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var TracksForm = {
    toggle: function(toggleLinkId, formContainerId, formId, hideLinkText,
        hideLinkTitle, showLinkText, showLinkTitle) {
        var form=$('#'+formContainerId);
        var toggleLink = $('#'+toggleLinkId);
        if (!':visible')) {
            toggleLink.text(showLinkText).attr('title', showLinkTitle);
        else {
            toggleLink.text(hideLinkText).attr('title', hideLinkTitle);
            $('#'+formId+' input:text:first').focus();
    set_project_name_for_multi_add: function (name) {
    set_context_name: function (name) {
    set_context_name_for_multi_add: function (name) {
    set_context_name_and_default_context_name: function (name) {
    set_project_name_and_default_project_name: function (name) {
    set_tag_list_and_default_tag_list: function (name) {
    set_tag_list_for_multi_add: function (name) {
    setup_behavior: function() {
        /* toggle new todo form for single todo */
            if ($("#todo_multi_add").is(':visible')) { /* hide multi next action form first */

            TracksForm.toggle('toggle_action_new', 'todo_new_action', 'todo-form-new-action',
                i18n['shared.hide_form'], i18n['shared.hide_action_form_title'],
                i18n['shared.toggle_single'], i18n['shared.toggle_single_title']);

        /* toggle new todo form for multi edit */
            if ($("#todo_multi_add").is(':visible')) {
            else {

        /* add behavior to clear the date both buttons for show_from and due */
        $(document).on("click", ".date_clear", function() {

        $("#new_todo_starred_link").click(function() {

        /* submit todo form after entering new todo */
        $(document).on("click", "button#todo_new_action_submit", function (ev) {
            if ($('input#predecessor_input').val() !== "") {
              if (!confirm(i18n['todos.unresolved_dependency'])) {
                return false;
            if (TodoItems.askIfNewContextProvided('', this)) {
                submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form#todo-form-new-action', $(this));
            return false;

        /* submit multi-todo form after entering multiple new todos */
        $(document).on("click", "button#todo_multi_new_action_submit", function (ev) {
            if (TodoItems.askIfNewContextProvided('multi_', this)) {
              submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form#todo-form-multi-new-action', $(this));
            return false;
    enable_dependency_delete: function() {
        $(document).on("click", 'a[class=icon_delete_dep]', function() {
            var form = $(this).parents('form').get(0);
            var predecessor_list = $(form).find('input[name=predecessor_list]');
            var id_list = split( predecessor_list.val() );

            // remove from ul

            // remove from array
            var new_list = new Array();
            while (id_list.length > 0) {
                var elem = id_list.pop();
                if (elem !== && elem !== '' && elem !== ' ') {
                    new_list.push ( elem );

            // update id list
            predecessor_list.val( new_list.join(", ") );

            if (new_list.length === 0) {

            return false; // prevent submit/follow link
    generate_dependency_list: function(todo_id) {
        if (spec_of_todo.length > 0) {
            // find edit form
            var form_selector = "#form_todo_"+todo_id;
            var form = $(form_selector);

            var predecessor_list = form.find('input[name=predecessor_list]');
            var id_list = split( predecessor_list.val() );

            var label = form.find("label#label_for_predecessor_input").first();

            while (id_list.length > 0) {
                var elem = id_list.pop();
                var new_li = TodoItems.generate_predecessor(elem, spec_of_todo[elem]);
                var ul = form.find('ul#predecessor_ul');
                ul.html(ul.html() + new_li);

var TodoItemsContainer = {
    // public
    ensureVisibleWithEffectAppear: function(elemId){
    ensureContainerHeight: function(itemsElem) {
            height: '',
            overflow: ''
    setup_container_toggles: function(){
        // bind handlers
            var toggle_target = $(this.parentNode.parentNode).find('.toggle_target');
                // hide it
                $.cookie(TodoItemsContainer.buildCookieName(this.parentNode.parentNode), true);
                // set parent class to 'context_collapsed' so we can hide/unhide all collapsed contexts
            } else {
                // show it
                $.cookie(TodoItemsContainer.buildCookieName(this.parentNode.parentNode), null);
                // remove class 'context_collapsed' from parent class
            return false;
        // set to cookied state
            if($.cookie(TodoItemsContainer.buildCookieName(this)) === "true"){

