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3 days
Test Coverage
 * @copyright (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Manager Project. All Rights Reserved.
 *     See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
 * @licence Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See LICENSE for details.

namespace TikiManager\Libs\VersionControl;

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use TikiManager\Application\Exception\VcsException;
use TikiManager\Application\Instance;
use TikiManager\Application\Version;
use TikiManager\Libs\Host\Command;

class Git extends VersionControlSystem
    protected const DEFAULT_GIT_REPOSITORY = 'https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki.git';
    protected $isDefultRepository = false;

    protected $command = 'git';

    protected $quiet = true;

     * GIT constructor.
     * @inheritDoc
    public function __construct(Instance $instance, array $vcsOptions = [], LoggerInterface $logger = null)
        parent::__construct($instance, $vcsOptions, $logger);
        $this->setRepositoryUrl($_ENV['GIT_TIKIWIKI_URI'] ?? self::DEFAULT_GIT_REPOSITORY);

    public function setRepositoryUrl($url): void
        $this->repositoryUrl = $url;
        $this->isDefultRepository = ($url === self::DEFAULT_GIT_REPOSITORY);

     * Get available branches within the repository
     * @return array
    public function getAvailableBranches()
        $versions = [];

        foreach (explode("\n", `git ls-remote --heads --tags --refs $this->repositoryUrl`) as $line) {
            $parsed = explode("\t", $line);

            if (!isset($parsed[1])) {

            $line = trim($parsed[1]);
            if (empty($line)) {

            if (strpos($line, 'refs/heads/') !== false) {
                if ($this->isDefultRepository) {
                    // For the main tiki repository only list master, versions (20.x, 19.x, 18.3) and experimental
                    // branches (example: experimental/acme).
                    if (!preg_match('/^refs\/heads\/(\d+\.(\d+|x)|master|experimental\/.+)$/', $line)) {
                $versions[] = str_replace('refs/heads/', '', $line); // Example: branch/master

            if (strpos($line, 'refs/tags/tags') !== false) {
                $versions[] = str_replace('refs/tags/', '', $line); // Example: tags/tags/21.0

            if (strpos($line, 'refs/tags/') !== false) {
                $versions[] = str_replace('refs/', '', $line); // example: tags/19.x

        sort($versions, SORT_NATURAL);
        $sortedVersions = [];

        foreach ($versions as $version) {
            $sortedVersions[] = Version::buildFake('git', $version);

        return $sortedVersions;

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function getRepositoryBranch($targetFolder)
        return $this->info($targetFolder);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $fileName
     * @return bool
    public function isFileVersioned($targetFolder, $fileName)
        try {
            $this->exec($targetFolder, "ls-files --error-unmatch $fileName");
        } catch (VcsException $ex) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $toAppend
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function exec($targetFolder, $toAppend)
        $command = sprintf('%s %s', $this->command, $toAppend);

        if (!empty($targetFolder)) {
            $command = sprintf('cd %s && ', $targetFolder) . $command;

        if ($this->runLocally) {
            $cmd = Process::fromShellCommandline($command, null, null, null, 1800);  // 30min tops
            $output = $cmd->getOutput();
            $error = $cmd->getErrorOutput();
            $exitCode = $cmd->getExitCode();
        } else {
            $commandInstance = new Command($command);
            $result = $this->access->runCommand($commandInstance);

            $output = $result->getStdoutContent();
            $error = $result->getStderrContent();
            $exitCode = $result->getReturn();

        if ($exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new VcsException($error);

        if (empty($output) && ! empty($error)) {
            $output = $error;

        return rtrim($output, "\n");

    public function clone($branchName, $targetFolder)
        $branch = escapeshellarg($branchName);
        $repoUrl = escapeshellarg($this->repositoryUrl);
        $folder = escapeshellarg($targetFolder);
        return $this->exec(null, sprintf('clone --depth 1 -b %s %s %s', $branch, $repoUrl, $folder));

