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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2022 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
This file is part of Toolium.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

import base64
import collections
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import random as r
import re
import string
import uuid

from ast import literal_eval
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import isfunction
from toolium.utils.data_generator import DataGenerator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Base path for BASE64 and FILE conversions
base_base64_path = ''
base_file_path = ''

# Global variables used in map_param replacements

# Language terms, country and project config are not set by toolium, they must be set from test project
language = None
language_terms = None
country = None
project_config = None
# Toolium config and behave context are set when toolium before_all method is called in behave tests
toolium_config = None
behave_context = None
# POEditor terms are set when load_poeditor_texts or export_poeditor_project methods are called
poeditor_terms = None

def replace_param(param, language='es', infer_param_type=True):
    Apply transformations to the given param based on specific patterns.
    Available replacements:
        [STRING_WITH_LENGTH_XX] Generates a fixed length string
        [INTEGER_WITH_LENGTH_XX] Generates a fixed length integer
        [STRING_ARRAY_WITH_LENGTH_XX] Generates a fixed length array of strings
        [INTEGER_ARRAY_WITH_LENGTH_XX] Generates a fixed length array of integers
        [JSON_WITH_LENGTH_XX] Generates a fixed length JSON
        [MISSING_PARAM] Generates a None object
        [NULL] Generates a None object
        [TRUE] Generates a boolean True
        [FALSE] Generates a boolean False
        [EMPTY] Generates an empty string
        [B] Generates a blank space
        [UUID] Generates a v4 UUID
        [RANDOM] Generates a random value
        [RANDOM_PHONE_NUMBER] Generates a random phone number for language and country configured in dataset.language
        [TIMESTAMP] Generates a timestamp from the current time
        [DATETIME] Generates a datetime from the current time
        [NOW] Similar to DATETIME without milliseconds; the format depends on the language
        [NOW(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)] Same as NOW but using an specific format by the python strftime function of the
            datetime module
        [NOW + 2 DAYS] Similar to NOW but two days later
        [NOW - 1 MINUTES] Similar to NOW but one minute earlier
        [NOW(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ) - 7 DAYS] Similar to NOW but seven days before and with the indicated format
        [TODAY] Similar to NOW without time; the format depends on the language
        [TODAY + 2 DAYS] Similar to NOW, but two days later
        [STR:xxxx] Cast xxxx to a string
        [INT:xxxx] Cast xxxx to an int
        [FLOAT:xxxx] Cast xxxx to a float
        [LIST:xxxx] Cast xxxx to a list
        [DICT:xxxx] Cast xxxx to a dict
        [UPPER:xxxx] Converts xxxx to upper case
        [LOWER:xxxx] Converts xxxx to lower case
    If infer_param_type is True and the result of the replacement process is a string,
    this function also tries to infer and cast the result to the most appropriate data type,
    attempting first the direct conversion to a Python built-in data type and then,
    if not possible, the conversion to a dict/list parsing the string as a JSON object/list.

    :param param: parameter value
    :param language: language to configure date format for NOW and TODAY ('es' or other)
    :param infer_param_type: whether to infer and change the data type of the result or not
    :return: data with the correct replacements
    if not isinstance(param, str):
        return param

    # Replacements that imply a specific data type and do not admit further transformations
    new_param, param_replaced = _replace_param_type(param)
    if not param_replaced:
        new_param, param_replaced = _replace_param_fixed_length(new_param)

    if not param_replaced:
        # Replacements that return new strings that can be transformed later
        new_param, _ = _replace_param_replacement(new_param, language)

        # String transformations that do not allow type inference
        new_param, param_replaced = _replace_param_transform_string(new_param)

        if not param_replaced and infer_param_type:
            # Type inference
            new_param = _infer_param_type(new_param)

    if param != new_param:
        if isinstance(new_param, str):
            logger.debug(f'Replaced param from "{param}" to "{new_param}"')
            logger.debug(f'Replaced param from "{param}" to {new_param}')
    return new_param

def _replace_param_type(param):
    Replace param with a new param type.
    Available replacements: [MISSING_PARAM], [TRUE], [FALSE], [NULL]