    // private
    buildCookieName: function(containerElem) {
        var tracks_login = $.cookie('tracks_login');
        return 'tracks_'+tracks_login+'_context_' + + '_collapsed';

var TodoItems = {
    getContextsForAutocomplete: function (term, element_to_block) {
        var allContexts = null;
        var params = default_ajax_options_for_scripts('GET', relative_to_root('contexts.autocomplete'), element_to_block); += "&term="+term;
        params.dataType = "json";
        params.async = false;
        params.cache = false; // fix for Google Chrome around 48.0.2564.82, see issue #1983
        params.success = function(result){
            allContexts = result;
        return allContexts;
    askIfNewContextProvided: function(source, element_to_block) {
        var givenContextName = $('#'+source+'todo_context_name').val();
        if (givenContextName.length === 0) {
          return true; // do nothing and depend on rails validation error

        var contexts = TodoItems.getContextsForAutocomplete(givenContextName, element_to_block);

        if (contexts) {
          for (var i=0; i<contexts.length; i++) {
            // do case insensitive check, so Home == home
            if (contexts[i].value.toLowerCase() === givenContextName.toLowerCase()) {
              return true;
        return confirm(i18n['contexts.new_context_pre'] + givenContextName + i18n['contexts.new_context_post']);
    generate_predecessor: function(todo_id, todo_spec) {
        var img = "<img id=\"delete_dep_"+todo_id+"\" class=\"icon_delete_dep\" src=\"<%= asset_path('blank.png') %>\">";
        var anchor = "<a class=\"icon_delete_dep\" id=\""+todo_id+"\" href=\"#\">" + img + "</a>";
        var li = "<li style=\"display:none\" id=\"pred_"+todo_id+"\">"+ anchor +" "+ todo_spec + "</li>";
        return li;
    highlight_todo: function(id) {
        $(id).effect('highlight', {}, 2000, function(){ });
    setup_autocomplete_for_predecessor: function() {
        .bind( "keydown", function( event ) { // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
            if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
                $( this ).data( "autocomplete" ) ) {
            minLength: 2,
            autoFocus: true,
            delay: 400, /* delay a bit more than the default of 300 */
            source: function( request, response ) {
                var term = request.term;
                if (term !== "" && term !== " ") {
                  $.getJSON( relative_to_root('auto_complete_for_predecessor'), {
                      term: term
                  }, response );
            focus: function() {
                // prevent value inserted on focus
                return false;
            select: function( event, ui ) {
                // retrieve values from input fields
                var todo_spec = ui.item.label;
                var todo_id = ui.item.value;
                var form = $(this).parents('form').get(0);
                var predecessor_list = $(form).find('input[name=predecessor_list]');
                var id_list = split( predecessor_list.val() );

                // add the dependency to id list
                id_list.push( todo_id );
                predecessor_list.val( id_list.join( ", " ) );

                // show the html for the list of deps
                if (todo_spec.length > 35 && === "todo-form-new-action") {
                    // cut off string only in new-todo-form
                    todo_spec = todo_spec.substring(0,40)+"...";
                // show the new dep in list
                var html = $(form).find('ul#predecessor_ul').html();
                var new_li = TodoItems.generate_predecessor(todo_id, todo_spec);
                $(form).find('ul#predecessor_ul').html(html + new_li);

                return false;
    drag_todo: function() {
    drop_todo: function(evt, ui) {
        /* Drag & Drop for successor/predecessor */
        var dragged_todo = ui.draggable[0].id.split('_')[2];
        var dropped_todo ='_')[2];
        $('.drop_target').hide(); // IE8 doesn't call stop() in this situation

