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const Stream = require('stream')
// const debug = require('debug')('TimedStream')

 * A TimedStream allow data to passthrough at a given rate and pause/resume at any time
class TimedStream extends Stream.Transform {
     * Creates an instance of TimedStream.
     * @param {object} [options] Options forwarder to Stream.Transform ctor
     * @param {number} [options.rate=0] Bytes per seconds (0: unlimited)
     * @param {number} [options.period=100] Time between data event in ms
    constructor(options) {
        const opts = Object.assign({
            rate: 0, // unlimited
            period: 100
        }, options)

        const now = Date.now()
        this._internalStream = new Stream.PassThrough()
        this._interval = null

        this.start = now
        this.last = this.start
        this._passed = 0

        this._last_expected = 0
        this._last_rate_change = now
        this._rate = 0
        this._period = 0
        this._chunkSize = 0
        this._timePaused = 0

         * The rate in bytes per second
         * @member {number} TimedStream#rate
        this.rate = opts.rate
         * The period between data events in ms
         * @member {number} TimedStream#period
        this.period = opts.period

         * True if the stream is paused
         * @member {boolean} TimedStream#streamPaused
        this.streamPaused = false

        // debug("new TimedStream(rate: %d, period: %d)", this._rate, this._period)
     * Pause the stream
     * @method TimedStream#pauseStream
    pauseStream() {
        // debug('pause')
        if (this.streamPaused) return
        if (this._interval) {
        this.streamPaused = true
        this._pauseStart = Date.now()
     * Resume the stream
     * @method TimedStream#resumeStream
    resumeStream() {
        // debug("resume")
        if (!this.streamPaused) return
        this.streamPaused = false
        this._timePaused += Date.now() - this._pauseStart
        if (this._internalStream._readableState.emittedReadable) // if it has not been read since the last 'readable' event
     * Destroy the stream. A destroyed stream will not emit 'end' or any other event
     * @method TimedStream#destroy
    _destroy() {
        if (this._interval) clearInterval(this._interval)
        this._internalStream = null
        this._destroyed = true
    _registerInterval() {
        if (this._interval) {
            this._interval = null
        if (this._rate === 0) {
            this._internalStream.on('readable', this._passthrough.bind(this))
        } else {
            this._interval = setInterval(this._passthrough.bind(this), this._period)
    _passthrough() {
        // debug("passing through")
        let size = null;
        if (this._rate > 0) {
            const now = Date.now() - this._timePaused
            const elapsed_since_rate_change = now - this._last_rate_change

            const expected = Math.round(this._rate * elapsed_since_rate_change) + this._last_expected
            size = expected - this._passed
            if (size <= 0) return

            const elapsed = now - this.start
            const error = elapsed % this.period
            this._interval._repeat = this.period - error

            // size = this._chunkSize === 0 ? null : this._chunkSize
            // debug("Elapsed: %d, Error: %d, Expected size: %d", elapsed, error, size)
            this.last = now
        const data = this._internalStream.read(size)
        if (data) {
            this._passed += data.length
            // if(data.length !== size) debug("Expected size: %d, real size: %d", size, data.length)
        } else {
            // debug("Warning: data not coming quickly enough")
    _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
        // debug("Chunk length: ", chunk.length)
        if (this._destroyed) return
        this._internalStream.write(chunk, encoding, callback)
    _flush(callback) {
        // debug("Flush")
        if (this._destroyed) return
        this._internalStream.on('end', () => {
            if (this._interval) clearInterval(this._interval)
            this._interval = null

    set rate(rate) {
        rate /= 1000 // convert to bytes / ms
        const now = Date.now()
        this._last_expected = Math.round(this._last_expected + (now - this._last_rate_change) * this._rate)
        this._last_rate_change = now

        this._rate = rate
        this._chunkSize = this.period * this._rate
        // debug("set rate. expected: ", this._last_expected)
    set period(period) {
        this._period = period
        this._chunkSize = this.period * this._rate
    get rate() { return this._rate * 1000 }
    get period() { return this._period }
     * The total time that the data flowed
     * @readonly
     * @member {number} TimedStream#totalTime
    get totalTime() {
        return this.last - this.start // - this._timePaused is done each time last is assigned

module.exports = TimedStream