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Test Coverage
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
This file is part of Toolium.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

import datetime
import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
from io import BytesIO
from os import path
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

from toolium.driver_wrappers_pool import DriverWrappersPool
from toolium.utils.path_utils import get_valid_filename, makedirs_safe

from PIL import Image, ImageChops

class VisualTest(object):
    """Visual testing class

    :type driver_wrapper: toolium.driver_wrapper.DriverWrapper
    template_name = 'VisualTestsTemplate.html'  #: name of the report template
    javascript_name = 'VisualTests.js'  #: name of the javascript file
    css_name = 'VisualTests.css'  #: name of the css file
    report_name = 'VisualTests.html'  #: final visual report name
    driver_wrapper = None  #: driver wrapper instance
    results = {'equal': 0, 'diff': 0, 'baseline': 0}  #: dict to save visual assert results
    force = False  #: if True, screenshot is compared even if visual testing is disabled by configuration

    def __init__(self, driver_wrapper=None, force=False):
        self.driver_wrapper = driver_wrapper if driver_wrapper else DriverWrappersPool.get_default_wrapper()
        self.force = force
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:

        self.utils = self.driver_wrapper.utils
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.output_directory = DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory

        # Update baseline with real platformVersion value
        if '{platformVersion}' in self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name:
            platform_version = self.driver_wrapper.driver.capabilities['platformVersion']
            baseline_name = self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name.replace('{platformVersion}', platform_version)
            self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name = baseline_name
            self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory = os.path.join(DriverWrappersPool.visual_baseline_directory,

        self.baseline_directory = self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory
        self.save_baseline = self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'save')

        # Create folders

        # Copy js, css and html template to output directory
        dst_template_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name)
        if not os.path.exists(dst_template_path):
            resources_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'resources')
            orig_template_path = os.path.join(resources_path, self.template_name)
            orig_javascript_path = os.path.join(resources_path, self.javascript_name)
            dst_javascript_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.javascript_name)
            orig_css_path = os.path.join(resources_path, self.css_name)
            dst_css_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.css_name)
            shutil.copyfile(orig_template_path, dst_template_path)
            shutil.copyfile(orig_javascript_path, dst_javascript_path)
            shutil.copyfile(orig_css_path, dst_css_path)

    def assert_screenshot(self, element, filename, file_suffix=None, threshold=0, exclude_elements=[]):
        """Assert that a screenshot of an element is the same as a screenshot on disk, within a given threshold

        :param element: either a WebElement, PageElement or element locator as a tuple (locator_type, locator_value).
                        If None, a full screenshot is taken.
        :param filename: the filename for the screenshot, which will be appended with ``.png``
        :param file_suffix: a string to be appended to the output filename with extra info about the test.
        :param threshold: percentage threshold for triggering a test failure (value between 0 and 1)
        :param exclude_elements: list of WebElements, PageElements or element locators as a tuple (locator_type,
                                 locator_value) that must be excluded from the assertion
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:
        if not (isinstance(threshold, int) or isinstance(threshold, float)) or threshold < 0 or threshold > 1:
            raise TypeError('Threshold must be a number between 0 and 1: {}'.format(threshold))

        # Search elements
        web_element = self.utils.get_web_element(element)
        exclude_web_elements = self._get_exclude_web_elements(exclude_elements)

        baseline_path = os.path.join(self.baseline_directory, '{}.png'.format(filename))
        filename_with_suffix = '{0}__{1}'.format(filename, file_suffix) if file_suffix else filename
        unique_name = '{0:0=2d}_{1}'.format(DriverWrappersPool.visual_number, filename_with_suffix)
        unique_name = '{}.png'.format(get_valid_filename(unique_name))
        output_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, unique_name)
        report_name = '{}<br>({})'.format(file_suffix, filename) if file_suffix else '-<br>({})'.format(filename)

        # Get screenshot and modify it
        img =
        img = self.remove_scrolls(img)
        img = self.mobile_resize(img)
        img = self.desktop_resize(img)
        img = self.exclude_elements(img, exclude_web_elements)
        img = self.crop_element(img, web_element)
        DriverWrappersPool.visual_number += 1

