path (absolute or relative from the current working dir) to
   * the Dockerfile to be built
   * @param {Array<string>} [tags=[]] An array of tags with which to tag the new image
   * @returns {Promise.<string>} A tag that can be used to launch a container of this new image
  buildImage: (dockerfile, tags = []) => {`Building image from ${dockerfile}`)
    const tagArgs = tags.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.concat(['-t', cur.toLowerCase()]), [])
      '-f', path.resolve(process.cwd(), dockerfile)
    ).then(() => {
      output.success('Image built successfully!')
      return tags[tags.length - 1]
    }).catch(e => {
      output.error('Build failed')
      throw e
   * Deletes a docker image
   * @param {Promise} imageName The name of the image to be deleted in the format name:tag
  deleteImage: (imageName) => Promise.resolve().then(() => {
    const delSpinner = output.spinner(`Deleting old image: ${imageName}`)
    const cmd = `docker rmi ${imageName}`
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      throw e
   * Searches for images that have been been automatically built by binci for the
   * current project, and returns them as an array of objects containing the fields
   * "hash" (the truncated sha1 of the Dockerfile that built the image), and "createdAt"
   * (the Epoch time of image creation).
   * @returns {Promise.<Array<{id:string},{hash:string},{createdAt:number}>>} the
   * array of images pertaining to this project
  getBuiltImages: () => Promise.resolve().then(() => {
    const cmd = [
      'docker images',
      '"--filter=reference=' + images.getProjectName() + ':bc_*"'
    ].join(' ')
    const out = cp.execSync(cmd).toString()
    const parsed = JSON.parse('[' + out.replace(/\s*$/g, '').split('\n').join(',') + ']')
    return => ({
      hash: elem.tag.substr(3),
      createdAt: new Date(elem.createdAt).getTime()
   * Searches for local images matching the names and tags defined in the service config
   * and prints a courtesy message for whichever are not found saying they will pulled
   * as part of service start-up.
   * @param {Array<Object>} svc The array of services defined in the instance config.
  logMissingServiceImages: (svc) => Promise.resolve().then(() => {
    const missingImages = svc.reduce((arr, i) => {
      const cmd = [
        'docker images',
        '"--filter=reference=' + i.args[i.args.length - 1] + '"'
      ].join(' ')
      const out = cp.execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n')
      if (!out[1]) {
      return arr
    }, [])
    if (missingImages.length) {`Unable to find local image${missingImages.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} for ${missingImages.join(', ')}. Pulling during start step.`)
   * Gets the SHA-1 checksum, truncated to 12 hexadecimal digits, of the combined contents of the
   * files at the paths provided.
   * @param {Array<string>} paths An array of paths for the files to include in the checksum
   * @returns {Promise.<string>} The sha1 as a hex string.
  getHash: (paths) => {
    return Promise.reduce(paths, images.updateHash, crypto.createHash('sha1'))
      .then(hash => hash ? hash.digest('hex').substr(0, 12) : null)
   * Updates an existing hash object with the contents of a file at a given path.
   * @param {Hash} hash A crypto hash object to be updated
   * @param {string} path The path to a file which will be calculated into the hash
   * @returns {Promise<Hash>} resolves with the updated Hash object
  updateHash: (hash, path) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const stream = fs.createReadStream(path)
    stream.on('error', err => {
      if (err.code && err.code === 'ENOENT') resolve(null)
      else reject(err)
    stream.on('data', data => hash.update(data))
    stream.on('close', () => resolve(hash))
   * Gets a valid image name:tag that can be used to run a new docker container.
   * If an image has already been built for this dockerfile, the existing image will
   * be returned. If no build has happened yet or the dockerfile has been changed
   * since the last build, a new build will be run, and the previous image will be
   * deleted (if one exists).
   * @param {String} [dockerfile="./Dockerfile"] The path to the dockerfile to be
   * used for building the new image or retrieving the existing one
   * @param {Array<string>} [monitorPaths=[]] An optional array of file paths to monitor
   * for changes, causing a rebuild of the docker container if any of them are updated
   * @param {Array<string>} [tags=[]] An optional array of tags with which to tag a new
   * image, if one needs to be built
   * @returns {Promise.<string>} the name:tag of the image to be used
  getImage: (dockerfile = './Dockerfile', monitorPaths = [], tags = []) => {
    return Promise.all([
    ]).then(([ hash, imgs ]) => {
      if (!hash) {
        throw new Error(`No "from" specified, and ${dockerfile} does not exist.`)
      const [ image ] = imgs.filter(img => img.hash === hash)
      if (image) return images.getImageNameFromHash(hash)
      // Find the most recent binci build so we can delete it after the new one builds
      const mostRecent = imgs.reduce((acc, elem) => {
        if (acc.createdAt > elem.createdAt) return acc
        return elem
      }, {hash: null, createdAt: 0})
      return images.buildImage(dockerfile, tags)
        .then(imageName => {
          if (mostRecent.hash) {
            return images.deleteImage(images.getImageNameFromHash(mostRecent.hash))
              .then(() => imageName)
          return imageName
   * Constructs a full name:tag string for a given Dockerfile hash for this project
   * @param {string} hash The Dockerfile hash of the build
   * @returns {string} The fully qualified image name
  getImageNameFromHash: (hash) => `${images.getProjectName()}:bc_${hash}`,
   * Gets the name of the project binci is running for. This is simply the name of
   * the directory in which binci has been executed.
   * @returns {string} the project name
  getProjectName: () => path.basename(process.cwd())

module.exports = images