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function revert($targetFolder)
        $gitCmd = 'reset --hard' . ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function pull($targetFolder)
        $gitCmd = 'pull' . ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function cleanup($targetFolder)
        $gitCmd = 'gc' . ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $branch
     * @param null $commitSHA
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function merge($targetFolder, $branch, $commitSHA = null)
        $gitCmd = "merge $branch";
        $gitCmd .= $commitSHA ? " $commitSHA" : '';
        $gitCmd .= $this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '';

        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param false $raw
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function info($targetFolder, $raw = false)
        $gitCmd = 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD' . ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');
        $output = $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

        // When using tags, the HEAD is detached (this will calculate if it belongs to a tag)
        if ($output == 'HEAD') {
            $gitCmd = 'name-rev --name-only HEAD';
            $output = $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

            if (preg_match('/^tags\\/[^\^\~]*/', $output, $matches)) {
                $output = str_replace('tags/tags', 'tags', $matches[0]);
            } else {
                $output = 'HEAD';

        return $output;

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $url
     * @param string $remote
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function remoteSetUrl($targetFolder, $url, $remote = 'origin')
        $gitCmd = sprintf('remote set-url %s %s', $remote, $url);
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $branch
     * @param string $remote
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function remoteSetBranch($targetFolder, $branch, $remote = 'origin')
        $gitCmd = sprintf('remote set-branches %s %s', $remote, $branch);
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function getRevision($targetFolder)
        $gitCmd = 'rev-parse --short=8 --verify HEAD' . ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $commitId
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function getDateRevision($targetFolder, $commitId)
        $gitCmd = 'show -s --format=%cd --date=format:\'%Y-%m-%d\' '. $commitId;
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);
     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $branch
     * @param null $commitSHA
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function checkoutBranch($targetFolder, $branch, $commitSHA = null)
        $gitCmd = $commitSHA ? "checkout -B $branch $commitSHA" : "checkout $branch";
        $gitCmd .= $this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '';

        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param $targetFolder
     * @param $branch
     * @param null $commitSHA
     * @throws VcsException
    public function upgrade($targetFolder, $branch, $commitSHA = null): void
        $stash = $this->canStash() &&
            (count($this->getChangedFiles($targetFolder)) || count($this->getDeletedFiles($targetFolder)));
        if ($stash) {

        $this->checkoutBranch($targetFolder, $branch, $commitSHA);

        if ($stash) {


     * Update current instance's branch
     * @param string $targetFolder
     * @param string $branch
     * @param int $lag The number of days
     * @void
     * @throws VcsException
    public function update(string $targetFolder, string $branch, int $lag = 0)
        $commitSHA = null;
        $fetchOptions = [];
        $time = time() - $lag * 60 * 60 * 24;
        $messageUpdate = "Updating '{$branch}' branch";

        $branchInfo = $this->info($targetFolder);
        $isUpgrade = $this->isUpgrade($branchInfo, $branch);
        $isShallow = $this->isShallow($targetFolder);

        if ($isUpgrade && $isShallow) {
            $fetchOptions['--depth'] = 1;

        $fetch = function () use ($targetFolder, $branch, $fetchOptions) {
            $this->fetch($targetFolder, $branch, 'origin', $fetchOptions);

        if ($isUpgrade) {
            $messageUpdate = "Upgrading to '{$branch}' branch";
            $this->remoteSetBranch($targetFolder, $branch);

        if ($lag && $isShallow) {
            $fetch = function () use ($targetFolder, $branch, $time) {
                $gitVersion = $this->getVersion($targetFolder);

                if (version_compare($gitVersion, '2.11.0', '<')) {
                    // LARGE NUMBER OF COMMITS as --shallow-since/--deepen is not supported
                    $this->fetch($targetFolder, $branch, 'origin', ['--depth' => 200]);

