
View on GitHub


Test Coverage

1.0.0          (2024-01-12)

* Add support for django 5.0
* Add support for python 3.12
* Improve TileJSON and Tile cache keys

0.8.0          (2023-09-08)

* Works with fiona >= 1.9
* Add support for django 5.0
* Add support for python 3.12

0.7.3          (2023-04-17)

* Support django 4.2
* Allow layer access with group limit to superusers
* Drop django 2.2 and python 3.6 support

0.7.2          (2023-03-06)

* Allow dates and objects in feature properties by using DjangoJSONEncoder

0.7.1          (2023-03-03)

* Set default zoom levels to 0-23
* Limit Fiona version < 1.9 until fix

0.7.0          (2022-12-09)

* Don't limit psycopg2 version in setup.py
* Add migration check in CI

0.6.9          (2022-11-22)

* Support python 3.10 and django 4.1

0.6.8          (2022-07-04)

* Add layer extent endpoint

0.6.7          (2022-02-21)

* Change distance relation calculation with dwithin

0.6.6          (2022-02-11)

* Add relations in vector tiles

0.6.5          (2021-10-13)

* Fix missing migration

0.6.4          (2021-10-06)

* Fix shapefile export

0.6.3          (2021-10-05)

* Improve performances relations

0.6.2          (2021-10-04)

* Fix email link causing scam-alerts in some email clients

0.6.1          (2021-04-30)

* Improve performances relations

0.6.0          (2021-04-30)


* Add constraint extra geom empty / is_valid. Check that your feature extra geometries are not empty or invalid before using this version

0.5.8          (2021-04-30)

* Add format geojson relations

0.5.7          (2020-12-11)

* Include translation files in pypi releases.

0.5.6          (2020-12-11)

* Fix and include translations
* Fix template export mail with hyperlink

0.5.5          (2020-12-10)

* Fix templates not included in setup.py sdist
* Fix save generation export file

0.5.4          (2020-12-01)

* Add endpoint to get all distinct values of any layer property

0.5.3          (2020-11-16)

* Use get_username() to keep compatibility with custom User model
* Revert shape file url generation

0.5.2          (2020-11-06)

* Add functions to export layers in shape / geojson / kml in async mode with a celery worker. User should have email to receive link to download export.

0.5.1          (2020-10-28)

* BugFix on Polygon Vector tiles
* Improve documentation

0.5.0          (2020-10-27)


Features with empty geometry will not pass anymore Integrity Error Check
Please, check and fix you geostore_feature table first before making migrations

* Add constraint empty geometries
* Add validation of constraints on geometries

* geostore.routing has been extracted to django-geostore-routing
  * add django-geostore-routing to your project dependencies
  * add geostore_routing to you INSTALLED_APPS instead of geostore.routing
* Add relation property to handle relations directly in feature
* Force geometries 2d

* Improve tile generation

0.4.3          (2020-10-09)

* Fix settings used by renderers

0.4.2          (2020-10-06)

* Fix geometry file labels in feature serializer

0.4.1          (2020-10-02)

* Add KML and GPX renderers

0.4.0          (2020-09-02)

* WARNING Breaking Changes !!
  * to continue to use PGRouting features, please add geostore.routing to INSTALLED_APPS
  * Some changes in routing API response. Now final geometry and full feature segment list are provided by API
  * Configurable tolerance for routing topologies (Default value from 0.0001 to 0.00001)
  * HOSTNAME setting is deprecated. Default request HOST is now used to generate absolute full urls for vector tiles.
You can set TERRA_TILES_HOSTNAMES = [HOSTNAME, ] to avoid this

* Improvements :
  * Officially support django 3.1
  * Set HOSTNAME or TERRA_TILES_HOSTNAMES is not required anymore. Now full absolute urls are prefixed with current host request
  * Installing PGRouting is not required anymore.
  * source / target routing attributes :
    * add indexes
    * Hide by default (editable=False)
  * Using JSONField from django.db.models
  * Updating DjangoModelFactory location

0.3.19         (2020-06-25)

* WARNING : Ordering and Searching in feature properties are disabled for layers without schema.
* OPTIMIZATIONS : Improve API feature by disabling big queries to find layer's properties
* Fix duplicated index

0.3.18         (2020-06-24)

* Improve database indexes

0.3.17         (2020-03-04)

* Factorize Feature Extra Geom serializer to be customized directly in ViewsSet

0.3.16         (2020-01-27)

* Manage relations between layers and features (manual / intersections or distances).
* GeoJson renderer. Now API can render .json or .geojson endpoint (or format=?geojson)
* Partial properties patch. A patch on feature viewset keep properties not sended.
* Add Json value search filter in FeatureViewset

0.3.15         (2019-12-13)

* support django rest framework 3.11

0.3.14         (2019-12-11)

* Officially support django 3.0
* Add possibility to modify, create, update, delete extra geometries
* Add field editable to extra layers

0.3.13         (2019-12-09)

* Order extra geometries by layer

0.3.12         (2019-12-03)


* Improve documentation


* Ability to define and package extra geometries for features (One to One)

0.3.11    (2019-11-05)


* Prevent token group id decoding error

0.3.10         (2019-10-16)


* Ability to sort API feature results with property key content


* Add missing migration file

0.3.9      (2019-10-15)

* Admin part is removed. Please use your own admin in project.
* DRF yasg is removed. Configure it in your project if required.
* Add authentication management on layers

0.3.8      (2019-10-11)

### Fixes

* Add permission management on FeatureViewset

0.3.7      (2019-10-09)

### Fixes

* Fix tilejson's layer attribution and description parsing

0.3.6      (2019-10-09)

### Fixes

* Fix tilejson when Layer has no Feature
* Fix deprecation warning : "ST_Line_Substring signature was deprecated in 2.1.0. Please use ST_LineSubstring"
* Fix tile generation when no feature is present in the layer
* Fix permission management of layers

0.3.5      (2019-10-03)

### News

* Add a method to get json schema property type by its name

### Fixes

* Fix bug with shapefile export on geometry defined layer.
* Fix group's tiles URLs in tilejson
* Fix tilejson when Layer has no Feature
* Return a tilejson even if it has no feature

0.3.4      (2019-09-26)

### Fixes

* integrate test/factories in packaging

0.3.3      (2019-09-25)

### Breaking Changes with front

* key to access tilejson is changed from 'layer_tilejson' and 'group_tilejson' to 'tilejson' in both cases.

### Fix

* Fix migration file that prevent old terracommon app migration

0.3.2      (2019-09-24)

### Fix

* Fix migration file that prevent old terracommon app migration

0.3.1      (2019-09-11)

### Breaking Changes

* App name move from terra to geostore. Structure is the same, so backup and restore your data

0.3.0      (2019-09-09)

First public tag

* Terra app extracted from terracommon.terra