        ajax_options = default_ajax_options_for_scripts('POST', relative_to_root('todos/add_predecessor'), $(this));["predecessor"]=dropped_todo;["successor"]=dragged_todo;
    drop_todo_on_context: function(evt, ui) {
        /* Drag & drop for changing contexts */
        var target = $(this).parent().get();
        var dragged_todo = ui.draggable[0].id.split('_')[2];
        var context_id ='_')[1];

        ajax_options = default_ajax_options_for_scripts('POST', relative_to_root('todos/'+dragged_todo + '/change_context'), target);["todo[context_id]"]=context_id;
    setup_drag_and_drop: function() {
            handle: '.grip',
            revert: true,
            start: TodoItems.drag_todo,
            stop: function() {
            drop: TodoItems.drop_todo,
            tolerance: 'intersect', /* warning: selenium fails on drag_and_drop when this is 'pointer' */
            hoverClass: 'hover'
            drop: TodoItems.drop_todo_on_context,
            tolerance: 'intersect', /* warning: selenium fails on drag_and_drop when this is 'pointer' */
            hoverClass: 'hover'
    setup_behavior: function() {
        /* show the notes of a todo */
        $(document).on("click",".show_notes", function () {
            return false;

        $(document).on("click",".show_successors", function () {
            return false;

        /* set behavior for star icon */
        $(document).on("click", ".item-container a.star_item", function (ev){
            put_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this));
            return false;

        /* set behavior for toggle checkboxes for Recurring Todos */
        $(document).on("click", ".item-container input.item-checkbox", function(ev){
            put_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.value, $(this).parents(".item-container"));
            return false;

        /* set behavior for edit icon */
        $(document).on("click", ".item-container a.edit_item", function (ev){
            var ajax_options = default_ajax_options_for_scripts('GET', this.href, $(this).parents('.item-container'));
            var id =;
            ajax_options.complete.push( function(){
            return false;

        /* delete button to delete a todo from the list */
        $(document).on("click",".item-container a.icon_delete_item", function(evt){
            var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
                delete_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.item-container'));
            return false;

        /* submit todo form after edit */
        $(document).on("click","form.edit_todo_form button.positive", function(evt) {
            submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form.edit_todo_form', $(this));
            return false;

        // for cancelling edit todo form
        $(document).on("click",'form.edit_todo_form a.negative', function(){
            $(this).parents('.edit-form').fadeOut(200, function () {

        // defer a todo
        $(document).on("click",".item-container a.icon_defer_item", function(ev){
            if ($(this).attr("x_defer_alert") === "true") {
                alert ($(this).attr("x_defer_date_after_due_date"));
            } else {
                put_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents(".item-container"));
            return false;

        /* delete button to delete a dependency from the list */
        $(document).on("click",'.item-container a.delete_dependency_button', function(evt){
            var predecessor_id=$(this).attr("x_predecessors_id");
            var ajax_options = default_ajax_options_for_scripts('DELETE', this.href, $(this).parents('.item-container'));
  ["predecessor"] = predecessor_id;
            return false;


var ContextItems = {
    setup_autocomplete_for_contexts: function(id) {
            source: relative_to_root('contexts.autocomplete'),
            autoFocus: true,
            minLength: 1,
            delay: 400 /* increase a bit. default was 300 */

var ProjectItems = {
    setup_autocomplete_for_projects: function(id) {
            source: relative_to_root('projects.autocomplete'),
            autoFocus: true,
            minLength: 1,
            delay: 400 /* increase a bit. default was 300 */

var UsersPage = {
    setup_behavior: function() {
        /* delete button to delete a user from the list */
        $(document).on("click",'a.delete_user_button', function(evt){
            var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
                delete_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.project'));
            return false;


var PreferencesPage = {
    get_date_format: function(tag_name) {
        var value = $('input[name="prefs['+tag_name+']"]').val();
        var element = 'span[id="prefs.'+tag_name+'"]';
        var url = 'preferences/render_date_format';
        var param = "date_format="+encodeURIComponent( value );
        generic_get_script_for_list(element, url, param);
    setup_getter_for_date_format: function(tag_name) {
      $('input[name="prefs['+tag_name+']"]').change(function() {
    setup_behavior: function() {
      $('input[name="user[auth_type]"]').change(function() {
        var value = $('input[name="user[auth_type]"]:checked').val();
        $('#open_id')[0].style.display = value ==='open_id' ? 'block' : 'none';
        $('#database')[0].style.display = value === 'database' ? 'block' : 'none';