                $this->fetch($targetFolder, $branch, 'origin', ['--shallow-since' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $time)]);
                $this->fetch($targetFolder, $branch, 'origin', ['--deepen' => 1]);


        if ($lag) {
            list('commit' => $commitSHA, 'date' => $date) = $this->getLastCommit($targetFolder, $branch, $time);
            $messageUpdate .= " ({$commitSHA}) at {$date}";


        if ($isUpgrade) {
            $this->upgrade($targetFolder, $branch, $commitSHA);

        $stash = $this->canStash() &&
            (count($this->getChangedFiles($targetFolder)) || count($this->getDeletedFiles($targetFolder)));
        if ($stash) {
            // Cannot use --include-untracked (due to maintenance.php and .htaccess.bck)

            ? $this->checkoutBranch($targetFolder, $branch, $commitSHA)
            : $this->pull($targetFolder);

        if ($stash) {


     * @inheritDoc
    public function isUpgrade($current, $branch)
        return $current !== $branch;

     * @param bool $quiet
    public function setQuiet(bool $quiet): void
        $this->quiet = $quiet;

    public function hasRemote($targetFolder, $branch)
        $output = $this->exec(
            'ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin ' . $branch
        return !empty($output);

    public function getChangedFiles($folder, $exclude = [])
        $command = $this->command . ' ls-files --modified';

        $command = sprintf('cd %s && %s', $folder, $command);

        $commandInstance = new Command($command);
        $result = $this->access->runCommand($commandInstance);

        if ($result->getReturn() !== 0) {
            throw new VcsException($result->getStderrContent());

        $output = $result->getStdoutContent();
        $output = trim($output);

        return empty($output) ? [] : array_values(explode(PHP_EOL, $output));

    public function getDeletedFiles($folder)
        $command = $this->command . ' ls-files -d';

        $command = sprintf('cd %s && %s', $folder, $command);

        $commandInstance = new Command($command);
        $result = $this->access->runCommand($commandInstance);

        if ($result->getReturn() !== 0) {
            throw new VcsException($result->getStderrContent());

        $output = $result->getStdoutContent();
        $output = trim($output);

        return empty($output) ? [] : array_values(explode(PHP_EOL, $output));

    public function getUntrackedFiles($folder, $includeIgnore = false)
        $command = $this->command . ' ls-files --others';

        if (!$includeIgnore) {
            $command .= ' --exclude-standard';

        $command = sprintf('cd %s && %s', $folder, $command);

        $commandInstance = new Command($command);
        $result = $this->access->runCommand($commandInstance);

        if ($result->getReturn() !== 0) {
            throw new VcsException($result->getStderrContent());

        $output = $result->getStdoutContent();
        $output = trim($output);

        return empty($output) ? [] : array_values(explode(PHP_EOL, $output));

     * @param string $targetFolder
     * @param string $branch
     * @param array $options
     * @return mixed|string
     * @throws VcsException
    public function log(string $targetFolder, string $branch, array $options = [])
        $logOptions = implode(' ', $options);

        $gitCmd = "log $logOptions $branch";
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $gitCmd);

     * @param string $targetFolder
     * @param string $branch
     * @param int|null $timestamp
     * @return array
     * @throws VcsException
    public function getLastCommit(string $targetFolder, string $branch, $timestamp = null): array
        $lag = date('Y-m-d H:i', $timestamp ?? time());
        $options = [
            sprintf('--before=%s', escapeshellarg($lag))

        $gitLog = $this->log($targetFolder, 'origin/' . $branch, $options);

        if (!$gitLog) {
            throw new VcsException('Git log returned with empty output');

        if (!preg_match('/commit (\w+).*Date:\s+([^\\n]*)/s', $gitLog, $matches)) {
            throw new VcsException('Unable to parse Git log output');

        return [
            'commit' => $matches[1],
            'date' => $matches[2],

    public function fetch($targetFolder, $branch = null, $remote = 'origin', $options = [])
        $cmdOptions = [];
        foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
            $cmdOptions[] = $option . ($value ? '=' . escapeshellarg($value) : '');