    :param param: parameter value
    :return: tuple with replaced value and boolean to know if replacement has been done
    param_types = {
        '[MISSING_PARAM]': None,
        '[TRUE]': True,
        '[FALSE]': False,
        '[NULL]': None
    new_param = param
    param_replaced = False
    for key in param_types.keys():
        if key in param:
            new_param = param_types[key]
            param_replaced = True
    return new_param, param_replaced

def _find_param_date_expressions(param):
    Finds in a param one or several date expressions.
    For example, for a param like "it happened on [NOW - 1 MONTH] of the last year and will happen [TODAY('%d/%m')]",
    this method returns an array with two string elements: "[NOW - 1 MONTH]" and [TODAY('%d/%m')]"
    The kind of expressions to search are based on these rules:
    - expression is sorrounded by [ and ]
    - first word of the expression is either NOW or TODAY
    - when first word is NOW, it can have an addtional format for the date between parenthesis,
        like NOW(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ). The definition of the format is the same as considered by the
        python strftime function of the datetime module
    - and optional offset can be given by indicating how many days, hours, etc.. to add or remove to the current
        datetime. This part of the expression includes a +/- symbol plus a number and a unit

    Some valid expressions are:
        [NOW(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ) - 180 DAYS]
        [NOW(%H:%M:%S) + 4 MINUTES]

    :param param: parameter value
    :param language: language to configure date format for NOW and TODAY
    :return: An array with all the matching date expressions found in the param
    return re.findall(r"\[(?:NOW(?:\((?:[^\(\)]*)\))?|TODAY)(?:\s*[\+|-]\s*\d+\s*\w+\s*)?\]", param)

def _replace_param_replacement(param, language):
    Replace param with a new param value.
    Available replacements: [EMPTY], [B], [UUID], [RANDOM], [RANDOM_PHONE_NUMBER],
                            [TIMESTAMP], [DATETIME], [NOW], [TODAY]

    :param param: parameter value
    :param language: language to configure date format for NOW and TODAY
    :return: tuple with replaced value and boolean to know if replacement has been done
    date_format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' if language == 'es' else '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
    date_day_format = '%d/%m/%Y' if language == 'es' else '%Y/%m/%d'
    alphanums = ''.join([string.ascii_lowercase, string.digits])  # abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
    replacements = {
        '[EMPTY]': '',
        '[B]': ' ',
        '[UUID]': str(uuid.uuid4()),
        # make sure random is not made up of digits only, by forcing the first char to be a letter
        '[RANDOM]': ''.join([r.choice(string.ascii_lowercase), *(r.choice(alphanums) for i in range(7))]),
        '[RANDOM_PHONE_NUMBER]': _get_random_phone_number,
        '[TIMESTAMP]': str(int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))),
        '[DATETIME]': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
        '[NOW]': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(date_format)),
        '[TODAY]': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(date_day_format))

    # append date expressions found in param to the replacement dict
    date_expressions = _find_param_date_expressions(param)
    for date_expr in date_expressions:
        replacements[date_expr] = _replace_param_date(date_expr, language)[0]

    new_param = param
    param_replaced = False
    for key in replacements.keys():
        if key in new_param:
            new_value = replacements[key]() if isfunction(replacements[key]) else replacements[key]
            new_param = new_param.replace(key, new_value)
            param_replaced = True
    return new_param, param_replaced

def _get_random_phone_number():
    # Method to avoid executing data generator when it is not needed
    return DataGenerator().phone_number

def _replace_param_transform_string(param):
    Transform param value according to the specified prefix.
    Available transformations: DICT, LIST, INT, FLOAT, STR, UPPER, LOWER

    :param param: parameter value
    :return: tuple with replaced value and boolean to know if replacement has been done
    type_mapping_regex = r'\[(DICT|LIST|INT|FLOAT|STR|UPPER|LOWER):(.*)\]'
    type_mapping_match_group = re.match(type_mapping_regex, param)
    new_param = param
    param_transformed = False

    if type_mapping_match_group:
        param_transformed = True
        if == 'STR':
            new_param =
        elif in ['LIST', 'DICT', 'INT', 'FLOAT']:
            exec('exec_param = {type}({value})'.format(,
            new_param = locals()['exec_param']
        elif == 'UPPER':
            new_param =
        elif == 'LOWER':
            new_param =
    return new_param, param_transformed

def _replace_param_date(param, language):
    Transform param value in a date after applying the specified delta.
    E.g. [TODAY - 2 DAYS], [NOW - 10 MINUTES]
    An specific format could be defined in the case of NOW this way: NOW('THEFORMAT')
    where THEFORMAT is any valid format accepted by the python
    [datetime.strftime]( function