      $('input[name="date_picker1"]').change(function() {
        var value = $('input[name="date_picker1"]:checked').val();

      $('input[name="date_picker2"]').change(function() {
        var value = $('input[name="date_picker2"]:checked').val();


var ProjectListPage = {
    update_state_count: function(state, count) {
    update_all_states_count: function (active_count, hidden_count, completed_count) {
        $(["active", "hidden", "completed"]).each(function() {
            ProjectListPage.update_state_count(this, eval(this+'_count'));
    show_or_hide_all_state_containers: function (show_active, show_hidden, show_completed) {
        $(["active", "hidden", "completed"]).each(function() {
            ProjectListPage.set_state_container_visibility(this, eval('show_'+this));
    set_state_container_visibility: function (state, set_visible) {
        if (set_visible) {
        } else {
    save_project_name: function(value, settings){
        var project_id = $(this).parents('.container').children('div').get(0).id.split('_')[2];
        var highlight = function(){
            $('h2#project_name').effect('highlight', {}, 500);
        $.post(relative_to_root('projects/'+project_id), {
            'project[name]': value,
            'update_project_name': 'true',
            '_method': 'put'
        }, highlight, 'script');
    setup_behavior: function() {
        /* in-place edit of project name */
        $('span#project_name').editable(ProjectListPage.save_project_name, {
            data:function(encoded, config){
              var decoded = $('<p></p>').html(encoded).text();
              return decoded; 
            style: 'padding: 0px; width=100%;',
            submit: i18n['common.ok'],
            cancel: i18n['common.cancel'],
            onblur: 'cancel'

        /* alphabetize project list */
        $(document).on("click",'.alphabetize_link', function(evt) {
            var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
                post_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.alpha_sort'));
            return false;

        /* sort by number of actions */
            var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
                post_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.tasks_sort'));
            return false;

        /* delete button to delete a project from the list */
        $(document).on("click",'a.delete_project_button', function(evt){
            var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
                delete_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.project'));
            return false;

        /* set behavior for edit project settings link in both projects list page and project page */
        $(document).on("click","a.project_edit_settings", function (evt) {
          $(this).parent().parent().addClass('project-edit-current'); /* mark project in list */
          get_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parent().parent());
          return false;

        /* submit project form after edit */
        $(document).on("click", "form.edit-project-form button.positive", function (ev) {
            submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form.edit-project-form', $(this));
            return false;

        /* cancel edit project form */
        $(document).on("click",'form.edit-project-form a.negative', function(){
            $(this).parents('.edit-form').fadeOut(200, function () {

        /* submit project form after entering new project */
        $(document).on("click","form#project_form button.positive", function(evt) {
            submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form#project_form', $(this));
            return false;

        /* toggle new project form */
            TracksForm.toggle('toggle_project_new', 'project_new', 'project-form',
                i18n['projects.hide_form'], i18n['projects.hide_form_title'],
                i18n['projects.show_form'], i18n['projects.show_form_title']);

        /* make the three lists of project sortable */
        $(['active', 'hidden', 'completed']).each(function() {
                handle: '.grip',
                update: update_order

