package puscas.mobilertapp.utils;
import android.opengl.Matrix;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import puscas.mobilertapp.constants.Constants;
* Utility class with some helper methods for the matrices in OpenGL framework.
public final class UtilsGlMatrices {
* Logger for this class.
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UtilsGlMatrices.class.getSimpleName());
* Empirical value that makes the OpenGL perspective camera more similar
* to the camera from the Ray Tracing engine.
* This value is a multiplier of the FOV values.
private static final float FIX_ASPECT_PERSPECTIVE = 0.955F;
* Empirical value that makes the OpenGL orthographic camera more similar
* to the camera from the Ray Tracing engine.
* This values is a multiplier of the size values.
private static final float FIX_ASPECT_ORTHOGRAPHIC = 0.5F;
* The minimum clipping bounds of a scene.
private static final float Z_NEAR = 0.1F;
* The maximum clipping bounds of a scene.
private static final float Z_FAR = 1.0e+30F;
* The index of FOV X in {@link ByteBuffer camera's data} of perspective camera.
static final int INDEX_FOVX = 16 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT;
* The index of FOV Y in {@link ByteBuffer camera's data} of perspective camera.
static final int INDEX_FOVY = 17 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT;
* The index of horizontal size in {@link ByteBuffer camera's data} of orthographic camera.
static final int INDEX_SIZEH = 18 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT;
* The index of vertical size in {@link ByteBuffer camera's data} of orthographic camera.
static final int INDEX_SIZEY = 19 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT;
* Private constructor to avoid creating instances.
private UtilsGlMatrices() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented.");
* Creates the model matrix and sets it as an identity matrix.
* @return A float array with the model matrix data.
public static float[] createModelMatrix() {"createModelMatrix");
final float[] modelMatrix = new float[16];
Matrix.setIdentityM(modelMatrix, 0);
return modelMatrix;
* Creates the projection matrix by using the camera's data from a
* {@link ByteBuffer} read from the Ray Tracing engine.
* @param bbCamera The camera's data (like FOV or size).
* @param width The width of the {@link Bitmap} to render.
* @param height The height of the {@link Bitmap} to render.
* @return A float array with the projection matrix data.
public static float[] createProjectionMatrix(@NonNull final ByteBuffer bbCamera,
final int width,
final int height) {"createProjectionMatrix");
final float fovX = bbCamera.getFloat(INDEX_FOVX) * FIX_ASPECT_PERSPECTIVE;
final float fovY = bbCamera.getFloat(INDEX_FOVY) * FIX_ASPECT_PERSPECTIVE;
final float sizeH = bbCamera.getFloat(INDEX_SIZEH) * FIX_ASPECT_ORTHOGRAPHIC;
final float sizeV = bbCamera.getFloat(INDEX_SIZEY) * FIX_ASPECT_ORTHOGRAPHIC;
final float[] projectionMatrix = new float[16];
if (fovX > 0.0F && fovY > 0.0F) {
// If the camera is a perspective camera.
final float aspectPerspective = (float) width / (float) height;
Matrix.perspectiveM(projectionMatrix, 0, fovY, aspectPerspective, Z_NEAR, Z_FAR);
} else if (sizeH > 0.0F && sizeV > 0.0F) {
// If the camera is an orthographic camera.
Matrix.orthoM(projectionMatrix, 0, -sizeH, sizeH, -sizeV, sizeV, Z_NEAR, Z_FAR);
return projectionMatrix;
* Creates the view matrix by using the camera's data from a
* {@link ByteBuffer} read from the Ray Tracing engine.
* @param bbCamera The camera's data (like eye, direction and up vector).
* @return A float array with the view matrix data.
public static float[] createViewMatrix(@NonNull final ByteBuffer bbCamera) {"createViewMatrix");
final float eyeX = bbCamera.getFloat(0);
final float eyeY = bbCamera.getFloat(Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float eyeZ = -bbCamera.getFloat(2 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float dirX = bbCamera.getFloat(4 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float dirY = bbCamera.getFloat(5 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float dirZ = -bbCamera.getFloat(6 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float upX = bbCamera.getFloat(8 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float upY = bbCamera.getFloat(9 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float upZ = -bbCamera.getFloat(10 * Constants.BYTES_IN_FLOAT);
final float centerX = eyeX + dirX;
final float centerY = eyeY + dirY;
final float centerZ = eyeZ + dirZ;
final float[] viewMatrix = new float[16];
viewMatrix, 0,
eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ,
centerX, centerY, centerZ,
upX, upY, upZ
return viewMatrix;