    :param param: parameter value
    :param language: language to configure date format for NOW and TODAY
    :return: tuple with replaced value and boolean to know if replacement has been done
    def _date_matcher():
        return re.match(r'\[(NOW(?:\((?:.*)\)|)|TODAY)(?:\s*([\+|-]\s*\d+)\s*(\w+)\s*)?\]', param)

    def _offset_datetime(amount, units):
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        if not amount or not units:
            return now
        the_amount = int(amount.replace(' ', ''))
        the_units = units.lower()
        return now + datetime.timedelta(**dict([(the_units, the_amount)]))

    def _is_only_date(base):
        return 'TODAY' in base

    def _default_format(base):
        date_format = '%d/%m/%Y' if language == 'es' else '%Y/%m/%d'
        if _is_only_date(base):
            return date_format
        return f'{date_format} %H:%M:%S'

    def _get_format(base):
        format_matcher = re.match(r'.*\((.*)\).*', base)
        if format_matcher and len(format_matcher.groups()) == 1:
        return _default_format(base)

    matcher = _date_matcher()
    if not matcher:
        return param, False

    base, amount, units = list(matcher.groups())
    format_str = _get_format(base)
    date = _offset_datetime(amount, units)
    return date.strftime(format_str), True

def _replace_param_fixed_length(param):
    Generate a fixed length data element if param matches the expression [<type>_WITH_LENGTH_<length>]

    :param param: parameter value
    :return: tuple with replaced value and boolean to know if replacement has been done
    string_seed = 'a'
    integer_seed = '1'
    new_param = param
    param_replaced = False
    # we allow partial replacements for STRING
    string_expression = re.compile(r'\[STRING_WITH_LENGTH_([0-9]+)\]')
    new_param = string_expression.sub(lambda x: int( * 'a', param)
    if param.startswith('[') and param.endswith(']'):
        if any(x in param for x in ['STRING_ARRAY_WITH_LENGTH_', 'INTEGER_ARRAY_WITH_LENGTH_']):
            seeds = {'STRING': string_seed, 'INTEGER': int(integer_seed)}
            seed, length = param[1:-1].split('_ARRAY_WITH_LENGTH_')
            new_param = list(seeds[seed] for x in range(int(length)))
            param_replaced = True
        elif 'JSON_WITH_LENGTH_' in param:
            length = int(param[1:-1].split('JSON_WITH_LENGTH_')[1])
            new_param = dict((str(x), str(x)) for x in range(length))
            param_replaced = True
        elif any(x in param for x in ['INTEGER_WITH_LENGTH_']):
            length = param[len('[INTEGER_WITH_LENGTH_'):-1]
            new_param = int(integer_seed * int(length))
            param_replaced = True
    return new_param, param_replaced

def _infer_param_type(param):
    Transform the param from a string representing a built-in data type or a JSON object/list to the
    corresponding built-in data type. If no conversion is possible, the original param is returned.
    E.g. "1234" -> 1234, "0.50" -> 0.5, "True" -> True, "None" -> None,
    "['a', None]" -> ['a', None], "{'a': None}" -> {'a': None},
    '["a", null]' -> ["a", None], '{"a": null}' -> {"a": None}

    :param param: data to be transformed
    :return data with the inferred type
    new_param = param
    # attempt direct conversion to a built-in data type
        new_param = literal_eval(param)
    except Exception:
        # it may still be a JSON object/list that can be converted to a dict/list
            if param.startswith('{') or param.startswith('['):
                new_param = json.loads(param)
        except Exception:
    return new_param

def map_param(param):
    Transform the given string by replacing specific patterns containing keys with their values,
    which can be obtained from the Behave context or from environment files or variables.
    See map_one_param function for a description of the available tags and replacement logic.