        $cmd = sprintf('fetch %s %s', $remote, $branch);
        $cmd .= ' ' . implode(' ', $cmdOptions);
        $cmd .= ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');

        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $cmd);

    public function isShallow($targetFolder): bool
        $file = '.git/shallow';

        if ($this->runLocally) {
            return file_exists($targetFolder . '/' . $file);

        return $this->access->fileExists($targetFolder . '/' . $file);

    public function unshallow($targetFolder)
        if (! $this->isShallow($targetFolder)) {
        return $this->exec($targetFolder, "fetch --unshallow");

    public function getVersion($targetFolder): string
        $version = $this->exec($targetFolder, '--version');
        preg_match('/[\d\.]+/', $version, $matches);

        return $matches ? $matches[0] : '';

    public function stash(string $targetFolder, bool $includeNonTracked = false)
        $cmd = 'stash';

        $cmd .= ($includeNonTracked ? ' --include-untracked' : '');
        $cmd .= ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');

        return $this->exec($targetFolder, $cmd);

     * @throws VcsException
    public function stashPop(string $targetFolder, bool $revertOnFailure = true)
        $cmd = 'stash pop';
        $cmd .= ($this->quiet ? ' --quiet' : '');

        try {
            return $this->exec($targetFolder, $cmd);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            if (!$revertOnFailure) {
                throw $e;

            // Because Tiki Manager stashes with --include-untracked
            // in case of failure, reset --hard can be used.
            $this->logger->error('Failed to apply stash@{0}.', [
                'path' => $targetFolder,
                'exception' => $e,
            $this->logger->notice('Reverting stashed changes...');


            return false;

     * @return bool
    protected function canStash(): bool
        return $this->vcsOptions['allow_stash'] ?? false;

     * Set safe.directory in git global config
     * @param Instance $instance
     * @return null
    private function setSafeDirectory($instance)
        $skipSafeDir = isset($_ENV['GIT_DONT_ADD_SAFEDIR']) ? (bool) $_ENV['GIT_DONT_ADD_SAFEDIR'] : false;

        if ($skipSafeDir) {
            return; // return early if we should not process safedir

        $cacheTimestamp = 0;
        $cacheFile = $_ENV['CACHE_FOLDER'] . '/' . $instance->name . '.txt';
        if (file_exists($cacheFile)) {
            $cacheTimestamp = (int) file_get_contents($cacheFile);

        $gitConfigFileTimestamp = 0;
        // From https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#FILES
        $envHome = $_SERVER['HOME'] ?? (getenv('HOME') ?: '');
        $envXdgConfigHome = $_SERVER['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] ?? (getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') ?: '');
        if (empty($envXdgConfigHome)) {
            $envXdgConfigHome = $envHome . '/.config' ;
        $possibleGlobalConfigFiles = [
            $envXdgConfigHome . '/git/config',
            $envHome . '/.gitconfig',
        foreach ($possibleGlobalConfigFiles as $gitConfigFile) {
            if (file_exists($gitConfigFile)) {
                $gitConfigFileTimestamp = max($gitConfigFileTimestamp, filemtime($gitConfigFile));
        if ($gitConfigFileTimestamp == 0) { // no file found, force refresh
            $gitConfigFileTimestamp = time();

        if (! empty($instance->webroot) && $gitConfigFileTimestamp > $cacheTimestamp) {
            $command = 'config --global --add safe.directory \'' . $instance->webroot . '\'';
            try {
                $safeDirectories = $this->exec(null, 'config --list');
                if (strpos($safeDirectories, 'safe.directory=' . $instance->webroot) === false) {
                    $this->exec(null, $command);
                    file_put_contents($cacheFile, time());
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $this->exec(null, $command);