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package puscas.mobilertapp.constants;

import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;

import java8.util.Optional;

 * Utility class with constants for the User Interface (including
 * {@link android.widget.NumberPicker} used).
public final class ConstantsUI {

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
     * for selecting the scene.
    public static final String PICKER_SCENE = "pickerScene";

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
     * for selecting the shader.
    public static final String PICKER_SHADER = "pickerShader";

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
     * for selecting the number of threads.
    public static final String PICKER_THREADS = "pickerThreads";

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
     * for selecting the accelerator.
    public static final String PICKER_ACCELERATOR = "pickerAccelerator";

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
     * for selecting the number of samples per pixel.
    public static final String PICKER_SAMPLES_PIXEL = "pickerSamplesPixel";

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
     * for selecting the number of samples per light.
    public static final String PICKER_SAMPLES_LIGHT = "pickerSamplesLight";

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
     * for selecting the resolution of the image.
    public static final String PICKER_SIZE = "pickerSize";

     * The key for the UI's {@link Bundle} of {@link android.widget.CheckBox}
     * to turn on/off the preview.
    public static final String CHECK_BOX_RASTERIZE = "checkBoxRasterize";

     * The line separator in the current system.
    public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR =

     * The file separator in the current system.
    public static final String FILE_SEPARATOR =

     * The path separator in the current system.
    public static final String PATH_SEPARATOR =

     * The path to the shaders folder in the assets.
    public static final String PATH_SHADERS = "Shaders";

     * The color for the UI's {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}.
    static final String COLOR_NUMBER_PICKER = "#000000";

     * The text size for the UI's {@link android.widget.NumberPicker}.
     * @implNote Needs to be above 12.5F in order to be compatible with Android API < 16.
    static final float TEXT_SIZE = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN ? 15.0F : 12.5F;

     * Private constructor to avoid creating instances.
    private ConstantsUI() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented.");
