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To run the server, first set up the correct environment.

Make sure mongo is running:

If it is not running, run something along the lines of

sudo service mongod start

Now make sure that the correct database is running with a new user.
Since you probably do not have it, run the following commands:

Once inside the mongoDB server, execute the following commands:

use watchdog-dev
db.createUser({user: "foo", pwd: "bar", roles: []})

Then make sure to configure the Ruby server to take the development profile

export RACK_ENV=development

Make sure a config file exists for the Ruby server:


Then run the server with


At this point the server is running on localhost:3000.
Go to localhost:3000/ to verify the server returns "Woof Woof" and localhost:3000/client returns the client version ("X.X.X")