        $('#project_new #project_name').focus();

var ContextListPage = {
    update_state_count: function(state, count) {
        ContextListPage.set_empty_message(state, count===0);
    update_all_states_count: function (active_count, hidden_count, closed_count) {
        $(["active", "hidden", "closed"]).each(function() {
            ContextListPage.update_state_count(this, eval(this+'_count'));
    show_or_hide_all_state_containers: function (show_active, show_hidden, show_closed) {
        $(["active", "hidden", "closed"]).each(function() {
            ContextListPage.set_state_container_visibility(this, eval('show_'+this));
            ContextListPage.hide_empty_message(this, !eval('show_'+this));
    hide_empty_message: function(state, set_visible) {
        // TODO: wrong method name. refactor to remove this method
        set_empty_message(state, set_visible);
    set_empty_message: function(state, set_visible) {
        if(set_visible) {
        } else {
    set_state_container_visibility: function (state, set_visible) {
        if (set_visible) {
        } else {
    save_context_name: function(value, settings) {
        var context_id = $(this).parents('.container.context').get(0).id.split('_')[1];
        var highlight = function(){
            $('div.context span#context_name').effect('highlight', {}, 500);
        $.post(relative_to_root('contexts/'+context_id), {
            'context[name]': value,
            '_method': 'put'
        }, highlight, 'script');
        return value;
    setup_behavior: function() {
        /* in place edit of context name */
        $('div.context span#context_name').editable(ContextListPage.save_context_name, {
            data:function(encoded, config){
              var decoded = $('<p></p>').html(encoded).text();
              return decoded;
            style: 'padding:0px',
            submit: i18n['common.ok'],
            cancel: i18n['common.cancel']

        /* delete a context using the x button */
        $(document).on("click",'a.delete_context_button', function(evt){
            var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
                delete_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.context'));
            return false;

        /* set behavior for edit context settings link in projects list page and project page */
        $(document).on("click","a.context_edit_settings", function(evt) {
            get_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parent().parent());
            return false;

        /* submit form when editing a context */
        $(document).on("click","form.edit-context-form button.positive", function(evt) {
            submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form.edit-context-form', $(this));
            return false;

        /* submit form for new context in sidebar */
        $(document).on("click","form#context-form button.positive", function(evt) {
            submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form#context-form', $(this));
            return false;

        /* cancel edit context form */
        $(document).on("click",'form.edit-context-form a.negative', function(){
            $(this).parents('.edit-form').fadeOut(200, function () {

        /* Contexts behavior */
            TracksForm.toggle('toggle_context_new', 'context_new', 'context-form',
                i18n['contexts.hide_form'], i18n['contexts.hide_form_title'],
                i18n['contexts.show_form'], i18n['contexts.show_form_title']);

        /* make the two state lists of context sortable */
        $(['active', 'hidden', 'closed']).each(function() {
                handle: '.grip',
                update: update_order

        $('#context-form #context_name').focus();

var FeedsPage = {
    setup_behavior: function() {
        /* TODO: blocking of dropdown */
            FeedsPage.get_script_for_context("#feeds-for-context", "get_feeds_for_context", this.value );
            FeedsPage.get_script_for_project("#feeds-for-project", "get_feeds_for_project", this.value );
    get_script_for_context: function(element, getter, context){
        generic_get_script_for_list(element, "feedlist/"+getter, "context_id="+context);
    get_script_for_project: function(element, getter, project){
        generic_get_script_for_list(element, "feedlist/"+getter, "project_id="+project);

var NotesPage = {
    setup_behavior: function() {
        /* Add note */
        $(document).on("click",".add_note_link a", function(){

        /* delete button for note */
        $(document).on("click",'a.delete_note_button', function(){
            var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
                delete_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.project_notes'));
            return false;

        /* edit button for note */
        $(document).on("click",'a.note_edit_settings', function(){
            var dom_id =;
            $('#edit_form_'+dom_id+' textarea').focus();
            return false;

        /* cancel button when editing a note */
        $(document).on("click",'.edit-note-form a.negative', function(){
            var dom_id =;
            /* dom_id == 'note_XX' on notes page and just 'note' on project page */
            if (dom_id === 'note') {
            } else {
            return false;