    :param param: string parameter
    :return: string with the applied replacements
    if not isinstance(param, str):
        return param

    map_regex = r"[\[CONF:|\[LANG:|\[POE:|\[ENV:|\[BASE64:|\[TOOLIUM:|\[CONTEXT:|\[FILE:][^\[\]]*\]"
    map_expressions = re.compile(map_regex)

    mapped_param = param
    if map_expressions.split(param) == ['', '']:
        # The parameter is just one config value
        mapped_param = map_one_param(param)
        # The parameter is a combination of text and configuration parameters.
        for match in map_expressions.findall(param):
            mapped_param = mapped_param.replace(match, str(map_one_param(match)))

    if mapped_param != param:
        # Calling to map_param recursively to replace parameters that include another parameters
        mapped_param = map_param(mapped_param)

    return mapped_param

def map_one_param(param):
    Analyze the pattern in the given string and find out its transformed value.
    Available tags and replacement values:
        [CONF:xxxx] Value from the config dict in project_config global variable for the key xxxx (dot notation is used
        for keys, e.g. key_1.key_2.0.key_3)
        [LANG:xxxx] String from the texts dict in language_terms global variable for the key xxxx, using the language
        specified in language global variable (dot notation is used for keys, e.g. button.label)
        [POE:xxxx] Definition(s) from the POEditor terms list in poeditor_terms global variable for the term xxxx
        [TOOLIUM:xxxx] Value from the toolium config in toolium_config global variable for the key xxxx (key format is
        section_option, e.g. Driver_type)
        [CONTEXT:xxxx] Value from the behave context storage dict in behave_context global variable for the key xxxx, or
        value of the behave context attribute xxxx, if the former does not exist
        [ENV:xxxx] Value of the OS environment variable xxxx
        [FILE:xxxx] String with the content of the file in the path xxxx
        [BASE64:xxxx] String with the base64 representation of the file content in the path xxxx

    :param param: string parameter
    :return: transformed value or the original string if no transformation could be applied
    if not isinstance(param, str):
        return param

    type, key = _get_mapping_type_and_key(param)

    mapping_functions = {
        "CONF": {
            "prerequisites": project_config,
            "function": map_json_param,
            "args": [key, project_config]
        "TOOLIUM": {
            "prerequisites": toolium_config,
            "function": map_toolium_param,
            "args": [key, toolium_config]
        "CONTEXT": {
            "prerequisites": behave_context,
            "function": get_value_from_context,
            "args": [key, behave_context]
        "LANG": {
            "prerequisites": language_terms and language,
            "function": get_message_property,
            "args": [key, language_terms, language]
        "POE": {
            "prerequisites": poeditor_terms,
            "function": get_translation_by_poeditor_reference,
            "args": [key, poeditor_terms]
        "ENV": {
            "prerequisites": True,
            "function": os.environ.get,
            "args": [key]
        "FILE": {
            "prerequisites": True,
            "function": get_file,
            "args": [key]
        "BASE64": {
            "prerequisites": True,
            "function": convert_file_to_base64,
            "args": [key]

    if key and mapping_functions[type]["prerequisites"]:
        param = mapping_functions[type]["function"](*mapping_functions[type]["args"])
    return param

def _get_mapping_type_and_key(param):
    Get the type and the key of the given string parameter to be mapped to the appropriate value.

    :param param: string parameter to be parsed
    :return: a tuple with the type and the key to be mapped
    types = ["CONF", "LANG", "POE", "ENV", "BASE64", "TOOLIUM", "CONTEXT", "FILE"]
    for type in types:
        match_group = re.match(r"\[%s:([^\[\]]*)\]" % type, param)
        if match_group:
            return type,
    return None, None

def map_json_param(param, config, copy=True):
    Find the value of the given param using it as a key in the given dictionary. Dot notation is used,
    so for example "service.vamps.user" could be used to retrieve the email in the following config example:
                "user": "",
                "password": "MyPassword"

    :param param: key to be searched (dot notation is used, e.g. "service.vamps.user").
    :param config: configuration dictionary
    :param copy: boolean value to indicate whether to work with a copy of the given dictionary or not,
    in which case, the dictionary content might be changed by this function (True by default)
    :return: mapped value
    properties_list = param.split(".")
    aux_config_json = deepcopy(config) if copy else config
        for property in properties_list:
            if type(aux_config_json) is list:
                aux_config_json = aux_config_json[int(property)]
                aux_config_json = aux_config_json[property]

