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const Stream = require('stream')
const fs = require('fs')
const logger = require('lib/logger')('mixer')

function mixSamples(samples) {
    const length = samples.length
    const ratio = 1 / length
    let mixed = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) mixed += samples[i] * ratio
    return mixed
    // return samples.reduce((a, s) => Math.max(Math.min(s / length + a, 32767), -32768), 0)
// chunks MUST have the same size
function mixChunks(chunks, sampleByteLength) {
    const length = chunks[0].length
    const mixed = chunks[0]
    const l = chunks.length
    const samples = new Array(l)
    for (let offset = 0; offset < length; offset += sampleByteLength) {
        //chunks.map(chunk => mixed.readInt16LE.call(chunk, offset))
        for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) samples[i] = chunks[i].readInt16LE(offset)
        mixed.writeInt16LE(mixSamples(samples), offset)
    return mixed
// inspired by https://github.com/stephen/audio-mixer
class Input extends Stream.Writable {
    constructor(options) {
        options = Object.assign({
            bitDepth: 16,
            channels: 1,
            volume: 1
        }, options)
        this.bitDepth = options.bitDepth
        this.channels = options.channels
        this.volume = options.volume

        this.getMoreData = null
        this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(0)
        this.finished = false
        this.once('finish', () => {
            this.finished = true
            if (this.buffer.length === 0) this.emit('end')
            else this.once('flushed', () => this.emit('end'))
    read(samples) {
        let bytes = samples * this.sampleLength
        if (this.buffer.length < bytes) bytes = this.buffer.length

        let r = this.buffer.slice(0, bytes)
        this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(bytes)

        if (this.buffer.length <= 131072 && this.getMoreData) {
            const getMoreData = this.getMoreData
            this.getMoreData = null
        if (this.buffer.length === 0) this.emit('flushed')
        return r
    availSamples(length = this.buffer.length) {
        return Math.floor(length / this.sampleLength)
    _write(chunk, encoding, callback) {
        this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, chunk])
        if (this.buffer.length > 131072)
            this.getMoreData = callback

    get sampleLength() {
        return this.bitDepth / 8 * this.channels
class MixerSlow extends Stream.Readable {
    constructor(options) {
        options = Object.assign({
            bitDepth: 16,
            channels: 1,
            volume: 1
        }, options)
        this.bitDepth = options.bitDepth
        this.channels = options.channels
        this.sampleByteLength = this.bitDepth / 8

        this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(0)
        this.inputs = {}
        this.retry = null

    _read() {
        this.retry = null
        let samples = Number.MAX_VALUE
        const keys = Object.keys(this.inputs)
        const keyslenth = keys.length
        for (let i = 0; i < keyslenth; i++) {
            const availSamples = this.inputs[keys[i]].availSamples()
            if (availSamples < samples) samples = availSamples
        if (samples > 0 && samples != Number.MAX_VALUE) {
            const chunks = []
            for (let i = 0; i < keyslenth; i++) {
                // Object.keys(this.inputs).map(id => this.inputs[id].read(samples))
            const mixedBuffer = mixChunks(chunks, this.sampleByteLength)
        } else {
            this.retry = this._read.bind(this)
    plug(stream, options) {
        const id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(7)
        const input = new Input(options)
        input.on('readable', () => this.retry && this.retry())
        input.on('end', () => this.unplug(id))
        this.inputs[id] = input
        if (this.retry) process.nextTick(this.retry.bind(this))
        return id
    unplug(id) {
        const input = this.inputs[id]
        delete this.inputs[id]
        if (this.retry) process.nextTick(this.retry.bind(this))
        this.emit('unplug', id)

class Mixer2 extends Stream.Transform {
    constructor(options) {
        this.retry = null
        this.input = null
        this.sampleByteLength = 2
        this.count = 0
        this.lastUpdate = Date.now()
        setInterval(() => {
            const now = Date.now()
            const time = now - this.lastUpdate
            this.lastUpdate = now
            if (!this.count) return
            const rate = this.count / time
            this.count = 0
            // logger.info("Rate: " + rate.toFixed(2) + " bytes/s")
        }, 2000)
        this.on('pipe', () => this.piped = true)
        this.on('unpipe', () => { this.piped = false })
    _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
        // return callback(null, chunk)
        this.retry = null
        const sampleAvailable = Math.min(this.input ? this.input.availSamples() : Number.MAX_VALUE, chunk.length / this.sampleByteLength)
        if (this.input && sampleAvailable > 0) {
            const bytes = sampleAvailable * this.sampleByteLength
            const newBuf = mixChunks([this.input.read(sampleAvailable), chunk.slice(0, bytes)], this.sampleByteLength)
            this.count += bytes
            chunk = chunk.slice(bytes)
            if (chunk.length) {
                this.retry = () => this._transform(chunk, encoding, callback)
                this.input ? this.input.once('readable', () => this.retry && this.retry()) : this.retry()
            else callback()
        } else {
            this.count += chunk.length
            if (this.input) logger.log(this.input.availSamples())
            // else logger.log('no input')
            callback(null, chunk)


    plug(stream) {
        if (this.piped) {
            this.input = new Input()
            this.input.once('end', () => this.input = null && this.retry && this.retry())
        } else {
            stream.pipe(this, { end: false })
            stream.on("end", () => stream.unpipe())

module.exports = Mixer2
function main() {
    let m = new module.exports
    let s1 = fs.createReadStream('data/voice/1.wav')
    let s2 = fs.createReadStream('data/voice/2.wav')

    const input = new Input()
    m.input = input

    // setTimeout(() => { }, 5000)

// main()