        /* update button when editing a note */
        $(document).on("click","form.edit-note-form button.positive", function(evt) {
            submit_with_ajax_and_block_element($(this).parents('form.edit-note-form'), $(this));
            return false;

var RecurringTodosPage = {
    hide_all_recurring: function () {
        $.each(['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly'], function(){
    hide_all_edit_recurring: function () {
        $.each(['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly'], function(){
    reset_radio: function () {
      $('input:radio[name="recurring_todo[recurring_period]"]')[0].checked = true;
    toggle_overlay: function () {
        var overlay_element = document.getElementById("overlay"); = ( === "visible") ? "hidden" : "visible";
    setup_behavior: function() {
      /* add new recurring todo plus-button in sidebar */
      $(document).on("click","#add-new-recurring-todo", function(){
        $( "#new-recurring-todo" ).dialog( "open" );

      /* setup dialog for new recurring action */
      $( "#new-recurring-todo" ).dialog({
        autoOpen: false,
        height: 690,
        width: 750,
        position: { my: 'top', at: 'bottom+10', of: 'nav', collision: 'none' },
        modal: true,
        buttons: {
          create: {
            text: i18n['common.create'],
            click: function() { submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form#recurring-todo-form-new-action', $(this).parents(".ui-dialog")); },
          cancel: {
            text: i18n['common.cancel'],
            click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); }
        show: "fade",
        hide: "fade",
        close: function() {
          $('#recurring-todo-form-new-action input:text:first').focus();
        closeText: 'X',
        appendTo: "#content"

      /* change recurring period radio input on new form */
      $(document).on("click","#recurring_period input", function(){

      /* setup dialog for new recurring action */
      $( "#edit-recurring-todo" ).dialog({
        autoOpen: false,
        height: 690,
        width: 750,
        position: { my: 'top', at: 'bottom+10', of: 'nav', collision: 'none' },
        modal: true,
        buttons: {
          "Update": {
            text: i18n['common.update'],
            id: 'recurring_todo_edit_update_button',
            click: function() { submit_with_ajax_and_block_element('form#recurring-todo-form-edit-action', $(this).parents(".ui-dialog")); }
          cancel: {
            text: i18n['common.cancel'],
            click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); }
        show: "fade",
        hide: "fade",
        close: function() {
          $('#recurring-todo-form-edit-action input:text:first').focus();
        appendTo: "#content"

      /* change recurring period radio input on edit form */
      $(document).on("click","#recurring_edit_period input", function(){

      /* set behavior for edit recurring todo */
      $(document).on("click",".item-container a.edit_icon", function(evt){
          get_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents(".item-container"));
          return false;

      /* delete button to delete a todo from the list */
      $(document).on("click",'.item-container a.delete_icon', function(evt){
          var confirm_message = $(this).attr("x_confirm_message");
              delete_with_ajax_and_block_element(this.href, $(this).parents('.project'));
          return false;


/* generic Tracks functions           */

function redirect_to(path) {
    window.location.href = path;

function refresh_page() {

function setup_auto_refresh(interval){
    field_touched = false;
    function refresh_page() {
    setTimeout(refresh_page, interval);
        $(document).on("keydown","input", function(){
            field_touched = true;

function split( val ) {
    return val.split( /,\s*/ );
function extractLast( term ) {
    return split( term ).pop();

$.fn.clearForm = function() {
    return this.each(function() {
        var type = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
        if (tag === 'form') {
          return $(':input',this).clearForm();
        if (type === 'text' || type === 'password' || tag === 'textarea') {
          this.value = '';
        } else if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') {
          this.checked = false;
        } else if (tag === 'select') {
          this.selectedIndex = -1;

$.fn.clearDeps = function() {
    $('ul#predecessor_ul', this).hide();
    $('ul#predecessor_ul', this).html("");