        # Determine whether we should save the baseline image
        if self.save_baseline:
            # Copy screenshot to baseline
            shutil.copyfile(output_path, baseline_path)

            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'complete_report'):
                self._add_result_to_report('baseline', report_name, output_path, None, None,
                                           'Screenshot added to baseline')

            self.logger.debug("Visual screenshot '%s' saved in visualtests/baseline folder", filename)
        elif not os.path.exists(baseline_path):
            # Baseline should exist if save mode is not enabled
            error_message = f'Baseline file not found: {baseline_path}'
            self._add_result_to_report('diff', report_name, output_path, None, None, 'Baseline file not found')
            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'fail') or self.force:
                raise AssertionError(error_message)
            # Compare the screenshots
            self.compare_files(report_name, output_path, baseline_path, threshold)

    def _get_exclude_web_elements(self, exclude_elements):
        """Get WebElements from exclude_elements list ignoring not found elements

        :param exclude_elements: list of WebElements, PageElements or element locators as a tuple (locator_type,
                                 locator_value) that must be searched
        :returns: list of WebElements to be excluded
        exclude_web_elements = []
        for exclude_element in exclude_elements:
                exclude_web_element = self.utils.get_web_element(exclude_element)
                if exclude_web_element:
                    self.logger.warning('Element to be excluded not found')
            except NoSuchElementException as e:
                self.logger.warning(f'Element to be excluded not found: {str(e)}')
        return exclude_web_elements

    def get_scrolls_size(self):
        """Return Chrome and Explorer scrolls sizes if they are visible
        Firefox screenshots don't contain scrolls

        :returns: dict with horizontal and vertical scrolls sizes
        scroll_x = 0
        scroll_y = 0
        if self.utils.get_driver_name() in ['chrome', 'iexplore'] and not self.driver_wrapper.is_mobile_test():
            scroll_height = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")
            scroll_width = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollWidth")
            window_height = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script("return window.innerHeight")
            window_width = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script("return window.innerWidth")
            scroll_size = 21 if self.utils.get_driver_name() == 'iexplore' else 17
            scroll_x = scroll_size if scroll_width > window_width else 0
            scroll_y = scroll_size if scroll_height > window_height else 0
        return {'x': scroll_x, 'y': scroll_y}

    def remove_scrolls(self, img):
        """Remove browser scrolls from image if they are visible

        :param img: image object
        :returns: modified image object
        scrolls_size = self.get_scrolls_size()
        if scrolls_size['x'] > 0 or scrolls_size['y'] > 0:
            new_image_width = img.size[0] - scrolls_size['y']
            new_image_height = img.size[1] - scrolls_size['x']
            img = img.crop((0, 0, new_image_width, new_image_height))
        return img

    def mobile_resize(self, img):
        """Resize image in iOS (native and web) and Android (web) to fit window size

        :param img: image object
        :returns: modified image object
        if self.driver_wrapper.is_ios_test() or self.driver_wrapper.is_android_web_test():
            img = self.base_resize(img=img)
        return img

    def desktop_resize(self, img):
        """Resize image in Mac with Retina to fit window size

        :param img: image object
        :returns: modified image object
        if self.driver_wrapper.is_mac_test():
            img = self.base_resize(img=img)
        return img

    def base_resize(self, img):
        """Base method for resize image

        :param img: image object
        :returns: modified image object
        scale = img.size[0] / self.utils.get_window_size()['width']
        if scale != 1:
            new_image_size = (int(img.size[0] / scale), int(img.size[1] / scale))
            img = img.resize(new_image_size, Image.LANCZOS)
        return img

    def get_element_box(self, web_element):
        """Get element coordinates

        :param web_element: WebElement object
        :returns: tuple with element coordinates
        if not self.driver_wrapper.is_mobile_test():
            scroll_x = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script("return window.pageXOffset")
            scroll_x = scroll_x if scroll_x else 0
            scroll_y = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script("return window.pageYOffset")
            scroll_y = scroll_y if scroll_y else 0
            offset_x = -scroll_x
            offset_y = -scroll_y
            offset_x = 0
            offset_y = self.utils.get_safari_navigation_bar_height()

