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Test Coverage
    <vendor email="igor.levaja@testroots.org" url="http://www.testroots.org">TestRoots, TU Delft</vendor>

    Do you as a Java developer know, how much time you spent on testing and debugging your application? Do you know how much time you actually write new code, and how long you browse through existing code? Do you know what activities you actually perform during a debugging session?
    Then install TestRoots WatchDog!<br>
    WatchDog assess your development behavior, which tests you write (Junit, Mockito, Powermock and others) and gives you answers to the above questions. WatchDog comes with the "WatchDog Statistics" view that displays the answers in easy-to-understand diagrams and immediate statistics on your development habits.<br>
    We support all current versions of Junit (Junit3 and Junit4), and we measure developer testing, system testing and integration testing time (so long as you name your Test classes ending in Test, or have includes to Junit, Mockito or Powermock in them).

      Maintenance release:<br>
      - Fix startup problem of Eclipse;<br>
      - Solve possible freezes;<br>
      - Make WatchDog more performant;<br><br>

      Feature release:<br>
      - Include new slider experiment;<br><br>
      Feature release:<br>
      - Adds support for tracking static analysis warning behavior;<br>
      - Update internal architecture and streamline registration process;<br><br>

      Feature release:<br>
      - Adds support for tracking debugging behavior;<br>
      - Adds a visualization of the tracked debugging activities to the "WatchDog Statistics" view.<br><br>

      Maintenance release:<br>
      - Adds Android Studio support;<br>
      - Makes WD much faster when working with large files (improvements in Levenshtein distance calculation);<br>
      - Fixes bug of not registering all intervals.<br><br>

      Maintenance release:<br>
      - Added support for multiple projects opened at the same time;<br>
      - Improved registration process (especially when unsuccessful, thanks to Alan Richardson from eviltester.com);<br>
      - Some back-end optimizations.<br><br>

      Maintenance release:<br>
      - Refactored back-end architecture;<br>
      - Version is now synchronized across platforms;<br>
      - Small bug fixes. <br><br>

      Few minor issues fixed:<br>
      - JUnit interval format unified;<br>
      - Removed unused listeners.

    <!-- please see http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Build+Number+Ranges for description -->
    <idea-version since-build="139"/>

    <!-- please see http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Plugin+Compatibility+with+IntelliJ+Platform+Products
         on how to target different products -->
    <!-- uncomment to enable plugin in all products
    <depends optional="true">com.intellij.modules.androidstudio</depends>
    <depends optional="true" config-file="checkstyle.xml">CheckStyle-IDEA</depends>

    <!--depends optional="false">JUnit</depends-->

    <extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
        <testStatusListener implementation="nl.tudelft.watchdog.intellij.logic.ui.listeners.JUnitListener" />
        <applicationConfigurable instance="nl.tudelft.watchdog.intellij.ui.preferences.PreferencePage" />
        <toolWindow id="WatchDog" anchor="right" icon="/images/watchdog_icon.png"

        <!-- Add your application components here -->

        <!-- Add your project components here -->

        <!-- Add your actions here -->
