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.. _browser_configuration:

Browser Configuration

Common Configuration

To choose the browser in which Selenium will execute the tests, configure *type* property in *[Driver]* section in
properties.cfg file with one of these values: firefox, chrome, iexplore, edge or safari.

The following example shows how to choose Firefox::

    type: firefox

By default, the browser is maximized. To define a different window size, configure *window_width* and *window_height*
properties in *[Driver]* section::

    window_width: 1024
    window_height: 768

Additional Configuration

To configure `Browser options <>`_, create a
*[Capabilities]* configuration section and add every option that you want to configure with its value.

For example, the following configuration changes page load strategy to eager mode::

    pageLoadStrategy: eager


**Firefox section**

To use a predefined firefox profile, configure the profile directory in *[Firefox]* configuration section::

    type: firefox

    profile: resources/firefox-profile.default

When firefox is installed in a non-default location, configure the firefox binary path in *[Firefox]* configuration

    type: firefox

    binary: /usr/local/firefox_beta/firefox

**FirefoxPreferences section**

To configure Firefox preferences, create a *[FirefoxPreferences]* configuration section and add every preference that
you want to configure with its value.

For example, the following configuration allows to download files without asking user::

    type: firefox

    [FirefoxPreferences] 2 C:\tmp
    browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk: application/octet-stream
    dom.serviceWorkers.enabled: True

Another example showing how to use *Firefox Device Mode*::

    type: firefox
    window_width: 1200
    window_height: 800

    general.useragent.override: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Mobile Safari/535.19

**FirefoxExtensions section**

Firefox plugins can also be installed adding their file paths to *[FirefoxExtensions]* configuration section.

For example, the following configuration exports network information to har files::

    type: firefox

    devtools.netmonitor.har.enableAutoExportToFile: True
    devtools.netmonitor.har.defaultLogDir: /tmp/har
    devtools.netmonitor.har.forceExport: False
    devtools.netmonitor.har.pageLoadedTimeout: 10
    extensions.netmonitor.har.enableAutomation: True
    extensions.netmonitor.har.autoConnect: True
    devtools.netmonitor.har.defaultFileName: network-test

    firebug: resources/firebug-3.0.0-beta.3.xpi

**FirefoxArguments section**

To configure `Firefox arguments <>`_, create a
*[FirefoxArguments]* configuration section and add every argument that you want to configure with its value.

For example, to open firefox in a private browsing mode::

    type: firefox



**ChromePreferences section**

To configure `Chrome preferences <>`_, create a
*[ChromePreferences]* configuration section and add every preference that you want to configure with its value.

For example, the following configuration allows to download files without asking user::

    type: chrome

    download.default_directory: C:\tmp

**ChromeArguments section**

To configure `Chrome arguments <>`_, create a
*[ChromeArguments]* configuration section and add every argument that you want to configure with its value.

For example, to use a predefined chrome profile::

    type: chrome

    user-data-dir: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data

**ChromeExtensions section**

Chrome plugins can also be installed adding their file paths to *[ChromeExtensions]* configuration section.

For example, the following configuration install firebug lite extension in Chrome::

    type: chrome

    firebug: resources/firebug-lite.crx

**ChromeMobileEmulation section**

Another examples showing how to use
`Chrome Device Mode <>`_ in two different ways::

    type: chrome

    deviceName: Google Nexus 5


    type: chrome

    deviceMetrics: { "width": 360, "height": 640, "pixelRatio": 3.0 }
    userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Mobile Safari/535.19

**Capabilities section**

Take in account that some Chrome capabilities contain a colon in their name, for example *goog:loggingPrefs*. As colon
is not allowed in *ConfigParser* keys, it has been extended so they can be configured in *[Capabilities]* section
replacing ':' with '___' in the key name::

    goog___loggingPrefs: {'performance': 'ALL', 'browser': 'ALL', 'driver': 'ALL'}

**Chrome section**

Additional `Chrome Options <>`_ can be configured in
*[Chrome]* configuration section::

    type: chrome

    options: {'excludeSwitches': ['enable-automation'], 'perfLoggingPrefs': {'enableNetwork': True}}

When Chrome is installed in a non-default location, configure the Chrome binary path in *[Chrome]* configuration

    type: chrome

    binary: /usr/local/chrome_beta/chrome

Driver Download

Since Selenium 4, Selenium Manager downloads automatically the corresponding browser driver, when running the tests
locally. But if it is still needed to be downloaded, just follow these instructions:


- Download `geckodriver-*.zip <>`_
- Unzip file and save the executable in a local folder
- Configure driver path in *[Driver]* section in properties.cfg file ::

    type: firefox
    gecko_driver_path: C:\Drivers\geckodriver.exe


- Download `chromedriver_*.zip <>`_
- Unzip file and save the executable in a local folder
- Configure driver path in *[Driver]* section in properties.cfg file ::

    type: chrome
    chrome_driver_path: C:\Drivers\chromedriver.exe

Internet Explorer

- Download `IEDriverServer_Win32_*.zip <>`_
- It's recommended to use Win32 version, because x64 version is very slow
- Unzip file and save the executable in a local folder
- Configure driver path in *[Driver]* section in properties.cfg file ::

    type: iexplore
    explorer_driver_path: C:\Drivers\IEDriverServer.exe


- Download ` <>`_
- Unzip file and save the executable in a local folder
- Configure driver path in *[Driver]* section in properties.cfg file ::

    type: edge
    edge_driver_path: C:\Drivers\msedgedriver.exe


- Configure driver path in *[Driver]* section in properties.cfg file ::

    type: safari
    safari_driver_path: /usr/bin/safaridriver