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import base64
import logging
import random
import re
import secrets

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from django import template
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from template_engines.utils import get_content_url, get_extension_picture
from template_engines.utils.odt import ODT_IMAGE
from .utils import parse_tag, resize, get_image_infos_from_uri

register = template.Library()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def parse_p(soup):
    """ Replace p tags with text:p """
    paragraphs = soup.find_all("p")

    for p_tag in paragraphs:
        p_tag.name = 'text:p'
    return soup

def parse_span(soup):
    """ Replace span tags with text:span """
    spans = soup.find_all("span")

    for span_tag in spans:
        span_tag.name = 'text:span'
    return soup

def parse_sup(soup):
    """ Replace sup tags with text:span  with automatic style"""
    spans = soup.find_all("sup")

    for sup_tag in spans:
        sup_tag.name = 'text:span'
        sup_tag.attrs['text:style-name'] = "SUP"
    return soup

def parse_sub(soup):
    """ Replace sub tags with text:span  with automatic style"""
    spans = soup.find_all("sub")

    for sub_tag in spans:
        sub_tag.name = 'text:span'
        sub_tag.attrs['text:style-name'] = "SUB"
    return soup

def parse_italic(soup):
    """ Replace i tags with text:span with automatic style """
    italic_tags = soup.find_all("em")
    for i_tag in italic_tags:
        i_tag.name = 'text:span'
        i_tag.attrs['text:style-name'] = "ITALIC"
    return soup

def parse_strong(soup):
    """ Replace strong tags with text:span with automatic style """
    strong_tags = soup.find_all("strong")
    for s_tag in strong_tags:
        s_tag.name = 'text:span'
        s_tag.attrs['text:style-name'] = "BOLD"
    return soup

def parse_underline(soup):
    """ Replace u tags with text:span with automatic style """
    u_tags = soup.find_all("u")
    for u_tag in u_tags:
        u_tag.name = 'text:span'
        u_tag.attrs['text:style-name'] = "UNDERLINE"
    return soup

def fix_li(soup, tag):
    tag.name = 'text:list-item'
    contents = ''
    for e in tag.contents:
        # get tag content formatted (keep nested tags)
        contents = f'{contents}{e}'
    tag.string = ''
    content = soup.new_tag('text:p')
    content.attrs['text:style-name'] = "Standard"
    content.append(BeautifulSoup(contents, 'html.parser'))

def parse_ul(soup):
    """ Replace ul / li tags text:list and text:list-item """
    ul_tags = soup.find_all("ul")

    for ul_tag in ul_tags:
        ul_tag.name = 'text:list'
        ul_tag.attrs['xml:id'] = f'list{str(random.randint(100000000000000000, 900000000000000000))}'
        ul_tag.attrs['text:style-name'] = "L1"
        li_tags = ul_tag.findChildren(recursive=False)

        for li in li_tags:
            fix_li(soup, li)

    return soup

def parse_ol(soup):
    """ Replace ol / li tags text:list and text:list-item """
    ol_tags = soup.find_all("ol")
    for ol_tag in ol_tags:
        ol_tag.name = 'text:list'
        ol_tag.attrs['xml:id'] = f'list{str(random.randint(100000000000000000, 900000000000000000))}'
        ol_tag.attrs['text:style-name'] = "L2"
        ol_tag.attrs['text:level'] = "1"
        li_tags = ol_tag.findChildren(recursive=False)

        for li in li_tags:
            fix_li(soup, li)
    return soup

def parse_a(soup):
    # replace a
    a_tags = soup.find_all("a")
    for a_tag in a_tags:
        a_tag.name = 'text:a'
        new_attrs = {
            'xlink:type': 'simple',
            'xlink:href': a_tag.attrs['href']
        a_tag.attrs = new_attrs

    return soup

def parse_h(soup):
    # replace h*
    h_tags = soup.find_all(re.compile("^h[0-3]"))
    for h_tag in h_tags:
        num = h_tag.name[1]
        h_tag.name = 'text:h'
        new_attrs = {
            'text:outline-level': num
        h_tag.attrs = new_attrs
    return soup

def parse_br(soup):
    # replace br
    br_tags = soup.find_all("br")
    for br_tag in br_tags:
        br_tag.name = 'text:line-break'
    return soup

def parse_img(soup):
    """ Replace img tags with text:p """
    imgs = soup.find_all("img")
    for img in imgs:
        img.name = 'draw:frame'
        src = img.attrs.pop('src')
        content = soup.new_tag('draw:image')
        size, dimensions, mime_type = get_image_infos_from_uri(src)
        content.attrs = {
            'xlink:href': src,
            'xlink:type': "simple",
            'xlink:show': "embed",
            'xlink:actuate': "onload",
            'draw:mime-type': mime_type

        width, height = dimensions
        if width and width > 500:
            # if sized and sized > 500, it will not fit to page width
            ratio = width / height
            # keep ratio
            width = 500
            height = int(width / ratio)
        img.attrs = {
            'draw:style-name': "fr1",
            'text:anchor-type': "as-char",
            'svg:width': f"{width}px",
            'svg:height': f"{height}px",
            'draw:z-index': "37",