        location = web_element.location
        size = web_element.size
        return (int(location['x']) + offset_x, int(location['y'] + offset_y),
                int(location['x'] + offset_x + size['width']), int(location['y'] + offset_y + size['height']))

    def crop_element(self, img, web_element):
        """Crop image to fit element

        :param img: image object
        :param web_element: WebElement object
        :returns: modified image object
        if web_element:
            element_box = self.get_element_box(web_element)
            # Reduce element box if it is greater than image size
            element_max_x = img.size[0] if element_box[2] > img.size[0] else element_box[2]
            element_max_y = img.size[1] if element_box[3] > img.size[1] else element_box[3]
            element_box = (element_box[0], element_box[1], element_max_x, element_max_y)
            img = img.crop(element_box)
        return img

    def exclude_elements(self, img, web_elements):
        """Modify image hiding elements with a black rectangle

        :param img: image object
        :param web_elements: WebElement objects to be excluded
        if web_elements and len(web_elements) > 0:
            img = img.convert("RGBA")
            pixel_data = img.load()

            for web_element in web_elements:
                element_box = self.get_element_box(web_element)
                for x, y in itertools.product(range(element_box[0], element_box[2]),
                                              range(element_box[1], element_box[3])):
                        pixel_data[x, y] = (0, 0, 0, 255)
                    except IndexError:

        return img

    def compare_files(self, report_name, image_path, baseline_path, threshold):
        """Compare two image files, generate a new image file with highlighted differences,
           calculate the percentage of pixels that are different between both images and add result to the html report

        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_path: image file path
        :param baseline_path: baseline image file path
        :param threshold: percentage threshold
        :returns: result message
        # Make two new images with same size
        with as image:
            image_size = image.size
            with as baseline:
                baseline_size = baseline.size
                max_size = (max(image.width, baseline.width), max(image.height, baseline.height))
                image_max ='RGB', max_size)
                baseline_max ='RGB', max_size)

        # Generate and save diff image
        diff_path = image_path.replace('.png', '.diff.png')
        diff_pixels_percentage = self.save_differences_image(image_max, baseline_max, diff_path)

        # Check differences and add to report
        if image_size != baseline_size:
            # Different size
            diff_message = f"Image dimensions {image_size} do not match baseline size {baseline_size}"
            exception_message = f"The new screenshot '{image_path}' size '{image_size}' did not match the" \
                                f" baseline '{baseline_path}' size '{baseline_size}'"
            result = 'diff'
        elif diff_pixels_percentage == 0:
            # Equal images
            diff_path = diff_message = None
            result = 'equal'
        elif 0 < diff_pixels_percentage <= threshold:
            # Similar images
            diff_message = f'Distance is {diff_pixels_percentage:.8f}, less than {threshold} threshold'
            result = 'equal'
            # Different images
            diff_message = f'Distance is {diff_pixels_percentage:.8f}, more than {threshold} threshold'
            exception_message = f"The new screenshot '{image_path}' did not match the baseline '{baseline_path}'" \
                                f" (by a distance of {diff_pixels_percentage:.8f}, more than {threshold} threshold)"
            result = 'diff'

        if (result == 'equal' and self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'complete_report')
                or result == 'diff'):
            self._add_result_to_report(result, report_name, image_path, baseline_path, diff_path, diff_message)
            # Add message to result to be used in unittests
            result = f'{result}-{diff_message}' if diff_message is not None else result

        if result.startswith('diff'):
            self.logger.warning(f"Visual error in '{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(baseline_path))[0]}':"
                                f" {diff_message}")
            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'fail') or self.force:
                raise AssertionError(exception_message)

        return result

    def save_differences_image(image, baseline, diff_path):
        """Create and save an image showing differences between both images

