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# django-geostore

Dynamic geographic datastore with Vector Tiles generation from PostGIS and json schema definition and validation.

## Functions

* Geographic layer management
* Add and manage geographic features on layers
* Manage feature properties with JSON schema
* Import and export data
* Generate GeoJSON and MapBox Vector Tile on single or group of layers
* Full management API available
* Optional PGRouting capabilities with plugin django-geostore-routing

## Requirements

### General

* Python 3.6+
* Postgresql 10+
* PostGIS 2.4+

Optionnal to use PgRouting functionnalities :
  * PgRouting 2.5+ and django-geostore-routing

### Libraries

these are debian packages required

- libpq-dev   (psycopg2)
- gettext     (translations)
- binutils    (django.contrib.gis)
- libproj-dev (django.contrib.gis)
- gdal-bin    (django.contrib.gis)


- postgresql-client (if you want to use ./manage.py dbshell command)

## Installation

### from PYPI

pip install django-geostore

### from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/Terralego/django-geostore.git
cd django-geostore
python3 setup.py install

### in your project settings


## Development

### with docker :
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose run web ./manage.py test

### with pip :
python3.6 -m venv venv
source activate venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]