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Line is longer than 100 characters (found 129).

                UtilsContextT.waitUntil(this.testName.getMethodName(), activity, expectedButtonText, State.IDLE, State.FINISHED);

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 117).

            logger.info(this.testName.getMethodName() + ": Resetting Intents that were missing from previous test.");

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 107).

    protected void mockFileManagerReply(final boolean externalSdcard, @NonNull final String... filesPath) {

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Wrong lexicographical order for 'java8.util.J8Arrays' import. Should be before 'org.junit.Assert'.

import java8.util.J8Arrays;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 118).

        UtilsPickerT.changePickerValue(ConstantsUI.PICKER_ACCELERATOR, R.id.pickerAccelerator, accelerator.ordinal());

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

<p> tag should be placed immediately before the first word, with no space after.</p>

    * <p>

Checks the Javadoc paragraph.

Checks that:

  • There is one blank line between each of two paragraphs.
  • Each paragraph but the first has <p> immediately before the first word, withno space after.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 103).

        logger.info("Original test execution order: " + Arrays.toString(originalTestsOrder.toArray()));

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'com.google.common.base.Preconditions'

import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 115).

        logger.info("onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus: " + hasWindowFocus + ", visibility: " + getVisibility());

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'androidx.annotation.NonNull'

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.Arrays'

import java.util.Arrays;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'java.nio.Buffer'

import java.nio.Buffer;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 109).

        final ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 166).

        cleanedFilePath = cleanedFilePath.replaceFirst("^" + escapedFileSeparator + "([A-Za-z0-9]){4}-([A-Za-z0-9]){4}" + escapedFileSeparator, escapedFileSeparator);

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.logging.Logger'

import java.util.logging.Logger;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Extra separation in import group before 'javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGL10'

import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGL10;

Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 131).

        setBitmap(ConfigResolution.Builder.Companion.create().build(), ConfigResolution.Builder.Companion.create().build(), false);

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 111).

        return renderSceneToBitmap(this.arrayVertices, this.arrayColors, this.arrayCamera, this.numPrimitives);

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 142).

            throw new FailureException("It couldn't list the files in the selected path. Are you sure the necessary permissions were given?");

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

Line is longer than 100 characters (found 115).

     * @param drawView The {@link GLSurfaceView} to be used to get the {@link Activity#isChangingConfigurations()}.

Checks for long lines.

Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.