/* Tracks AJAX functions              */

function generic_get_script_for_list(element, getter, param){

function default_ajax_options_for_submit(ajax_type, element_to_block) {
    // the complete is not a function but an array so you can push other
    // functions that will be executed after the ajax call completes

    var options = {
        type: ajax_type,
        async: true,
        block_element: element_to_block,
        data: {_source_view: SOURCE_VIEW, _group_view_by: GROUP_VIEW_BY},
        beforeSend: function() {
            if (this.block_element) {
                    message: null
        complete: [function() {
            if (this.block_element) {
            // delay a bit to wait for animations to finish
            }, 500);
        error: function(req, status) {
            TracksPages.page_notify('error', i18n['common.ajaxError']+': '+status, 8);
    if(typeof(TAG_NAME) !== 'undefined') {["_tag_name"] = TAG_NAME;
    return options;

function default_ajax_options_for_scripts(ajax_type, the_url, element_to_block) {
    var options = default_ajax_options_for_submit(ajax_type, element_to_block);
    options.url = the_url;
    options.dataType = 'script';
    return options;

function submit_with_ajax_and_block_element(form, element_to_block) {
    var options = default_ajax_options_for_submit('POST', element_to_block);
    options.dataType = 'script';

function get_with_ajax_and_block_element(the_url, element_to_block) {
    $.ajax(default_ajax_options_for_scripts('GET', the_url, element_to_block));

function post_with_ajax_and_block_element(the_url, element_to_block) {
    $.ajax(default_ajax_options_for_scripts('POST', the_url, element_to_block));

function put_with_ajax_and_block_element(the_url, element_to_block) {
    var options = default_ajax_options_for_scripts('POST', the_url, element_to_block);["_method"] = "put";

function delete_with_ajax_and_block_element(the_url, element_to_block) {
    $.ajax(default_ajax_options_for_scripts('DELETE', the_url, element_to_block));

$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, request, settings) {
    /* Set up authenticity token properly */
    if ( settings.type === 'POST' || settings.type === 'post' ) {
        if(typeof(AUTH_TOKEN) !== 'undefined'){
  ["authenticity_token"] = AUTH_TOKEN;
  ["_source_view"] = SOURCE_VIEW;
        } else {
  ["_source_view"] = SOURCE_VIEW;
        request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    request.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'));
    request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript");

function setup_periodic_check(url_for_check, interval_in_sec, method) {
            var settings = default_ajax_options_for_scripts( method ? method : "GET", url_for_check, null);
            if(typeof(AUTH_TOKEN) !== 'undefined'){
      ["authenticity_token"] = AUTH_TOKEN;

function update_order(event, ui){
    var container = $(ui.item).parent();
    var row = $(ui.item).children('.sortable_row');

    var url = '';
    if(row.hasClass('context')) {
        url = relative_to_root('contexts/order');
    } else if(row.hasClass('project')) {
        url = relative_to_root('projects/order');
    } else {
        console.log("Bad sortable list");
            row.effect('highlight', {}, 1000);

function set_defaults(defaults, field, input_name) {
  if(defaults[field.val()] !== undefined) {
    var input = field.parents("form").find('input[name='+input_name+']');
    if(input.attr('edited') === undefined) {

function project_defaults(){
    // don't change the context
    // see ticket #934
    } else {
      set_defaults(defaultContexts, $(this), 'context_name');
    set_defaults(defaultTags, $(this), 'tag_list')

function enable_rich_interaction(){
    // called after completion of all AJAX calls


    /* have to bind on keypress because of limitations of live() */
    $(document).on("keypress",'input[name=project_name]', function() {
        $(this).bind('blur', project_defaults);
    $(document).on("keypress",'input[name=context_name]', function() {
        $(this).attr('edited', 'true');
    $(document).on("keypress",'input[name=tag_list]', function() {
        $(this).attr('edited', 'true');

    /* Reset auto updater */
    field_touched = false;

    /* shrink the notes on the project pages. This is not live(), so this needs
     * to be run after ajax adding of a new note */
        max_length: 90,
        more: '',
        less: ''

$(document).ready(function() {


    /* enable page specific behavior */
    $([ 'PreferencesPage', 'NotesPage', 'ProjectListPage', 'ContextListPage',
        'FeedsPage', 'RecurringTodosPage', 'TodoItems', 'TracksPages',
        'TracksForm', 'UsersPage' ]).each(function() {

    /* Gets called from all AJAX callbacks, too */