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Basic Class to provide similar interfaces
and basic methods to all child classes
import json
import urllib.parse as up
import logging
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

class PyLeiheWeb:
    Basic Class to provide similar interfaces
    and basic methods to all child classes
    DOMAIN = ""

    Session = None

    def __init__(self, sess=None):
        if sess is not None:
            self.Session = sess
        if self.Session is None or sess is True:
            self.Session = requests.Session()

    def reprJSON(cls):
        Creates a JSON combatable representation.

        .. HINT::
            Should be implemented individually for each class.

            json compatible representation (dict or list)
        return {
            "cls": cls.__name__

    def toJSON(self):
        Converts the current object instance to json.

        Calls the `reprJSON` method from the instance
        to get a json compatible representation
        return json.dumps(self.reprJSON())

    def toJSONFile(self, filename=""):
        Saves the json representation as a file

        Uses the functions `toJSON()` and
        thus including `reprJSON()`

            filename (str): path to the file to write
        if filename == "":
            filename = self.__class__.__name__
        with open('{}.json'.format(filename), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(self.reprJSON(), f, sort_keys=False, indent=4)

    def _loadJSONFile(cls, filename=""):
        Private method to load a JSON file and
        automatically convert it to python types.

            the json data as python types (dict or list)
        if filename == "":
            filename = cls.__name__
        with open('{}.json'.format(filename), 'r') as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        return data

    def loadFromJSON(cls, data=None, filename=""):
        Converts a typical json representation consisting of lists/dicts into
        an instance.

        For contained instances of other classes,
        their respective conversion functions are called.

        If no data is passed, the data is loaded by calling

            data (dict, list): _optional_ parsed json as dict with json comaptible
                python objects
                *if None* `_loadJSONFile` is called and data is loaded from disk
            filename (str): _optional_ the path to the json file containing the data

            new instance
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def searchNodeMultipleContain(cls, content, Node, NodeAttr, ContNode=None, ContNodeData=None):
        Searches an html text `content` for the first occurrence of an `Node`
        with the properties `NodeAttr`.
        As an additional condition it can be required
        that a certain node `ContNode` must be contained in the foudn `Node`
        with certain properties `ContNodeData`.

            content (str):  html content
            Node (str): name of the node
            NodeAttr (dict[str: str]): with the attributes of the nodes
            ContNode (str):  optional addition node wich must be inside of `Node`
            ContNodeData (dict[str: str]): with the attributes of the `ContNode`

            First node that meets the conditions
        ContNodeData = ContNodeData or {}
        soup = BeautifulSoup(content, features="html.parser")
        forms = soup.find_all(Node, attrs=NodeAttr)
        found_forms = len(forms)
        if found_forms == 0:
            return None
        if ((ContNode == "" or ContNode is None)
                and (ContNodeData == "" or not ContNodeData)):
            return forms[0]
            return next(f for f in forms if f.find(ContNode, ContNodeData))
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def getPostFormURL(cls, content, ContNode="", curr_url=None, ContNodeData=None):
        Searches an html text `content` for the destination address
        of the first html post form.
        As an additional condition it can be required that the form should contain
        a specific `ContNode`.

            content (str): html content
            curr_url: _optional_ address of the form,
                if available this is combined with the target address
            ContNode (str): optional node wich must be inside of the form
            ContNodeData (dict[str: str]): with the attributes of the `ContNode`

            str: with the destination url of the form
        form = cls.searchNodeMultipleContain(content,
                                             NodeAttr={"method": "post"},
        if form is None:
            return None
        form_action = form.get('action')
        if curr_url is None:
            return form_action
        return up.urljoin(curr_url, form_action)

    def getURL(cls, to):
        Build a URL from the given schema, domain and target path on the server and return it.

            to (str or list[str]): path of a destination address

            `str` with the compound url
        if not isinstance(to, str):
            to = "/".join(to)
        return cls.SCHEME + "://" + cls.DOMAIN + "/" + to

    def simpleGET(self, url, **kwargs):
        Simple function to load one URL with GET.
        For detailed informations, see `simpleSession()`
        return self.simpleSession(url=url, method="get", **kwargs)

    def _get_title(self):
        title = ""
            title = self.title
        except AttributeError:
        return title

    def simpleSession(self, url, method="POST", retry=1, **kwargs):
        Simple function to load one URL with GET or POST.

            url (str or up.ParseResult): with the destination adress
            method (str): http method to acces the url,
                          currently supported: `GET` and `POST`
            **kwargs: additional configuration for `request.Session.get` or `post`

            * `None` if the data could not be loaded
            * else `requets.Respons` with the page content in

            see `requets.Response.raise_for_status` except:

                - [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo failed
                - [Errno -2] Name or service not known
                - [Errno 8] nodename nor servname

        mp = None
        # prevent recursive crash
        if retry < 0:
            return None
        method = method.upper()
        # unparse url if necessary
        if isinstance(url, up.ParseResult):
            url = up.urlunparse(url)
        # try requests and capture ConnectionError's
            mp = self.Session.request(method, url, **kwargs)
        except requests.ConnectionError as exc:
            message = str(exc)
            # reset mp return value
            mp = None
            if 'Remote end closed connection without response' in message:
                logging.warning("[%s] Remote end closed connection: %s", self._get_title(), url)
                if retry > 0:
          "Try it again (retry %i)", retry)
                    mp = self.simpleSession(url, method=method, retry=retry - 1, **kwargs)
            elif ("[Errno 11004] getaddrinfo failed" in message
                  or "[Errno -2] Name or service not known" in message
                  or "[Errno 8] nodename nor servname " in message):
                logging.warning("[%s] Hostname can't be resolved: %s",
                                str(self), url, exc_info=False)
        return mp