        hidden_value = hide_passwords(param, aux_config_json)
        logger.debug(f"Mapping param '{param}' to its configured value '{hidden_value}'")
    except TypeError:
        msg = f"Mapping chain not found in the given configuration dictionary. '{param}'"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    except KeyError:
        msg = f"Mapping chain not found in the given configuration dictionary. '{param}'"
        raise KeyError(msg)
    except ValueError:
        msg = f"Specified value is not a valid index. '{param}'"
        raise ValueError(msg)
    except IndexError:
        msg = f"Mapping index not found in the given configuration dictionary. '{param}'"
        raise IndexError(msg)
    return os.path.expandvars(aux_config_json) \
        if aux_config_json and type(aux_config_json) not in [int, bool, float, list, dict] else aux_config_json

def hide_passwords(key, value):
    Return asterisks when the given key is a password that should be hidden.

    :param key: key name
    :param value: value
    :return: hidden value
    hidden_keys = ['key', 'pass', 'secret', 'code', 'token']
    hidden_value = '*****'
    return hidden_value if any(hidden_key in key for hidden_key in hidden_keys) else value

def map_toolium_param(param, config):
    Find the value of the given param using it as a key in the given toolium configuration.
    The param is expected to be in the form <section>_<property>, so for example "TextExecution_environment" could be
    used to retrieve the value of this toolium property (i.e. the string "QA"):
    environment: QA

    :param param: key to be searched (e.g. "TextExecution_environment")
    :param config: toolium config object
    :return: mapped value
        section = param.split("_", 1)[0]
        property_name = param.split("_", 1)[1]
    except IndexError:
        msg = f"Invalid format in Toolium config param '{param}'. Valid format: 'Section_option'."
        raise IndexError(msg)

        mapped_value = config.get(section, property_name)
        logger.debug(f"Mapping Toolium config param 'param' to its configured value '{mapped_value}'")
    except Exception:
        msg = f"'{param}' param not found in Toolium config file"
        raise Exception(msg)
    return mapped_value

def get_value_from_context(param, context):
    Find the value of the given param using it as a key in the context storage dictionaries ( or
    context.feature_storage) or in the context object itself. The key might be comprised of dotted tokens. In such case,
    the searched key is the first token. The rest of the tokens are considered nested properties/objects.
    So, for example, in the basic case, "last_request_result" could be used as key that would be searched into context
    storages or the context object itself. In a dotted case, "last_request.result" is searched as a "last_request" key
    in the context storages or as a property of the context object whose name is last_request. In both cases, when
    found, "result" is considered (and resolved) as a property or a key into the returned value.
    If the resolved element at one of the tokens is a list, then the next token (if present) is used as the index
    to select one of its elements, e.g. "list.1" returns the second element of the list "list".

    There is not limit in the nested levels of dotted tokens, so a key like a.b.c.d will be tried to be resolved as:['a'].b.c.d

    :param param: key to be searched (e.g. "last_request_result" / "last_request.result")
    :param context: behave context
    :return: mapped value
    parts = param.split('.')
    value = _get_initial_value_from_context(parts[0], context)
    msg = None

    for part in parts[1:]:
        if isinstance(value, dict) and part in value:
            value = value[part]
        elif isinstance(value, list) and part.isdigit() and int(part) < len(value):
            value = value[int(part)]
        elif hasattr(value, part):
            value = getattr(value, part)
            msg = _get_value_context_error_msg(value, part)
            raise Exception(msg)
    return value

def _get_value_context_error_msg(value, part):
    Returns an appropriate error message when an error occurs resolving a CONTEXT reference.

    :param value: last value that has been correctly resolved
    :param part: token that is causing the error
    :return: a string with the error message
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return f"'{part}' key not found in {value} value in context"
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        if part.isdigit():
            return f"Invalid index '{part}', list size is '{len(value)}'. {part} >= {len(value)}."
            return f"the index '{part}' must be a numeric index"
        return f"'{part}' attribute not found in {type(value).__name__} class in context"

def _get_initial_value_from_context(initial_key, context):
    Find the value of the given initial_key using it as a key in the context storage dictionaries ( or
    context.feature_storage) or in the context object itself.

