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Test Coverage
<%= render :partial => 'time_to_complete', :locals => {:ttc => actions.ttc} -%>
options = {
  width: "400px",
  height: "400px",
  plugins: {
    colorschemes: {
      scheme: 'brewer.Paired12',
<p><%= t('stats.actions_actions_avg_created_30days', :count => (actions.created_last30days*10.0/30.0).round/10.0 )%>
<%= t('stats.actions_avg_completed_30days', :count => (actions.done_last30days*10.0/30.0).round/10.0 )%>
<%= t('stats.actions_avg_created', :count => (actions.created_last12months*10.0/12.0).round/10.0 )%>
<%= t('stats.actions_avg_completed', :count => (actions.done_last12months*10.0/12.0).round/10.0 )%></p>

<%= bar_chart actions.done_last30days_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.legend.number_of_days')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.legend.number_of_actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.actions_30days_title')},
}) %>

<%= bar_chart actions.done_last12months_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.legend.months_ago')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.legend.number_of_actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.actions_lastyear_title')},
  'onClick': 'function() { window.location.href = "' + url_for(:controller => 'stats', :action => 'actions_done_last_years') + '"; }',
  }) %>

# TODO: There should be separate scales for percentage and amount of tasks so that the max of both is in the top of the chart, ie. the left y-axis should be "Percentage".
<%= bar_chart actions.completion_time_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.legend.running_time')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.legend.actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.action_completion_time_title')}}) %>

<br style="clear:both">

# TODO: There should be separate scales for percentage and amount of tasks so that the max of both is in the top of the chart, ie. the left y-axis should be "Percentage".
<%= bar_chart actions.visible_running_time_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.running_time_legend.weeks')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.running_time_legend.actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.current_running_time_of_incomplete_visible_actions')},
  'onClick': 'function(event, array) { window.location.href = "' + url_for(:controller => 'stats', :action => 'show_selected_actions_from_chart', :id => "avrt") + '?index=" + array[0]._index; }',
}) %>

# TODO: There should be separate scales for percentage and amount of tasks so that the max of both is in the top of the chart, ie. the left y-axis should be "Percentage".
<%= bar_chart actions.running_time_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.running_time_all_legend.running_time')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.running_time_all_legend.actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.running_time_all')},
  'onClick': 'function(event, array) { window.location.href = "' + url_for(:controller => 'stats', :action => 'show_selected_actions_from_chart', :id => "art") + '?index=" + array[0]._index; }',
}) %>

<br style="clear:both">

<%= bar_chart actions.open_per_week_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.open_per_week_legend.weeks')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.open_per_week_legend.actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.open_per_week')}}) %>

<%= bar_chart actions.day_of_week_all_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.actions_day_of_week_legend.day_of_week')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.actions_day_of_week_legend.number_of_actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.actions_day_of_week_title')}}) %>

<%= bar_chart actions.day_of_week_30days_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.actions_dow_30days_legend.day_of_week')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.actions_dow_30days_legend.number_of_actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.actions_dow_30days_title')}}) %>

<br style="clear:both">

<%= bar_chart actions.time_of_day_all_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.time_of_day_legend.time_of_day')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.time_of_day_legend.number_of_actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.time_of_day')}}) %>

<%= bar_chart actions.time_of_day_30days_data, options.merge({
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.tod30_legend.time_of_day')}}],
    yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: t('stats.tod30_legend.number_of_actions')}}],
  'title': {'display': true, 'text': t('stats.tod30')}}) %>