    return soup

def from_html(value, is_safe=True):
    """ Convert HTML from rte fields to odt compatible format """
    soup = BeautifulSoup(value, "html.parser")
    soup = parse_span(soup)
    soup = parse_p(soup)
    soup = parse_strong(soup)
    soup = parse_italic(soup)
    soup = parse_sup(soup)
    soup = parse_sub(soup)
    soup = parse_underline(soup)
    soup = parse_ul(soup)
    soup = parse_ol(soup)
    soup = parse_a(soup)
    soup = parse_h(soup)
    soup = parse_br(soup)
    soup = parse_img(soup)
    return mark_safe(str(soup))

class ImageLoaderURLNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, url, data=None, request=None, max_width=None,
                 max_height=None, anchor=None):
        # saves the passed obj parameter for later use
        # this is a template.Variable, because that way it can be resolved
        # against the current context in the render method
        self.url = url
        self.data = data
        self.request = request
        self.max_width = max_width
        self.max_height = max_height
        self.anchor = anchor

    def render(self, context):
        url, type_request, max_width, max_height, anchor, data = self.get_value_context(context)
        name = secrets.token_hex(15)
        response = get_content_url(url, type_request or "get", data)
        if not response:
            return ""
        width, height = resize(response.content, max_width, max_height, odt=True)
        context.setdefault('images', {})
        picture = response.content
        extension = get_extension_picture(picture)
        full_name = '{}.{}'.format(name, extension)
        context['images'].update({full_name: picture})
        return mark_safe(ODT_IMAGE.format(full_name, width, height,
                                          anchor or "paragraph", f"image/{extension.lower()}"))

    def get_value_context(self, context):
        final_url = self.url.resolve(context)
        final_request = "get" if not self.request else self.request.resolve(context)
        final_max_width = None if not self.max_width else self.max_width.resolve(context)
        final_max_height = None if not self.max_height else self.max_height.resolve(context)
        final_anchor = "paragraph" if not self.anchor else self.anchor.resolve(context)
        final_data = "" if not self.data else self.data.resolve(context)
        return final_url, final_request, final_max_width, final_max_height, final_anchor, final_data

def image_url_loader(parser, token):
    Replace a tag by an image from the url you specified.
    The necessary key is url
    - url : Url where you want to get your picture
    Other keys : data, max_width, max_height, request
    - data : Use it only with post request
    - max_width : Width of the picture rendered
    - max_heigth : Height of the picture rendered
    - request : Type of request, post or get. Get by default.
    - anchor : Type of anchor, paragraph, as-char, char, frame, page
    tag_name, args, kwargs = parse_tag(token, parser)
    usage = '{{% {tag_name} [url] max_width="5000px" max_height="5000px" ' \
            'request="GET" data="{{"data": "example"}}" anchor="as-char" %}}'.format(tag_name=tag_name)
    if len(args) > 1 or not all(
            key in ['max_width', 'max_height', 'request', 'data', 'anchor'] for key in kwargs.keys()):
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Usage: %s" % usage)
    return ImageLoaderURLNode(*args, **kwargs)

class ImageLoaderNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, instance, max_width=None, max_height=None, anchor=None):
        # saves the passed obj parameter for later use
        # this is a template.Variable, because that way it can be resolved
        # against the current context in the render method
        self.object = instance
        self.max_width = max_width
        self.max_height = max_height
        self.anchor = anchor

    def base64_to_binary(self, picture):
        if isinstance(picture, str) and 'base64' in picture:
            picture = base64.b64decode(picture.split(';base64,')[1])
        return picture

    def render(self, context):
        # Evaluate the arguments in the current context
        name = self.object
        picture, max_width, max_height, anchor = self.get_value_context(context)
        picture = self.base64_to_binary(picture)
        if not picture or not isinstance(picture, bytes):
            logger.error(f"{name} is not a valid picture")
            return ""

        name = secrets.token_hex(15)
        width, height = resize(picture, max_width, max_height, odt=True)
        context.setdefault('images', {})
        extension = get_extension_picture(picture)
        full_name = '{}.{}'.format(name, extension)
        context['images'].update({full_name: picture})
        return mark_safe(ODT_IMAGE.format(full_name, width, height, anchor or "paragraph",

    def get_value_context(self, context):
        final_object = self.object.resolve(context)
        final_max_width = None if not self.max_width else self.max_width.resolve(context)
        final_max_height = None if not self.max_height else self.max_height.resolve(context)
        final_anchor = "paragraph" if not self.anchor else self.anchor.resolve(context)
        return final_object, final_max_width, final_max_height, final_anchor

def image_loader(parser, token):
    Replace a tag by an image you specified.
    You must add an entry to the ``context`` var that is a dict with at least a ``content`` key
    whose value is a byte object. You can also specify ``max_width`` and ``max_height``.
    The necessary key is image
    - image : content of your picture in binary or base64
    Other keys : max_width, max_height, anchor
    - max_width : Width of the picture rendered
    - max_height : Height of the picture rendered
    - anchor : Type of anchor, paragraph, as-char, char, frame, page
    tag_name, args, kwargs = parse_tag(token, parser)
    usage = '{{% {tag_name} [image] max_width="5000px" max_height="5000px" anchor="as-char" %}}'.format(
    if len(args) > 1 or not all(key in ['max_width', 'max_height', 'anchor']
                                for key in kwargs.keys()):
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Usage: %s" % usage)
    return ImageLoaderNode(*args, **kwargs)