    :param initial_key: key to be searched in context
    :param context: behave context
    :return: mapped value
    context_storage = if hasattr(context, 'storage') else {}
    if hasattr(context, 'feature_storage'):
        # context.feature_storage is initialized only when before_feature method is called
        context_storage = collections.ChainMap(, context.feature_storage)
    if initial_key in context_storage:
        value = context_storage[initial_key]
    elif hasattr(context, initial_key):
        value = getattr(context, initial_key)
        msg = f"'{initial_key}' key not found in context"
        raise Exception(msg)
    return value

def get_message_property(param, language_terms, language_key):
    Return the message for the given param, using it as a key in the list of language properties.
    Dot notation is used (e.g. "home.button.send").

    :param param: message key
    :param language_terms: dict with language terms
    :param language_key: language key
    :return: the message mapped to the given key in the given language
    key_list = param.split(".")
    language_terms_aux = deepcopy(language_terms)
        for key in key_list:
            language_terms_aux = language_terms_aux[key]
        logger.debug(f"Mapping language param '{param}' to its configured value '{language_terms_aux[language_key]}'")
    except KeyError:
        msg = f"Mapping chain '{param}' not found in the language properties file"
        raise KeyError(msg)

    return language_terms_aux[language_key]

def get_translation_by_poeditor_reference(reference, poeditor_terms):
    Return the translation(s) for the given POEditor reference from the given terms in poeditor_terms.

    :param reference: POEditor reference
    :param poeditor_terms: poeditor terms
    :return: list of strings with the translations from POEditor or string with the translation if only one was found
    poeditor_config = project_config['poeditor'] if project_config and 'poeditor' in project_config else {}
    key = poeditor_config['key_field'] if 'key_field' in poeditor_config else 'reference'
    search_type = poeditor_config['search_type'] if 'search_type' in poeditor_config else 'contains'
    ignore_empty = poeditor_config['ignore_empty'] if 'ignore_empty' in poeditor_config else False
    ignored_definitions = [None, ''] if ignore_empty else [None]
    # Get POEditor prefixes and add no prefix option
    poeditor_prefixes = poeditor_config['prefixes'] if 'prefixes' in poeditor_config else []
    translation = []
    for prefix in poeditor_prefixes:
        if len(reference.split(':')) > 1 and prefix != '':
            # If there are prefixes and the resource contains ':' apply prefix in the correct position
            complete_reference = '%s:%s%s' % (reference.split(':')[0], prefix, reference.split(':')[1])
            complete_reference = '%s%s' % (prefix, reference)
        if search_type == 'exact':
            translation = [term['definition'] for term in poeditor_terms
                           if complete_reference == term[key] and term['definition'] not in ignored_definitions]
            translation = [term['definition'] for term in poeditor_terms
                           if complete_reference in term[key] and term['definition'] not in ignored_definitions]
        if len(translation) > 0:
    assert len(translation) > 0, 'No translations found in POEditor for reference %s' % reference
    translation = translation[0] if len(translation) == 1 else translation
    return translation

def set_base64_path(path):
    Set a relative path to be used as the base for the file path specified in the BASE64 mapping pattern.

    :param path: relative path to be used as base for base64 mapping
    global base_base64_path
    base_base64_path = path

def set_file_path(path):
    Set a relative path to be used as the base for the file path specified in the FILE mapping pattern.

    :param path: relative path to be used as base for file mapping
    global base_file_path
    base_file_path = path

def get_file(file_path):
    Return the content of a file given its path. If a base path was previously set by using
    the set_file_path() function, the file path specified must be relative to that path.

    :param file_path: file path using slash as separator (e.g. "resources/files/doc.txt")
    :return: string with the file content
    file_path_parts = (base_file_path + file_path).split("/")
    file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*file_path_parts))
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        raise Exception(f' ERROR - Cannot read file "{file_path}". Does not exist.')

    with open(file_path, 'r') as f:

def convert_file_to_base64(file_path):
    Return the content of a file given its path encoded in Base64. If a base path was previously set by using
    the set_file_path() function, the file path specified must be relative to that path.

    :param file_path: file path using slash as separator (e.g. "resources/files/doc.txt")
    :return: string with the file content encoded in Base64
    file_path_parts = (base_base64_path + file_path).split("/")
    file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*file_path_parts))
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        raise Exception(f' ERROR - Cannot read file "{file_path}". Does not exist.')

        with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
            file_content = base64.b64encode(
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(f' ERROR - converting the "{file_path}" file to Base64...: {e}')
    return file_content