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#!/usr/bin/gnuplot --persist

# Enable print
set print '-'
print 'GNU Plot Script'

# Define terminal
set datafile separator ","
#set output 'graph.png'
if (speedup eq "1") {
  _title = 'Speed up'
} else {
  _title = 'Time (secs)'
set terminal wxt size 1700, 800 enhanced font "Verdana,8" title _title persist raise ctrl
set key outside

# Define axis - remove border on top and right and set color to black
set linestyle 1 linecolor rgb 'black' linetype 1
set border 3 back linestyle 1
set tics nomirror

# Array to store file names and colors
arrayGet(name, i) = value(sprintf("_%s_%i", name, i))
arraySet(name, i, value) = sprintf("_%s_%i=\"%s\"", name, i, value)
arrayPush(name, value) = arraySet(name, index = index + 1, value)

# Colors of graphs
index = 0
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "red")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "green")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "blue")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "purple")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "orange")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "brown")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "steelblue")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "orchid")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "turquoise")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "grey")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "gold")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "navy")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "skyblue")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "magenta")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "salmon")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "olive")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "violet")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "plum")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "sandybrown")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "pink")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "bisque")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "slategrey")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "chartreuse")

eval arrayPush("COLORS", "black")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-magenta")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-cyan")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-orange")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-spring-green")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-red")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-chartreuse")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-green")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-khaki")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-goldenrod")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-violet")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-plum")
eval arrayPush("COLORS", "dark-olivegreen")

# Files to plot
index = 0
endSep = startSep + strstrt(filenames[startSep:], separator)
filePath = filenames[startSep : endSep - 1]
eval arrayPush("FILES", filePath)
endSep = endSep + 1

do for [i=2:filenumbers] {
  startSep = endSep
  endSep = startSep + strstrt(filenames[startSep:], separator)
  filePath = filenames[startSep : endSep - 2]
  eval arrayPush("FILES", filePath)

print 'filenames: ' . filenames
print 'filenumbers: ' . filenumbers
print 'files:'
do for [i = 1 : filenumbers] {
  filePath = arrayGet("FILES", i)
  print 'filePath: "' . filePath . '" i: ' . i . ' file[' . i . ']: ' . files[i]

# Stats to get min and max values
X_min = 123456789
X_max = 0
Y_min = 123456789
Y_max = 0

do for [i=1:filenumbers] {
  filePath = arrayGet("FILES", i)
  fileParsed = "< awk -v speedup=".speedup." -f scripts/plot/parser_median.awk ".filePath
  print 'fileParsed: '.fileParsed
  stats fileParsed using 1 nooutput name 'Fx_'
  stats fileParsed using 2 nooutput name 'Fy_'

  X_min = Fx_min < X_min? Fx_min : X_min
  X_max = Fx_max > X_max? Fx_max : X_max
  Y_min = Fy_min < Y_min? Fy_min : Y_min
  Y_max = Fy_max > Y_max? Fy_max : Y_max

Y_tick = (Y_max - Y_min) / 30

# Axis labels
print 'X_min: '.sprintf("%8.3f", X_min)
print 'X_max: '.sprintf("%8.3f", X_max)
set xlabel '#Threads'
set xrange [0 : 0<*]
set xtics X_min, 1, X_max offset graph 0, graph 0

if (speedup eq "1") {
  speedup = 1
  labelY = 'Speed up'
} else {
  speedup = 0
  labelY = 'Time (secs)'

print 'Y_min: '.sprintf("%8.3f", Y_min)
print 'Y_max: '.sprintf("%8.3f", Y_max)
set ylabel labelY
set yrange [0 : 0<*]
set ytics Y_min, Y_tick, Y_max offset graph 0, graph 0

# Line definitions
set linestyle 1 pointtype 7 pointsize 1.0 linetype 3 linewidth 2.5 dashtype 3

# Plot
plot \
for [i = 1 : filenumbers] \
  filePath = arrayGet("FILES", i) \
  name = filePath[0 : strstrt(filePath[0:], ".dat") - 1] \
  file = "< awk -v speedup=" . speedup . " -f scripts/plot/parser_median.awk " . filePath \
  file using 1:2 title name \
  with linespoints linestyle 1 linecolor rgb arrayGet("COLORS", i)