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package nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.logic.network;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;
import com.google.gson.JsonSerializationContext;
import com.google.gson.JsonSerializer;
import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;

import nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.logic.network.NetworkUtils.Connection;
import nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.logic.network.TransferManagerBase.ItemType;
import nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.logic.storage.WatchDogItem;
import nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.ui.wizards.Project;
import nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.ui.wizards.User;
import nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.util.WatchDogGlobals;
import nl.tudelft.watchdog.core.util.WatchDogUtilsBase;

 * Transmits WatchDog data objects in a Json format to the WatchDog server.
public class JsonTransferer {

    /** The {@link GsonBuilder} for building the items. */
    private GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();

    /** The Gson object for object serialization to Json. */
    private Gson gson;

    /** Constructor. */
    public JsonTransferer() {
        gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateSerializer())
                .registerTypeAdapter(JsonifiedDouble.class, new JsonifiedDoubleSerializer())
                .registerTypeAdapter(JsonifiedLong.class, new JsonifiedLongSerializer());
        gson = gsonBuilder.create();

     * Sends the recorded WD items to the server. Returns whether or not the transfer
     * was successful or a network error occurred.
    public Connection sendItems(List<WatchDogItem> recordedItems, String projectName,
            ItemType recordedItemsType) {
        String userId = WatchDogGlobals.getPreferences().getUserId();
        String projectId = WatchDogGlobals.getPreferences().getOrCreateProjectSetting(projectName).projectId;

        // Only transfer if we have both a user id and a project id
        if (WatchDogUtilsBase.isEmptyOrHasOnlyWhitespaces(userId)
                || WatchDogUtilsBase.isEmptyOrHasOnlyWhitespaces(projectId)) {
            return Connection.UNSUCCESSFUL;

        String serializedItems = toJson(recordedItems);
        try {
            final String postURL = getPostURL(userId, projectId, recordedItemsType);
            NetworkUtils.transferJsonAndGetResponse(postURL, serializedItems);
            return Connection.SUCCESSFUL;
        } catch (ServerReturnCodeException exception) {
            return Connection.UNSUCCESSFUL;
        } catch (ServerCommunicationException | IllegalArgumentException exception) {
            return Connection.NETWORK_ERROR;

     * Sends the user registration data and returns the received User-ID.
    public String registerNewUser(User user) throws ServerCommunicationException {
        return registerNew(NetworkUtils.buildNewUserURL(), gson.toJson(user));


     * Sends the project registration data and returns the received project-ID.
    public String registerNewProject(Project project) throws ServerCommunicationException {
        return registerNew(NetworkUtils.buildNewProjectURL(), WatchDogUtilsBase.convertToJson(project));

     * Register the new json string with the postURL and reads the response from
     * the server.
     * @throws ServerCommunicationException
    public String registerNew(String postURL, String json) throws ServerCommunicationException {
        try {
            String jsonResponse = NetworkUtils.transferJsonAndGetResponse(postURL, json);
            return gson.fromJson(jsonResponse, String.class);
        } catch (ServerReturnCodeException exception) {
            throw new ServerCommunicationException(exception.getMessage());

     * Queries the URL via GET, reads and returns the response from the server.
     * @throws ServerCommunicationException
    public String queryGetURL(String getURL) throws ServerCommunicationException {
        String jsonResponse = NetworkUtils.getURLAndGetResponse(getURL);
        try {
            String response = gson.fromJson(jsonResponse, String.class);

            if (response == null) {
                throw new ServerCommunicationException("Got a null reply from the server.");

            return response;
        } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) {
            throw new ServerCommunicationException(ex.getMessage());

    /** Converts the items to Json. */
    public String toJson(List<WatchDogItem> recordedItems) {
        try {
            return gson.toJson(recordedItems);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            return "[]";

     * @return the POST URL to be used to send the JSON data to.
    private String getPostURL(String userId, String projectId, ItemType itemsToTransferType) {
        switch (itemsToTransferType) {
        case EVENT:
            return NetworkUtils.buildEventsPostURL(userId, projectId);
        case INTERVAL:
            return NetworkUtils.buildIntervalsPostURL(userId, projectId);
            return null;

    /** A JSon Serializer for Date. */
    private static class DateSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Date> {

        public JsonElement serialize(Date date, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
            return new JsonPrimitive(date.getTime());

    /** A JSon Serializer for {@link JsonifiedDouble}s. */
    private static class JsonifiedDoubleSerializer implements JsonSerializer<JsonifiedDouble> {

        public JsonElement serialize(JsonifiedDouble doubleValue, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
            return new JsonPrimitive(doubleValue.value);

    /** A JSon Serializer for {@link JsonifiedLong}s. */
    private static class JsonifiedLongSerializer implements JsonSerializer<JsonifiedLong> {

        public JsonElement serialize(JsonifiedLong longValue, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
            return new JsonPrimitive(longValue.value);
