package puscas.mobilertapp.configs
import android.widget.Button
import android.widget.TextView
import puscas.mobilertapp.DrawView
import puscas.mobilertapp.RenderTask
import puscas.mobilertapp.constants.State
* The configurator for the [RenderTask].
* @property requestRender A [Runnable] to the [DrawView.requestRender] method which is called in the [RenderTask.timer].
* @property finishRender A [Runnable] method which stops the Ray Tracer engine and sets the [RenderTask.stateT] to [State.IDLE].
* @property updateInterval The interval in `TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS` between each call to the [RenderTask.timer].
* @property numLights The number of lights in the scene.
* @property resolution The resolution of the [Bitmap] where the Ray Tracer engine will render the scene.
* @property samples The number of samples to be used by the Ray Tracing engine.
* @property textView The [TextView] which will output the debug information about the Ray Tracer engine.
* @property numThreads The number of threads to be used by the Ray Tracer engine.
* @property numPrimitives The number of primitives in the scene.
* @property buttonRender The [Button] which can start and stop the Ray Tracer engine.
* It is important to let the [RenderTask] update its state after the rendering process.
data class ConfigRenderTask private constructor(
val requestRender : Runnable,
val finishRender : Runnable,
val updateInterval : Long,
val numLights : Long,
val resolution : ConfigResolution,
val samples : ConfigSamples,
val textView : TextView,
val numThreads : Int,
val numPrimitives : Int,
val buttonRender : Button,
) {
init {
require(updateInterval >= 0) { "The updateInterval must be >= 0." }
require(numLights >= 0) { "The numLights must be >= 0." }
class Builder private constructor() {
var requestRender : Runnable = Runnable { }
var finishRender : Runnable = Runnable { }
var updateInterval = 0L
var numLights = 0L
var resolution : ConfigResolution = ConfigResolution.Builder.create().build()
var samples : ConfigSamples = ConfigSamples.Builder.create().build()
lateinit var textView : TextView
var numThreads = 0
var numPrimitives = 0
lateinit var buttonRender : Button
companion object { fun create() = Builder() }
fun build() = ConfigRenderTask(requestRender, finishRender, updateInterval, numLights, resolution, samples, textView, numThreads, numPrimitives, buttonRender)