        :param image: image object
        :param baseline: reference baseline image object
        :param diff_path: file path where difference image will be saved
        :returns: percentage of pixels that are different between both images
        # Create a mask with differences
        mask = ImageChops.difference(image, baseline).convert('L').point(lambda x: 255 if x else 0)
        # Create a White base
        white_image ='RGB', baseline.size, (255, 255, 255))
        # Add baseline with 50% opacity
        white_image.paste(baseline, (0, 0), baseline)
        # Add red points in different pixels
        red_image ='RGB', baseline.size, (255, 0, 0))
        white_image.paste(red_image, (0, 0), mask)
        # Save file

        # Count different pixels (black pixels in mask image are equal pixels)
        equal_pixels = sum([1 for pixel in mask.getdata() if pixel == 0])
        diff_pixels_percentage = 1 - equal_pixels / (baseline.width * baseline.height)
        return diff_pixels_percentage

    def _add_result_to_report(self, result, report_name, image_path, baseline_path, diff_path, message):
        """Add the result of a visual test to the html report

        :param result: comparation result (equal, diff, baseline)
        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_path: image file path
        :param baseline_path: baseline image file path
        :param diff_path: differences image file path
        :param message: error message
        self.results[result] += 1
        output_baseline_path = None
        if baseline_path is not None:
            output_baseline_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, os.path.basename(baseline_path))
            shutil.copyfile(baseline_path, output_baseline_path)
        row = self._get_html_row(result, report_name, image_path, output_baseline_path, diff_path, message)
        self._add_data_to_report_before_tag(row, '</tbody>')

    def _add_data_to_report_before_tag(self, data, tag):
        """Add data to visual report before tag

        :param data: data to be added
        :param tag: data will be added before this tag
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name), "r+") as f:
            report =
            index = report.find(tag)
            report = report[:index] + data + report[index:]

    def _update_report_summary(self):
        """Update asserts counter in report"""
        new_results = 'Visual asserts</b>: {} ({} failed)'.format(sum(self.results.values()), self.results['diff'])
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name), "r+") as f:
            report =
            report = re.sub(r'Visual asserts</b>: [0-9]* \([0-9]* failed\)', new_results, report)

    def _add_summary_to_report(self):
        """Add visual data summary to the html report"""
        summary = '<p><b>Execution date</b>: {}</p>'.format('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
        summary += '<p><b>Baseline name</b>: {}</p>'.format(path.basename(self.baseline_directory))
        summary += '<p><b>Visual asserts</b>: {} ({} failed)</p>'.format(sum(self.results.values()),
        self._add_data_to_report_before_tag(summary, '</div>')

    def _get_html_row(self, result, report_name, image_path, baseline_path, diff_path, message):
        """Create the html row with the result of a visual test

        :param result: comparation result (equal, diff, baseline)
        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_path: image file path
        :param baseline_path: baseline image file path
        :param diff_path: differences image file path
        :param message: error message
        :returns: str with the html row
        row = '<tr class=' + result + '>'
        row += '<td>' + report_name + '</td>'

        # Create baseline column
        baseline_col = self._get_img_element(baseline_path, 'Baseline image')
        row += '<td>' + baseline_col + '</td>'

        # Create image column
        image_col = self._get_img_element(image_path, 'Screenshot image')
        row += '<td>' + image_col + '</td>'

        # Create diff column
        message = '' if message is None else message
        diff_col = self._get_img_element(diff_path, message) if diff_path and os.path.exists(diff_path) else message

        row += '<td>' + diff_col + '</td>'
        row += '</tr>'
        return row

    def _get_img_element(self, image_path, image_title):
        """Create an img html element

        :param image_path: image file path
        :param image_title: image title
        :returns: str with the img element
        img_element = ''
        if image_path:
            image_relative_path = path.relpath(image_path, self.output_directory).replace('\\', '/')
            img_element = f'<img src="{image_relative_path}" title="{image_title}"/>'
        return img_element

    def update_latest_report():
        Duplicate current visual testing report into latest folder
        if os.path.exists(DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory):
            latest_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory), 'latest')
            if os.path.exists(latest_directory):
            shutil.copytree(DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory, latest_directory)