#include "MobileRT/Camera.hpp"
namespace Components {
* A class which represents an Orthographic camera in the scene.
* This type of camera is similar to the isometric view of some games.
* Different from normal perspective cameras, an object's apparent scale isn't affected by its
* distance from the camera.
* So, with this camera, an object's size in the rendered image stays constant regardless of
* its distance from the camera.
class Orthographic final : public ::MobileRT::Camera {
float sizeH_ {};
float sizeV_ {};
explicit Orthographic() = delete;
explicit Orthographic(const ::glm::vec3 &position,
const ::glm::vec3 &lookAt, const ::glm::vec3 &up,
float sizeH, float sizeV);
Orthographic(const Orthographic &orthographic) = default;
Orthographic(Orthographic &&orthographic) noexcept = delete;
~Orthographic() final = default;
Orthographic &operator=(const Orthographic &orthographic) = delete;
Orthographic &operator=(Orthographic &&orthographic) noexcept = delete;
::MobileRT::Ray generateRay(float u, float v,
float deviationU,
float deviationV) const final;
::MobileRT::AABB getAABB() const final;
float getSizeH() const;
float getSizeV() const;
}//namespace Components